Sunday, July 2, 2017

Afford Children By Blogging?

Afford Children by Blogging
A friend wrote that she did not want to raise children in poverty.
I reply.
I’ll tell the Deep Comedy punch line first—start a blog teaching women (and men) who want children, but not in poverty, how to make enough money.
Bullet Point 1: Wellness Mama. She has 6 kids or so, and her blog is wildly successful (North).
Bullet Point 2: Jay Abraham. Great marketer and marketing enabler, free material on line at ’50 Shades of Jay’. He does this because it’s a way to get bigger money clients.  People have made billions following Jay’s strategies.
Bullet Point 3: ‘Chicken Soup for the Soul’ series, biggest selling non-fiction series in history. They must have a market of over 2 million, and it appears that many of the stories are submitted by people in that market. Suggested to them by Jay Abraham. Janet Switzer was important.
Bullet Point Four: A woman with whom I attended high school became the first Ph.D. in nursing.  Her dissertation subject: Jobs for a Ph.D. in Nursing.
Bullet Point Five:  There are multitudes of people advertising that their system will make one large sums of money. Search one, you’ll get many.
Bullet Point Six:  WordPress is free (and search ‘free websites), professional, ‘forever’ (North), and powers ¼ of the Web.
Bullet Point Seven: I’m now doing ’49 peace corps pirates imperatives’ as my calling, after finishing something in each of Rosenstock’s and Jordan’s 5-point history-forming sequences. My calling. It’s also Sheldrakean. He says that after the first one, others can do it more easily. It’s the most important thing I can do at which I’d be most difficult to replace, and, from a Brian Nolder post: 'How bold one  gets when one is sure of being loved'.
Bullet Point Eight:  What’s your calling? Many pay $25,000 + to adopt foreign-born children (one of my friends on a postal worker’s salary, another (a relative) specializes in Down’s Syndrome children—he works at John Deere. There is foster parenting, and

I pray that this prayer helps.

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