Sunday, January 22, 2012

Cash Hartman, Conducting A Symphonic History (Peace)

Using 5 Cs. Call into new situation--Newton and apple. Cleanse: --Newton: I don't know how it works, but it can be found out. Consecrate: Look at books of nature and previous publications. Commune: Test the hypothesis in at least 2 ways. Commission: Take the theory out. As ERH has said, science is THAT ARM OF THE CHURCH that is allowed to investigate to find out how much can be learned by treating the universe as dead. Also, once The One True God was established over 'gods' of sea, and lightning, and wind, etc., then we could investigate creation and not have to charm or placate such as Thor, or Poseidon, etc. Everything is covenantal. Oriented toward heavens above, liturgy. Toward the waters under the earth, scientific method. Toward the earth beneath (people made of dust), the symphony of peace. A BRIEF explanation of the art form of the next era. Great for evangelism and discipleship. And since the good is the enemy of the great, I will be concentrating on this as potentially engendering the organization of better conducting (train, orchestra, electricity) a next layer or more of social order in history, following tribe, empire, Israel, Greece, He Who Reversed The Trend (omegalphic), Church, Nation-State/Science.... . What we must do now is glorify the tribe, such as to keep small, enthusiastic groups, but rid ourselves of perpetual war of the tribes, as the nation-state glorified the empire and rid us of slavery, and the Church glorified Israel, but rid us of exclusiveness. Models--from forests keeping raiding tribes apart after Rome fell, to the Truce of God. The opposite of the nets and jets of 5th generation warfare, a situation in which even smaller groups than tribes can wreak havoc with such things as biowar carried around the world by airplanes, etc. Love in King Jesus, Chuck (CASH--this provides the currency, and it's Conducting A Symphonic History [Peace, the explicit reconciliation of opposites, HERO: Help Explicitly Reconcile Opposites]. Start with a calendar that does such, as the Fact of Law, Lyric, Evaluation, Fact. TSOH is narrative, How To Make Your Communities Better is Lyric, and Comprehensive Beauty is the Imperative. The Calendar (House of Singing Times) is the example.

Cash Hartman, Conducting A Symphonic History (Peace)

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