I searched ‘Judge Judy income’. I apologize for the poor
typing. I too am still recovering, and too often the cats are too interested in
what I’m typing. I’ve corrected things.
The concept is still the same—money (and societal wisdom) from Christian
Court TV (and other media). Judge Judy made $47 million, 2016. Gross of the
show since 1996, $1.6 billion.. Opportunity for you, Christian Court TV. And
lots of media. Churches might send in videos, transcripts of various length
(Gary North's written much on this). Gradually graduate to TV, syndication. Types
of content: 1.0= examples for civil magistrate. Young man steals $1000, Church
or member makes robbed person whole--$4000? Elder or member hires young man, is
repaid from young man’s salary, some per week. Elder/ember is made whole by the
$ and good employee. Young man learns trade, maybe is set up in business after
repayment made, and so is made whole. Society has productive member. (This is a
combination of several things in Torah. 2.0= church discipline. 3.0: To Highest
Court (prayer). Much more to discuss. Recap. The market's there, the media too.
Suggest 1/3 to those sending in videos, transcripts. More discussion? Love in King Jesus, Charles Howard Hartman.
PS: North's 'Tools of Dominion' would be a good place to start. It's free
online. Jordan’s Exodus commentary (wordmp3.com) has great wisdom when
discussing the case laws. Remember, ‘making
whole’ is the key.
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