I searched ‘Judge Judy income’. I apologize for the poor
typing. I too am still recovering, and too often the cats are too interested in
what I’m typing. I’ve corrected things.
The concept is still the same—money (and societal wisdom) from Christian
Court TV (and other media). Judge Judy made $47 million, 2016. Gross of the
show since 1996, $1.6 billion.. Opportunity for you, Christian Court TV. And
lots of media. Churches might send in videos, transcripts of various length
(Gary North's written much on this). Gradually graduate to TV, syndication. Types
of content: 1.0= examples for civil magistrate. Young man steals $1000, Church
or member makes robbed person whole--$4000? Elder or member hires young man, is
repaid from young man’s salary, some per week. Elder/ember is made whole by the
$ and good employee. Young man learns trade, maybe is set up in business after
repayment made, and so is made whole. Society has productive member. (This is a
combination of several things in Torah. 2.0= church discipline. 3.0: To Highest
Court (prayer). Much more to discuss. Recap. The market's there, the media too.
Suggest 1/3 to those sending in videos, transcripts. More discussion? Love in King Jesus, Charles Howard Hartman.
PS: North's 'Tools of Dominion' would be a good place to start. It's free
online. Jordan’s Exodus commentary (wordmp3.com) has great wisdom when
discussing the case laws. Remember, ‘making
whole’ is the key.
Thursday, February 22, 2018
Monday, February 19, 2018
Hebrew and Greek with lectionary readings
I think JBJ--wait, it was probably ERH-- mentioned once theadvantages of worshipping in Latin (everyone( with native language translations together.
I think that 'we' could do something similar by having Hebrew/Aramaic and Greek versions of the lectionary readings, at least.
Then all God's children would have Hebrew and Greek in common.
We'd need transliterations.
Our grandchildren would bless us by being more Biblically literate.
Love in King Jesus,
Charlie 'DeuteronomySheby -> Christian Court TV?' Hartman
Feb 19, OFSPEGs for The Last Six
Feb 19, it took a year, it came between sleeping and waking—OFSPEGS
for the Last Six—Deut.—Christian Court TV, Lev.—Jubilee Calendar, Genesis—TSOCHI,
Joshua—The 49 (Objective), Numberss—The 49 again?, Exodus—All Godparents For
Eldsters—new types of speech, new types of people, new types of institutions, through the Cross of Reality, Making Our
Communities New (Examples--Pella: Refugee: , Stuart. Food—and for all all all)
Thursday, February 15, 2018
'ChuckHartmanHistoryConductor: Vitamin J' coming soon
'ChuckHartmanHistoryConductor: Vitamin J' coming soon
Dear Gentle Ones:
'ChuckHartmanHistoryConductor: Vitamin J' coming soon, J for
joy, a health benefit, surely. One of my granddaughters gave me pictures of
herself, in a frame, with 'Vitamin J' in there also--for Christmas.
I pray that this can sum up much of my work.
It will be in the form of a symphony: The Symphony Of
Comprehensive History Interactive.
It's not so much a railroad conductor, more of an electrical
transformer conducting from the high line of giants to others, and mostly it's
like a symphony conductor, keeping all on the score already written, which also
has places in it for us to compose. I'll
Watch this space, and Facebook Notes (Charles Howard
Hartman) and chuckhartmanhistoryconductor (blogspot),
There are 90 pages in a symphony (Search 'Sing A New Era' on
Google sites), and I'm sure it will take a long time. I'll play all 12 parts to start.
Love in King Jesus,
Charlie 'symphony' Hartman
PS: ERH was the first to write the phrase 'symphony of
history,' as I recall. Berman uses the words in "Law and Revolution'.
Monday, February 5, 2018
7, yea 8 names for SuperBowlSunday
Dear Gentle Ones:
7, yea 8 names for SuperBowlSunday
5 years ago, Dou's wife, Esther Horner Roorda, asked me for a counternarrative to SuperBowlSunday.
I provided it and 7, yea 8 names for that day.
They depended on various calendars, of which we often are not epistemologically self-conscious.
As part of my transformation to being one who transforms the current from the highline (mountains of time) to the former quotidinanity (sic) of a household, I will someday list them.
But in the meantime, what names would you provide?
7 is judgment (Cascione, 'Repetition' and 8 is Rusurrection!
Love in King Jesus,
Charlie, C.A.S.H., Hartman
Sunday, February 4, 2018
The Shape of Biblical Horizons NLP pacing discipling nation
The Shape of BH NLP pacing discipling nation
A future dissertation: How often are each of the 49 books in JBJ’s literarily-conceived Bible referenced on BH? [Biblical Horizons is a theological forum on Yahoo! of people influenced by JBJ--James B. Jordan]
The Shape of BH NLP pacing discipling nation
This would be ‘The Shape of BH’.
I take this from the book, ‘The Body Has a Mind of Its Own’ in which the sensory apparatus of a pig is shown as tremendously emphasizing the snout, through which most of its sense inputs come.
We can use this Bible map in the way that E. T. Hall uses his map of culture. He has a 10x 10 grid, JBJ has a 7x7. JBJ’s is based on the days of creation, and each successive 7 is an echo of a day, iirc.
The third thing to do is to see how well this is an NLP pacing. (This from a Jay Abraham very expensive business training audio). When one paces another, by repeating back what the other said, by using the same posture, etc. one can eventually wrest control of the flow of interaction. Thus, a nation can be disciple.
Note: Nations are not ‘states’—one map shows 11 nations in these united States, and there’s a book about the 124 stateless nations in the world. Etymologically, nation is from the same root as nativity, thus it may relate more genetically than propositionally.
One of the best examples of this I’ve heard is from Aaron G., who sermoned on the church year, mixing in remembering the deaths of congregation members and those beloved of congregation members.
What’s our shape, what’s the shape of the nation we’re discipling?
Love in King Jesus,
Charlie (Conducting.A. Symphonic.History) Hartman
PS: Rich, this came to me in Steiner time, between waking and sleeping.
PPS: Jogged by ‘Your Memories On Facebook/.
PPPS: Carolyn Myss (pronounced ‘mace’) correlates 7 chakras with 7 RC sacrements. This works, re ‘the body having a mind’. I may elaborate on this later.
Friday, February 2, 2018
Coming up: EliotAnselmTime (EAT)
Coming up, EliotAnselmTime (EAT)
This reconciles the 49 books, plus 4 weeks of liturgical
mountains in time to the ‘natural’ time between celebrations of resurrection.
Eliot (We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring
will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time. T. S.
Eliot. https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/t_s_eliot_109032
Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/t_s_eliot_109032)
and Anselm (Anselm writes:
... we believe that thou art a being than which nothing
greater can be conceived. https://www.princeton.edu/~grosen/puc/phi203/ontological.html)
So, we either squeeze or lengthen the books for the week
[Anselm] before we swing into the last 7 weeks re-retuned (and a book or 49 per
day 1-49, not retuned [Eliot]).
This coram (celebration of resurrection anno mundi) it’s
Samuel, Song, and Job.
When I get the Psalms written twice on the coram, and the
1-49 books corresponding to the re-retuned, then we’ll be able to have a more
mature-making additional layer of eternal calendar. This one is a 49, thus Our Response to the
Life of Christ as ‘fulfilling this prophecy (Jubilee) in your ears’ (Luke 4).
Lord willing, I pray.
Love in King Jesus,
Charlie (Conducting A Symphonic History) Hartman
Love in King Jesus,
Charlie (Conducting A Symphonic History) Hartman
PS: 'Cash' is also a finding of Trinity, in thatthere is the
work, the transaction, and the getting paid for the work via the transaction--a
'trinity,' and an enactment of ERH's saying somewhere that 'the only sin is
being too soon or too late'. If your
timing is right, all benefit.
Why 'ofspeg' and the odd 'KolCoram862' are 'toward peace'
Why ‘ofspeg’ and the odd ‘KolCoram862’ are ‘toward peace’ , Peace is the explicit reconciliation of opposites.
The big thing about all these technological breakthroughs--the greatest time for them in history, biological knowledge 4x faster than Moore's Law, which states that the cost of computing is halved every 18 months, since 1890--is that, as Rosenstock-Huessy wrote, 'any new technology increases our spatial reach, shortens the time it takes, and destroys old groups. As old groups are destroyed, new groups should arise, again, as EHR wrote, small, enthusiastic groups that are not on the warpath (tribes) in the next era, as the church is Israel without exclusions, and as the nation-state is empires without slavery.
I'm working on one for each of 49 books (literarily conceived) of the Bible, each group of which is profitable on some time scale, and that are oath-formed (compare Truce of God and formation of cities by oath in Berman's 'Law and Revolution').
KolCoram862. ofspeg (oath-formed, mall, profitable, enthusiastic groups
I pray
How much would it cost me? Hebrew/Greek missal
Dear Gentle Ones:
How much would it cost me? A Habrew/Greek missal.
There were advantages to the worship book, with Latin together with the native language. It induced unity.
It appears to me that even better would be Hebrew and Greek for ledtionary readings (or the sermon topic in other situations).
This would unify in diversity. Transliterations would be needed.
I have, somewhere, a hexapla of Luke and Acts (iirc). 6 languages.
How much would it cost me?
Love in King Jesus,
PS: One can print out and use Hebrew and Greek passages online, individually, but corporately sees better.
PPS: Rosenstock held that the inscriptions on the cross represented Empires (Latin), Israel (Hebrew), Greece (Greek), and in our Bibles written in various languages (Tribes).
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