Sunday, June 30, 2024

Singing Galatians

 Host A 3 Singing Galatians


From the end.


Z—4 glorifications

Y—Aaronic Blessing

X—Spirit in flash, that is the new creation.

      Be Pauls to Peters.

      Spirit in flesh, that is the new creation.

      Societies are inevitable, inescapably organized by purity, holiness, and sacrifice.

W—Purim---Go out. Matthew 28—Great Commission

        Tabernacles—We’ve been thoroughly furnished

        Atonement—Test hypothesis unto theory.

        Trumpets—Announce hypothesis.

        Pentecost—Information. Others’ writing, own thinking and experiments

        First Fruits—Don’t know, can figure it out

        Passover—Apple falls, into new

This is also science and history—see handout. Feasts are Liturgy.

V—Singing Book of Week—Galatians

        Arrange Paul’s 10 Commandments ABCDE, 5 rows, and E’D’C’B’A’ (said or sung p. 226 of Leithart’s ‘Delivered From The Elements of the World’

        Center is Be Pauls to Peters.  Spirit in flesh, that is the new creation. Societies are inevitable,    inescapably organized by purity, holiness, and sacrifice.

     March out ABCDE the Center then E’D’C’B’A’, toward back, left through Table, back down around through Lights, toward where started, sitting as ABCDE (center/pastor stands) E’D’C’B’A’. Around assembled redeemed as micro of redeemed world-to be macro.



4 glorifications: Aaronic blessing (glorified beings), gloriified time (candles extinguished, night to day), glorified speech (singing at end), glorified actors (leave through altar—yes it’s flipped)

Bullinger’s structure of Galatians is too difficult for me right now, so I used Dr. Leithart’s book.





 Host A 3 Singing Galatians


From the end.


Z—4 glorifications

Y—Aaronic Blessing

X—Spirit in flash, that is the new creation.

      Be Pauls to Peters.

      Spirit in flesh, that is the new creation.

      Societies are inevitable, inescapably organized by purity, holiness, and sacrifice.

W—Purim---Go out. Matthew 28—Great Commission

        Tabernacles—We’ve been thoroughly furnished

        Atonement—Test hypothesis unto theory.

        Trumpets—Announce hypothesis.

        Pentecost—Information. Others’ writing, own thinking and experiments

        First Fruits—Don’t know, can figure it out

        Passover—Apple falls, into new

This is also science and history—see handout. Feasts are Liturgy.

V—Singing Book of Week—Galatians

        Arrange Paul’s 10 Commandments ABCDE, 5 rows, and E’D’C’B’A’ (said or sung p. 226 of Leithart’s ‘Delivered From The Elements of the World’

        Center is Be Pauls to Peters.  Spirit in flesh, that is the new creation. Societies are inevitable,    inescapably organized by purity, holiness, and sacrifice.

     March out ABCDE the Center then E’D’C’B’A’, toward back, left through Table, back down around through Lights, toward where started, sitting as ABCDE (center/pastor stands) E’D’C’B’A’. Around assembled redeemed as micro of redeemed world-to be macro.



4 glorifications: Aaronic blessing (glorified beings), gloriified time (candles extinguished, night to day), glorified speech (singing at end), glorified actors (leave through altar—yes it’s flipped)

Bullinger’s structure of Galatians is too difficult for me right now, so I used Dr. Leithart’s book.





 Host A 3 Singing Galatians


From the end.


Z—4 glorifications

Y—Aaronic Blessing

X—Spirit in flash, that is the new creation.

      Be Pauls to Peters.

      Spirit in flesh, that is the new creation.

      Societies are inevitable, inescapably organized by purity, holiness, and sacrifice.

W—Purim---Go out. Matthew 28—Great Commission

        Tabernacles—We’ve been thoroughly furnished

        Atonement—Test hypothesis unto theory.

        Trumpets—Announce hypothesis.

        Pentecost—Information. Others’ writing, own thinking and experiments

        First Fruits—Don’t know, can figure it out

        Passover—Apple falls, into new

This is also science and history—see handout. Feasts are Liturgy.

V—Singing Book of Week—Galatians

        Arrange Paul’s 10 Commandments ABCDE, 5 rows, and E’D’C’B’A’ (said or sung p. 226 of Leithart’s ‘Delivered From The Elements of the World’

        Center is Be Pauls to Peters.  Spirit in flesh, that is the new creation. Societies are inevitable,    inescapably organized by purity, holiness, and sacrifice.

     March out ABCDE the Center then E’D’C’B’A’, toward back, left through Table, back down around through Lights, toward where started, sitting as ABCDE (center/pastor stands) E’D’C’B’A’. Around assembled redeemed as micro of redeemed world-to be macro.



4 glorifications: Aaronic blessing (glorified beings), glorified time (candles extinguished, night to day), glorified speech (singing at end), glorified actors (leave through altar—yes it’s flipped)

Bullinger’s structure of Galatians is too difficult for me right now, so I used Dr. Leithart’s book.






























Monday, June 24, 2024

13 June 30 2024

 13 June 30 2024


OK, 12 have gone by (of 42). 144 each = 2282 B. C.


What was happening then?

Saturday, June 22, 2024

To Patheos

 You should hire me. Soon my book(let), a 3 generation project, will be epublished on many platforms. In addition to the 'book a week' and 'liturgy/science/feasts/history through the year, I'll be instructing o how to sing each book, and working on history as Beatific Harmony (a theodicy effort--wery tough!, and, of courses, the 12 small enthusiastic groups (etymology!) of 'The Next Thousand Years A Prayer'. Who else is looking that far? (Medieval cathedrals had budgets for 1000 years, says Berman in 'Law and Revolution'. ChuchkHartmanHistoryConductor

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Science is Liturgy is History is Feasts

 Science is Liturgy is History is Feasts


Apple falls, 2. Passover, 3. Entry into a new situation, 4. Enter into church (Call) Song/hymn

Public Vindication ‘That’s strange’ Don’t know…yet. 2. First Fruits, 3. Arise, life from death, 4. Can hear (A. D. 70, Red Sea, Confession and Absolution—Cleanse)

TBOTMOFA Research, read others, contemplate 2. Pentecost, 3. New info, 4. Unto hypothesis

Sermon, 2. Trumpets, 3. Continue new info, 4. Continue (Sinai, Conversion of Constantine, Consecrate)

Totus Christus Testing, 2. Atonement, 3. Theory emerges, 4. When partake rightly (Conquest of Promised land, Conversion of Iceland, Communion)

--Song of each book, march through tabernacle--

        Exit, 2. Purim, as leader recaps feasts, 3. For the life of the world, 4. Leave assembly, taking with (Commission)

Three things, four as leave with Gospel—Aaronic blessing, night to day as candles extinguished, amening Creation, through Altar as future in Rosenstock’s tribal four, having sung a hymn

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Good of City: Stuart, Pella

 Good of City: Stuart, Pella

1--New technology destroys old groups, increases space over which work, decreases time it take to do something: Rosenstock
2--Kunstler, end of oil, deranged politics.
3--Transportation, Food, Energy, Community
4--Stuart has railroad and I-80, Pella has railroad near and capability of building road.
5--Both are in great farmland, Pella has greenhouses.
6--Pella has hydroelectric from Red Rock, Stuart has windmills.
7--Pella has community into which I don't fit, Stuart I may fit in.
8--Must have ability to do it without large sums of money--duplicatable.
9--Pella could do Tulip Time Tokens. Stuart better at Wooden Nickel Highway. Schtuart pocket billiards.
10--Convince leaders in Pella.
11--In Stuart, American History in public high school with community leaders once a week.
12--Microgrids for both.
13--2 years and Louise won't move for high school deal--pay teacher?
14--Make the money.
15--Stuart: Portable Farms
16--Both: Backyard Gardens. (Difficult, 5-6 acres in Louise's church, no fruit trees, etc).
17--What to do NOW.

Friday, June 7, 2024

From 2016 forms of music


Good first half-day back to work
I don't feel tired. Everyone was glad to see me.
137/76-57 (average of 3) when I got home.
Louise drove in and back.
I had a thought that in 'The Symphony' the short arias/solos developed by each player might be a form of speech called 'Imperative Poetry'. An example would be the acrostics in the first chapters of Lamentations as practicing scales, and then the 22 NON-ACROSTIC as a tune. This would be akin (maybe inside out) to the song in the Bible that summarizes a covenant era (Song of the Red Sea, e. g.) as Jordan writes in 'Covenant Sequence in Leviticus and Deuteronomy'.
I do a variation of the medieval monk's 'Work and pray' as 'Worth and Think,' for thinking is thanking. Now that I'm back in that environment, I think more.
Love in King Jesus,
PS: Add two form of speech (instruments and dancing motes) from Vance 'Moon Moth'

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Heaven and NDEs and hynagogia

 Yes. I find that I 'write' things between sleeping and waking. Quality Time. hypnagogia Edison held weights which were released as he fell asleep and thus hypnagogia--ideas !

You mentioned heaven and NDEs.
Here are some things I’ve been reading that our helpful, but the big thing is how these are integrated into the Biblical framework.
1—Dinesh d’Sousa has a good book, comprehensive, from many fields.
2—Randy Alcorn’s books are wise and comforting.
3—Of course, Jordan’s ‘Through New Eyes’ and other works are necessary.
4—Howard Bloom’s ‘God Problem’ is good, given his assumptions, which are wrong. He basically does the whole Big Bang (name suggested by Hoyle as a joke) and hold that there are two ‘forces’ in all of ‘nature’—explorers and consolidators. The easiest way to think of this is to remember the bees. Bloom thinks, and writes, that these two forces are from the smallest sub-atomic particles, to the largest galaxies and more, including societies. His ‘Genius of the Beast’ is more historical/sociological.
5—But the key works I’m considering RECENTLY ARE BY Dr. Eben Alexander, neurosurgeon.
Alexander had a 7-day coma. His brain (neocortex) was attacked (a form of meningitis). He was not thought to be able to survive, But during that time, he had an experience. He was guided by a beautiful woman, and approached to core of existence, Love.
Only AFTER he awoke and was shone her picture did he realize that his guide was his sister, whom he had never known.
Now he uses his training to investigate, Books I’ve read are ‘Proof of Heaven’ and ‘Living in a Mindful Universe’ Key conclusions are that materialism is false when it claims that the brain produces the mind, and that the brain is a filter.
6—How are we going to fit this into a Biblical framework? a—The history of science is the history of discovering new things in a universe ordered by The Omnipotent Trinity. The word ‘scientist’ was invented/coined in the 19th century, ‘theology’ in the 12th.
b—We need to get ‘their’ hearts right. We need to work on ‘their’ will. Matthew 13:13-15 KJV - Therefore speak I to them in parables ...
13 Therefore speak I to them in parables: because they seeing see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand. 14 And in them is fulfilled the prophecy of Esaias, which saith, By hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand; and seeing ye shall see, and shall not perceive: 15 For this people's heart is waxed gross, and their
c—We have the time. North has said that the attractiveness of 15+ billion years is that there is an equivalent time left to avoid the judgment. C—But the immanent judgment is also immanent. (That’s why I work on Beatific Harmony—singing God’s songs after Him, as we think His thoughts after Him. Why, in the Axial Age, when Israel was in exile, did God raise up Greek philosophy, Buddhism, and Confucius? So we could take care of them later, as we redeemed wage Holy War for our maturity. One such effort will be ‘God’s Promise to the Chinese’ which shows that early ideographs told Genesis.
d—Another such effort is ‘The Forgotten Heavens’. These 6 essays on cosmology, from Moscow, Idaho, show things we don’t usually think of, as a plaque is ereceted by the Coast and Geodetic Survey, honoring the man who got them to map ‘the pathways of the sea’ (ocean currents) from reading his Bible.
7—There’s more.
8—Much more.

Sunday, June 2, 2024

How'd we get to Romans June 16?

 How'd we get to Romans June 16?

1--Take Jim Jordan's 49-book Bible. (Jubilee Bible?)
2--Remember that Jesus retuned to universe at Ascension, Rev. 5:12-7:12 (JBJ Revelation commentary)
a--1234567 becomes 4152637 by circle of fifths-like action.
b--A mystery--why 2 and 3 exchanges.
c--Name of days of the week via distance from earth; Sun = 4, Moon = 1, etc.
3--What about Pentecost and A. D. 70 as Days?
4--Yes, 4152637 becomes 2461357 and is flipped ('...have turned toe world upside down') AND MADE ESCHATOLOGICAL BY MELDING 8 AND 7, thus 8531642
5--Then, in homage to Rosenstock, whose 'Out of Revolution' treats the revolutions backward, we also go backward.
6--Thus we go from Hebrews to Exodus.
7--So, Romans. The key concept per Bullinger (use others, I blaze the trail , others will do better) is _____.Sing it per previous posts. In liturgy, we are near Public Vindication. Our response (priest copies, king adapts, prophet speaks new) is per history and future (God sings the whole, we are to sing after Him). The small enthusiastic groups of the next 1000 years is as far as I've been able to hear.
8--This is a supplement ot Church Year, Lectionary, etc. It is not a replacement.  Mush work needs to be done.

Chuck Hartman

Stuart Wooden Nickel Highway

 Stuart Wooden Nickel Highway

1--Towns used to pave roads into them to encourage tourists.
2--I see Wooden Nickels as doing something similar.
3--Spread them out on 1-80 to start, in Iowa.
4--They'd have a link To 'SIWNH' website and a map, 4 miles west of Des Moines.
5--Website would have 'deals'. FREE things. (I've read that McDonald's spends $1.91 to get someone into their drive-thru, gas stations might give a free small soft drink, etc.)
6- Profit for deals offerers and websit maintainers/wooden nickel buyers & distributers could be figured out.
7--Website could include ads, etc. for regular on line sellers from Stuart.
8--The whole could be used by other towns, maybe as franchisses.

Chuck Hartman