Sunday, November 27, 2016

Temporary Deterioration

I'm watching myself deteriorate, in some ways, temporarily. It is very difficult for me to take on new things. A break in the routine is difficult--for example, getting up at a different time, going to a different place. My b/p and various tests such and blood and for heavy metals are good. I'm walking better, though my left knew remains week. I'm in good medical care as 'The Patient as CEO'. But I've temporarily decided to work more overtime and holidays and use the money to pay people to write things for me, such as a manual (10-20 pages) of The Symphony, maybe YouTube videos of various Christian Court TV attempts (see later), and summaries of my 5 ERH-like steps in spreading The Revolutions of the West world-wide. Fear not. I think this is a transition. Maybe Providence wants me to camp here for a while.

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