Saturday, March 4, 2017

History of Peace: Land, Skills, Markets, Missions, Mobys

Dear Gentle Ones:

History of Peace: Land, Skills, Markets, Missions, Mobys

We start out with a narrative from Rosenstock at Dartmouth.

After the Fall of Rome, the warring tribes were not kept apart by Rome anymore, but only by natural features, such as forests.
Then hermits moved into the forests--this is an example.
Monks cleared the land.
to the cleared land came peasants. The monks had knowlege of great importance--when to plant.
What to do about the tribes, now undeterredby the natural barrier of forests?
'No fighting during Lent,' said the monks. No fighting from, say, Friday night until Monday morning. (This is something like it).

These eventuated in the Truce ofGod, mutual oath-taking. Later, Berman wrote, cities were formed similarly. @ 12th Century.

It took time.

In the meantime, the invention of the horse collar made 10x the freight possible. Knights, one of the functins was protecting this traffic. It too 153 (I DO remember  that number) skills to armor a knight.

Later, there were a couple centuries of similarly organizing markets--not much said about that.

Mission have been successful. Africa from 10% Christian @ 1900, to +46% now (Jenkins). AndDevid Fields' work on evangelical defeatism being unbiblical. add North's 'Beating the State'. In North India one man started 80,000 churches in 15 years, churches. China may become the world's largest Christian nation. Searh Zambia Christian nation on YouTube.

A 'Moby' is an art owrk, a cultural artifact that is influenced by a book of the Bible, thus Leviticus for 'Moby Dick'.

When we have 7 types of Mobys for each of the JBJ 49-book Bible books, we will be on our way to a 'benne esse'.

Love in King Jesue,

Charlie 'Moby' Hartman

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