Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Jesus Laws Imperativity Book Proposal

 Jesus Laws Imperativity Book Proposal

James Jordan once said that when he gets old he'll write how Jesus fulfilled all the laws of Torah.

We have Maimonides' 613 and now GregHartman's (sic) 'New Testament Imperativity' book' 371.

Let's work with 1000.

A class of 25 with 40 weeks would mean one per student per week.

A group of homeschooling families could have their work apportioned.

We'd use Meyers' 5 on Psalms to do Maimonides' 613--'What did it mean THEN individually and corporately, how was it fulfilled in/by Jesus, what does it mean NOW corporately and individually?'

For GregHartman's 371, the difference would be in the 3rd question, changed to 'How did Jesus with all authority show the application of each imperativity in history?' For instance #158 (Romans 13:1 and two others) would include, who are the various and successive rulers, who are they now, who will they be. Included might be Roman emperors, local church authorities, aristocrats, higher church officials, cities, guilds, etc.

A book coule be published as a helpful word.

Love in King Jesus,

Chuak (shalak)

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