Wednesday, May 30, 2012

A Partial, But Practical Psalm O Day

I tried to write the Psalms on the year, twice--a 'lining out'/exact repeat.
This is an example of some of them, and it has the 22 'breaks/'Selahs'.  This would have to be modified by the information in the article from 1864 (1) sold by Biblical Horizons.  That article claims that 'selah' is an acronym for 'sing the first part again'.

I'll try to get the whole tattooing later.  It is somewhere in Hose Ueberfolder.


January 2008





















Week 42

Psalm 88
Doxology 89:52
Psalm 89

Doxology 89:52 
Psalm 90

Doxology 106:48 
Break 9 of 22

Psalm 91
Doxology 106:48
Break 10 of 22

Psalm 92
Doxology 106;48
 27  Weeks 43-46
Anselm Time

Break 11 of 22
Psalm 96 Dx 106:48
Ps. 100 Dx. 106:48
Break 18 of 22

 28 EAT

Ps. 93, Dx. 106:48
Break 15 of 22
Ps. 101, Dx. 106:48
Ps. 107, Dx. 150:6 
 29 E.A.T.

 Break 12 of 22
Ps. 97, Dx. 106:48
Ps. 102, Dx. 106:48
Ps. 108, Dx. 106:48
 30 EAT

 Ps. 94, Dx. 106:48
Break 16 of 22
Ps. 103, Dx. 106:48
Ps. 109, Dx. 150:6
 31 E. A. T.

 Break 13 of 22
Ps. 98, Dx. 106:48
Ps. 104, Dx. 106:48
Ps. 110, Dx. 150:6







        Printable Calendars

February 2008
 1 EAT
Ps. 95, Dx. 106:48
Break 17 of 22
Ps. 105, Dx. 106:48
Ps. 111, Dx. 150:6 
 2 E.A.T.
 Break 14 of 22
Ps. 99, Dx. 106.48
Ps. 106, Dx. 106:48
Ps. 112, Dx. 150:6
 3 Week 47
Ps. 113, Dx. 150:6 
 Ps. 114, Dx. 150.6
Ps. 115, Dx. 150:6 
 Ps. 116, Dx. 150:6
Ps. 117, Dx. 150:6 
 Ps. 118, Dx. 150:6
 Ps. 119, Dx. 150:6
 10 Week 48
Break 19 of 22 
Ps. 120, Dx. 150:6 
Break 20 of 22
Ps. 121, Dx.150:6
Ps. 122, Dx. 150:6 
Ps. 123, Dx. 150:6
Ps. 124, Dx. 150:6
 17 Week 49
 Ps. 125, Dx. 150:6
Ps. 126, Dx. 150:6 
Ps. 127, Dx. 150:6 
 Ps. 128, Dx. 150:6
 Ps. 129, Dx. 150:6
 Ps. 130, Dx. 150:6
 Ps. 131, Dx. 150:6
 24 Week 50
Ps. 132, Dx. 150:6 
Ps. 133, Dx. 150:6 
Ps. 134, Dx. 150:6 
Ps. 135, Dx. 150:6 
Ps. 136, Dx. 150:6 
Break 21 of 22 

      Printable Calendars

March 2008






Ps. 137, Dx. 150:6
 2 Week 51
Break 22 of 22

Ps. 138, Dx. 150:6

Ps. 139, Dx. 150.6

Ps. 140, Dx. 150:6

Ps. 141, Dx. 150:6

Ps. 142, Dx. 150.6

Ps. 143, Dx. 150.6

 9 Week 52
Ps. 144, Dx. 150:6

Ps. 145, Dx. 150:6

Ps. 146, Dx. 150:6

Ps. 147, Dx. 150:6

Ps. 148, Dx. 150:6

Ps. 149, Dx. 150:6

Ps. 150, Dx. 150:6

 16 Week 53
Structure of
Book of

Structure of
Book 1,
Structure of
Book 2,
Structure of
Book 3,
Psalms 73-89*
Structure of
Book 4,
Psalms 90-106*
Structure of
Book 5,
Psalms 107-150*
Structure of
Book of

 23 Week 1 Pascha/
Structure of
Book of

Structure of
Book 1,
Structure of
Book 2,
Structure of
Book 3,
Psalms 73-89*
Structure of
Book 4,
Psalms 90-106*
Structure of
Book 5,
Psalms 107-150*

Structure of
Book of

 30 Week 2
Psalm 1, Dx. 41:13

Ps. 2, Doxology 41:13



        Printable Calendars

April 2008



Break 1 of 22

Ps. 3, Dx. 41:13 

Ps. 4, Dx. 41:13 

Ps. 5, Dx. 41:13 

Ps. 6, Dx. 41:13 
 6 Week 3

Ps. 7, Dx. 41:13 

Ps. 8, Dx. 41:13


Psalms 9 and 10 are one Psalm, Doxology Psalm 41:13 

Ps. 11, Dx. 41:13 

 Ps. 12, Dx. 41:13

Ps. 13, Dx. 41:13 

Ps. 14, Dx. 41:13 
 13 Week 4

Ps. 15, Dx. 41:13 

Ps. 16, Dx. 41:13 

Ps. 17, Dx. 41:13 

Ps. 18, Dx. 41:13 

Ps. 19, Dx. 41:13 

 Ps. 20, Dx. 41:13

 Ps. 21, Dx. 41:13
 20 Week 5

Ps. 22, Dx. 41:13 

Break 2 of 22 

Ps. 23,  Dx. 41:13 

Ps. 24, Dx. 41:13 

Ps. 25, Dx. 41:13 

 Ps. 26, Dx. 41:13

Ps. 27, Dx. 41:13 
 27 Week 6

Ps. 28, Dx. 41:13 

Ps. 29, Dx. 41:13 

 Ps. 30, Dx. 41:13









        Printable Calendars

This will get us started.

© A. D. 2008 by Charles Howard Hartman, 1404 Broadway, Pella, IA, 50219. For more on this work see

Based on the work of James B. Jordan at, especially his Psalms Conference lectures. JBJ’s commentary on the Psalms in detail, sent monthly to dmonthly donors, is in its 3rd year, up to around Ps. 30 or so.

Much Jordan material may also be purchased at

Use this freely within the church, non-commercially. This is in accord with a general policy of Biblical Horizons, assuming that neither Dr. Jordan and/or Biblical Horizons objects. My ‘theological work’ is to go to Biblical Horizons, its heirs or assigns, upon my death, as of this date, unless I note otherwise. furnished the outlines of the months above.

What I have done is to make an easier way to study the Psalms, the Bible in miniature, and to get them ‘into our bones.’.  I have written them on the year.  Above is the calendar type most used in these USA.  A better calendar is at the address, SuperCalendarHOST, aka House O Singing Times.  There is ‘rhyme’ 30 covenant sequences. They are put onto a 7x7=49 grid, symbolizing Luke 4:4, and many other things.

I highly recommend the work of Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy, especially on calendars. A DVD of his written works can be obtained at  His ‘Time Bettering Days’ and the transcripts of Universal History 1957, Cross of Reality 1953, and Circulation of Thought 1954 are especially recommended. 

Here is a quote from the Clint Gardner page, linked at

"The history of the human race is written on a single theme: How does love become stronger than death? The composition is recomposed in each generation by those whose love overcomes murdering or dying. So history becomes a great song, Augustine's Carmen Humanum. As often as the lines rhyme, love has once again become stronger than death. This rhyming, this connecting, is men's function on earth. But that this is our function we have only known since the birth of Christ." - Sociology II, p. 759

The 22
These are the days, inclusive, from Pentecost through the first day of Public Vindication.  In them, we compress the 22 ‘breaks’ in the Psalms O Day into this short period.  Symbolically, we are echoing that this period leading up to Public Vindication in A. D. 70 by the destruction of the Temple/City of Jerusalem shows that Revelation (almost all describing this time) is summational of the whole Bible, has preterist, futurist, idealist, and historicist elements, shows transformation (attributes of Christ to the Bride adorned), liturgy, and teaches us Symbol, the Language.
Most importantly, Revelation and the time it depicts here is typological of the time from A. D. 70 to the Great Day.
I attempt to write Revelation in holiday weeks onto the year, Celebration O Resurrection Anno Mundi to Coram.

The 22
THE 22 [for ‘breaks’ in Psalms, and Pentecost (day 50) through day 71 (start of PV)]

Break                           Books
1                                  1-Genesis, 23—Matthew, 28—Revelation
2……………………...2—Exodus, 24—Mark, 29—1 John
3                                  3—Leviticus, 25-- Luke, 30-- James
4                                  4—Numbers, 26-- John, 31—1 Peter
5……………………..5—Deuteronomy, 27—Acts, 32—2 Peter
6                                  6—Joshua, 33—Jude
7                                  7—Judges, 34—2 John
8……………………..8—Samuel, 35—3 John
9                                  9—Ruth, 36—Romans
10                                10—Psalms, 37 1 Corinthians
11                                11--Job, 38—2 Corinthians
12……………………12—Proverbs, 39—Galatians
13                                13—Canticles (Song), 40—Ephesians
14                                14—Ecclesiastes, 41—Philippians
15…………………….15—Kings, 42—Colossians
16                                16—Ezekiel, 43—1 Thessalonians
17                                17—Isaiah, 44—2 Thessalonians
18……………………18—Jeremiah-Lamentations, 45--1 Timothy
19                                19—Daniel, 46—2 Timothy
20                                20—Esther, 47—Titus
21……………………21—The Twelve, 48—Philemon
22                                22—Greater Chronicles, 49—Hebrews

List of the 22 Breaks

   For the best explanation of how these correlate with the 22 books of the ‘Old Testament,’ and the letters of the Hebrew alphabet, and the word that each letter respectively is, see Jordan’s ‘The Hebrew Alphabet’ in ‘Rethinking the Chronology of the Old Testament, and succeeding work.

List of 22 Breaks (For The Hebrew Alphabet, see JBJ. What we do is to take the 22 Breaks and during each one, we look at 1—the 22 parts of Psalm 119, which follow the Hebrew alphabet.  The we look at what that letter means as a word (B, Beth=House, e. g.). Then we look at JBJ’s correlation of this letter-word with the corresponding book of the Bible, from his ‘Rethinking the Order of the Old Testament, in which he says that literarily, there are 22 books in the Old Testament. 1 and 2 Kings is one book (39-1=38), 1 and 2 Samuel is one book (37), Jeremiah and Lamentations is one book (36), The Twelve minor prophets is one book (25), Greater Chronicles includes 1 and 2 and Ezra and Nehemiah (22).  This is by literary structure.)  Thus we make a good review of the Old Testament—though the Bible is one book, and could easily have better an Ox, Lion, Eagle, Man testament, or 4 testaments.  [For even more joy, we can do two things.  The 25 books of the Greek Testament could be made into a 22 by having the first 5 be also the first 5, and the remaining 22 be laid on top of the 22 OT.   Thus we would have the whole Bible, the Hebrew alphabet and the word associated with a particular letter.]

- - - - - IMPORTANT:  We should also do this in the 22 days from Pentecost to Day 71 after Pascha/Easter/CORAM, the beginning of Public Vindication—INCLUSIVE.- - - - -

1--*Day 10--First of 22 breaks.  We’ve seen the two introductory Psalms, sometimes considered one Psalm [see JBJ’s chiasms of 1 and of 1&2].  Now we begin 37 Psalms of David. Genesis ’aleph (thousand). Ps. 119 ’aleph.
2--*Day 3o, was 31--Special explication and application of Ps. 22, as second break. What is the relation of Ps. 23, ‘The Lord is my shepherd,’ and Ps. 21, for instance? Exodus beth (house). Ps 119 beth.
3--*Day 49, was 50: Check number of days of each break below--Break 3, the 7 Psalms of Korah. It would be good here to review the structure of Book 2.  Doxology Ps. 72:18-19. Leviticus gimel (ripen; or recompense, reward, requite) Ps 119 gimel.
4--*Day 58 was 59--Break 4. Retrospect on the one Psalms by Asaph in this set of 8, in which ‘we move from the Tabernacle to the Ark-Throne for this Asaphite psalm about judgment before God’s Tribunal.’ JBJ Numbers daleth (door, entrance) Ps 119 daleth.
5--*Day 59 was  60--Break 5 of 22. Structure of ‘Kingly Section of Ps. 51-72. A. David’s Sin, B. Nine maskils and miktams, B’ Nine psalms that are neither maskils nor miktams, A’. Memorial Psalm 70/71, C. Solomon’s Psalm 72. he (lo! behold)  Ps 119 he.
6--*Day 81 was 82--Break 6 of 22. Solomon’s Psalm explicated and applied. Joshua vav (hook, nail) Ps 119 vav.
7--*Day 82 was 83--Break 7 of 22. Asaph’s Psalms 73-83.  Also, review structure of Book 3. Psalm 78 is center of Asaph section. Psalm 81, THE WORD is the center of Book 3. Doxology: Ps. 89:52. Judges zayin (weapon) Ps 119 zayin
8--*Day 94 was 95, Break 8 of 22. Korah Psalms. 6, 7 if 89a and 89b make structure. Doxology: Ps. 89:52 Samuel heth (life) Ps 119 heth
9--*Day 102 was 103, Break 9 of 22. Sin and judgment (JBJ) as outer pairs of chiasm of Book 4, the center of which is Ps. 98: NEW SONG and the counterpart of Ps. 90 is 106 Ruth teth (meaning unknown) Ps 119 teth
10--*Day 104 was 105, Break 10 of 22. Protection as we work toward the center, Ps. 105 ‘protection and Exodus’: JBJ Psalms yodh (hand) Ps 119 yodh
11--*Day 106 was 107, Break 11 of 22. Pss. 92 and 104; sabbath and creation week. Job Kaph (palm) Ps. 119 kaph
12--*Day 109, Break 12 of 22. Pss. 93 and 103, throne. Proverbs lamedh (learn, study, teach, ox-goad) Ps 119 lamedh
13--*Day 111, Break 13, affliction in Pss. 94 and 104. Canticles mem (unclear, mayim is water) Ps 119 mem
14--*Day 113, Break 14 of 22, Pss. 95 and 101, worship before God and obedience before God, respectively.  ALL THESE CHIASTIC PARALLELS ARE FROM JBJ. Ecclesiastes nun (sprout, propagate, flourish, generate) Ps 119 nun
15--*Day 115, Break 15 of 22, Pss. 96 and 100, coming to God. Kings samekh (support; something relied on, trusted in) Ps 119 samekh
16--*Day 117, Break 16 of 22, Pss. 97 and 99, Yahweh reigns. Ezekiel ’ayin (eye) Ps 119 ’ayin.
17--*Day 119, Break 17. NEW SONG. [Maybe compare Revelation, for example?  and other new songs? Songs of Red Sea, Moses, Deborah, etc.? Spirit as Song, Song of Songs?...] Isaiah pe’ (probably related to peh, mouth) Ps 119 pe’.
18--*Day 128, Break 18 of 22. There are 28 (or 29? ask JBJ) Psalms of Exodus, from Ps. 90 in Book 4 (Pss. 90-99=10 Psalms of Book 4 in the 28) through Ps. 118 of Book 5 (Pss. 100-119=19 of the 28 in Book 5). Explain and Apply. Doxology: Ps. 150:6. Jeremiah-Lamentations tsaddi (related to “capture” and
righteous”) Ps 119 tsaddi
19--*Day 141, Break 19 of 22.  The 22 section, alphabetical Psalm of the Law, 8 verses per section, Ps. 119. Explain and apply. Daniel qoph (ape, monkey, but also the root of “circuit,” used always of the end of the year) Ps 119 qoph
20--*Day 143, Break 20 of 22. 17 Psalms, Pss. 120-136 of the Great Hallel. (Praise) Possibly sung after the Last Supper? Esther resh (head) Ps 119 resh
21--*Day 161, Break 21 of 22, Psalm of Crisis, Ps. 137. Explain and apply, esp. ‘dash against the rock, Rock, rocks?’ The Twelve shin (urine’ but shanah means “repeat”) Ps 119 shin
22--*Day 163, Break 22 of 22, 12 Psalms of Post-crisis praise, Pss. 138-150. Explain and apply. [Note, if there are two bracketing Psalms of 146, that leaves a 12x12=144 in the center!?] tav (mark, boundary) Ps 119 tav

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