Thursday, July 2, 2015

Philippians of 'Building A Christian Civilization BookBrick by BookBrick'

Philippians of ‘Building a Christian Civilization BookBrick by BookBrick

Since somehow Yahoo! has blocked me from initiating a thread, I'll report on 'What's Really Happening?' on the is 'What's Really Happening?' thread, and I will try not to hijack other threads.


I'm going through Jim's 49-book Bible, from 'Rethinking the Order of the Old Testament' in two ways.  The key one is backward, yes, backward, and 'retuned'.  1234567 becomes 4152637 (3 and 2 are not quite there)--this from JBJ's exegesis of Revelation 5:12 and 7:12 in his audios on Revelation.  THEN is it re-retuned, and adjusted, for we are shown more changes than the retuning in Revelation--instruments, singing not only saying, something about the use of 'the'.

Thus, I do 8531642.

Anyway, last week was Romans, and the AHA!/Call I'm using is the 'from him, and through him, and to him....' material.  I added to that the 102 'and' words in Gen. 1:1-2:3 (Bullinger, I get 99), and I suggest as a response that someone 'family' oriented (I'm thinking of a kinist on social media) assign each family the LONG-TERM study and application, the stewardship of the neighborhood/pericope covered by one 'and' area of creation, and what develops from that.

What then for Philippians?  Joy, it seems to me, is one key.  The New Bible Commentary counts 16 'joys,' and this is a significant literary device.  Joy despite imprisonment.  How could this be manifested?  Perhaps, Where You Work: The Musical.  Your LIfe: The Musical.  Be part of the Carmen Humanem. 

And, taking the notes of the first part of 'Joy to the World,' which notes descend the scale, as Jesus descended I'd say (?), we can do some kind of retuning in the next verses to 4152647 and then 8531642 (I use 8 instead of 7 because I include earth, not just the 'planets'.

Before I write/compose something, would some musician like a commission?

Love in King Jesus,

Charlie 'TwentySix Four' Hartman

Philippians is the Joshua of Joshua!  That is, in this 7x7 grid, the sixth iteration of the sixth book. Could this be a kind of quintessence, a fifth element to go with earth, air, fire, and water?

Next week, Philippians in Building A Christian Civilization, a Facebook Page that I can't tag at this time.  A summary of how this 153Culture fits into my work is here:;postID=6322249515141632885;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=1;src=postname
This link above was not what I intended. Google and Facebook would not let me post it in the body of the post, so I posted it in the comments on Facebook.

What I do is attempt to get the gist, the Spirit, the geist, the AHA! from each book of the Jubilee Matrix Bible and build on that unto action.  As Rosenstock says, '...incarnation...'

Over the years, we'll move in Rosenstock's categories through imperative, subjective, narrative, objective, unto planetary service.  Maturtionally, in Redemptive History, in Holy War against the devil and his angels ('The devil is God's devil': Luther)

See 'Rethinking the Order of the Old Testament' on Biblical Horizons for the 49 books.

Love in King Jesus,

Charlie 'TwentySix Four' Charles Howard Hartman

PS: Here we act on our own presuppositions, elsewhere is the place for showing the other the folly of his/her presuppositions.

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