Monday, July 15, 2024

Jordan church

 OK, deep background. We're in the Fifth Wave of information, says Gurri in 'The Revolt of the People' This is a key--the first wave was writing, the second alphabet.

Secondly, new technology destroys old groups (ERH) it also enables you to work over a larger space, more quickly. I just got off a Facebook message sequence (in real time!) with a pastor in Africa. He liked my links. He's looking for paper materials.
Thirdly, 'Contagious Disciple Making' (FREE PDF) tells of baptizing a million in a few short years in India (now illegal, said Joost Nixon--converts are starting businesses)

Fourth, one of my health team's 
members 'goes to church' in Tennessee (by internet) and the church has members in Japan and Africa.

But, 5th--Get Ready To Help People Locally. They're Lonely.
More later, if desired.

Love in King Jesus,
PS: 'Africa is the future' (Theopolis publication. God moves from Jerusalem to Antioch, to Rome, to Western Europe, to these uSA (sic) and now elsewhere.

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