Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Tabernacle of mouth

 Tabernacle of Mouth

We might consider the 'tabernacle of the mouth.
He tabernacled with us.
All that they create, we inherit.
All Scripture is 'God's breath'/ in 2 Tim. 3:16 it's breathed out by God.
Now we see a progression from lavers, to seas, to rivers to the boundary, to rivers of living water from our bellies.

'Confess with your mouth', cleanliness not by what comes in but by what goes out.
So B is a labial, r is either a trill (Spanish) or guttural (German), SH is a sibilant, and T is a dental fricative.
What other sounds can be made by the tabernacle of the mouth?
Are the last sounds (Hebrews--JBJ, or Revelation) related to these first.
Does Psalm 119 tell us, laying the 7s on each other, that the sone is 2671? (Compare 4 notes of Beethoven's 5th)
Does this tell us more about how GodTrinity spoke, and it was?
Love in King Jesus,
PS: '...thoroughly furnished' might be 'having all one's (tabernacle) furniture.
PPS: If liturgy recaps the feasts of Israel, we are made tabernacles?

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