Thursday, July 4, 2024

Personhood Day

 Personhood Day

Two things could help reduce abortions.
#1 is Personhood Day. Celebrate it 9 months before birthday. Mine in July 4, @9 months befor April 5.
(My parents were married on July 4, 7 years earlier). It's conveivable (pun intended).
#2 is Eschatological Evangelism. What 'the state" or anyone else says of does, that makes no diffefence.
In the end (eschaton) you will be judged. That's the good news--you won't only be thrown on the ash heap, you will have the dignity of being judeged individually. Fear the Judge, and His laws. (Note: Counting abortions, the average life span in America, is it 38?)

Love in King Jesus,


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