Monday, October 24, 2016

Rich Bledsoe Expand BH

Rich Bledsoe Expand BH
Dear Rich:

You asked for some expansion from my mention of work as Air Force Weapons Controller (similar to Air Traffic Controller, but NOT the same—we were tasked with shooting down Russian bombers, and took over after the aircraft left ground control, and until they acquired the target). And Iowa politician.
Most of my work has been an exercise in failure after failure.  I have written much at chuckhartmanhistoryconductor, including 50 years after my philosophy degree.
My athletic stuff might be valuable in another letter.  Creation of pool game (Avalanche) and ‘World Championship’ of it, 2 no-hitter in slow pitch, and only making 3 outs in 10 games in our league.  Then my dad claimed to have gone 2 for 3 against Bob Feller, who was, Feller was, in the majors between his junior and senior year in high school. Others in my family were much better.
The main thing I think might be valuable I a next ‘revolutions’ in the ERH sense.  I’ve filled in something in each of his 5 categories of Imperative, Subjective, Narrative, Objective, and Planetary Service. And then I add an exponentialization.  These 5 resonate with JBJ’s Law-Lyric-Evaluation-Fact-New Torah, and North’s Transcendence, Hierarchy, Ethics, Oaths and Sanctions, and Succession.
The came about after we moved to Pella, and because of the mistreatment of my mother.  We moved to Pella for Christian care, and got the opposite. I should have moved in with her—if possible.  ‘Family’ failed.  She had her house paid for, and enough money, but they ‘would not,’ though 5 sons and daughters lived in town, and grandchildren too.
My Godparents, Cure Team members, and Rescue Team members don’t use ‘Alzheimer’s’—it elicits almost a Pavlovian response--Drug ‘em!’ (Without informed consent)
When we moved to Pella, I had the beginnings of the Symphony, and the calendar.  They were like the Tabernacle and the High Priest’s clothing, inside out, as JBJ pointed out, I think in his Exodus audios.
(I was honored to listen to all of JBJ’s tapes, and ERH’s, while working at the Post Office, and I’d discuss them with co-workers.  That was until the Big Disappointment that this was of less than no interest to most in church)
Anyway, to work things off, I began to walk around the Pella square recounting what had been done to Mom, as a memory palace, and this became ‘How to Make Your Communities Better,’ the Subjective/2nd part. It was 80 days after Easter/Resurrection for this Confession part, and on July 4, I’d have a Conference, inviting, virtually, Rene Girard, Thomas Szasz, Ibsen 9’AnEnemy of the People), etc. It may be that this prayer was answered with the hospital contracted out care to Arminians—Wesley Life. Or not.
Some I remember. SW Corner, we join church,  July 4. Middle South, Mom to Pella, doped up immediately with no informed consent. March 3, they say she ‘fell’—actually attacked my another inmate (sic). Then Ethics Committee, Doctor’s Strike, Girardean Funeral, and, as going out, Godparents for Eldsters, etc.
Many years late, 153Culture (sic came in as it used the 49 books (JBJ: ‘Rethinking the Order of the Old Testament), with JB’s 3 (from Dr. Leithart’s ‘Constantine’ applied from each book—maturity, holy war against devil and his angels, redemptive history.
This was the Objective.
The Planetary Service was Godparents for Eldsters.
Now the exponentialized Planetary Service is the ‘Levir’ System.
Most of these, and more, can be found in my Facebook Notes, and at chuckhartmanhistoryconductor.
Search “chuckhartmanhistoryconductor  and Better Summary’ for links.

Love in King Jesus,

Charlie ‘ca$h now and Trinity-ity seeking’ Hartman
PS: Levir. Dear Gentle Ones:

A next 'social order' might encompass the re-formation of all institutions flowing down from the church, including medicine, civil government, etc.  See 'How To Make Your Communities Better'.

It would be like the Levir who raised a child for the dead man's name.

This would also bring to bear actions on the old orders, which, as ERH said, will come back to bite us worse if we don't take care of their errors.

Love in King Jesus,

Charlie 'Trinity-ity' Hartman
PS: Not only institutions, but types of speech also, and types of persons.
PPS: Do you want a couple of smaller, simpler examples? (Towns, Stuart/Pella, singitiation/responsong a la deliverdict/ 7 sounds-Mosezon, Bull’s Matrix and finally TSOCHI conductors [ within TSOCHI, as Levir is exponentialization of Father in JBJ, and Heavens Above in other])
PPS: Mine is one of the 12 signatures on the Libertarian Party of Iowa founding application, 1976, I believe.  I’m now more anthropological, and see the above, with corporate prayer litanies being key.

Also, Cryonics, which is now superseded by transhumanism, posthumanism, which is not as blind to Isaiah 65:20 (area) as we in the church who have read it.  But the May 10, 1968 Christianity Today piece by John Warwick Montgomery still seems valid. This is reprinted at Alcor’s website. (I sold my Trans Time stock).

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