Thursday, May 29, 2014

News in context--Hall's 'Silent Language', a penny plus shipping

Here’s how to put news in context!  A penny plus shipping!

E. T. Hall wrote a book, decades ago.

The Silent Language.

In it, he has a grid formed by listing 10 aspects of culture left to right, and a very similar 10 top to bottom.

This gives 100 aspects of culture.

Find what section the ‘news’ report is in, and that leaves 99 other sections that aren’t deemed as important.

--A 7x7 of Days of Creation would work better, were we more mature, using the 49-book Bible of ‘Rethinking the Order of the Old Testament’ on, and filtering it through ‘Who Rules the Land?,’ also there?

Monday, May 26, 2014

Uniting: Memorial Day, All Saints, Gregory VII, Christian Court TV

A friend siad that we should remember the martyred saints of the battle.

Thus, I say.  All Saints Day came about in 854 when every date in the yearly calendar had beencovered in the blood of one martyr, and there needed to be a way to honor all the other martyrs. Luther was wise, calendrically, to post the 95 Theses on the day before All Saints' Day, November 1, All Saints also being called All Hallows, thus, Luther posted the 95 on All Hallows' Eve, or Halloween, on which traditionally, we laughed at the demons, keeping them out, as we went into our winter quarters. . Second point: Barzun (Dawn to decadence) holds that after Christendom's unity was rent, the next move was the uniting by monarchy--for there must be uniting. Perhaps we need to echo Gregory VII, who Rosenstock (Out of Revolution) says united Christendom by saying that any Christian could appeal to Rome. Money with Christian Court TV would be a start, Jeff Harlow, Lori A Harlow.

Echoing Rosenstock-Huessy

Here's where an exemplar of 153Culture can be found, that is, the new persons, new speech, new institutions of the last @ 1000 years that we can echo by psalmodic response, Lore willing, under GodTrinity:
CHH's 4. Full Count of the Tribes, The Symphony Of History [(Comprehensive) History (Interactive), PellaSquare/How To Make Your Communities Better, House Of Singing Times/Calendar of Peace Priming.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Application of Condition of Christendom to Intellectual, the Frontier (Bledsoe)

Thanks, Rich!
And here's a way to approach 'the intellectual frontier'.
Use JBJ's 7x7 grid as a way for the whole Bible to respond to a sermon, or something else, in this way.
1--Each of 49 congregants (or groups, such as families) respectively becomes the congregation 'expert' on that book.  Someone is Leviticus, someone is second Leviticus=Psalms, etc.
1 Genesis

2 Exodus
3 Leviticus
4 Numbers
5 Deuter-
6 Joshua
7 Judges

8 Samuel (I think JBJ exchanged Samuel and Ruth later)

9 Ruth

10 Psalms


12 Proverbs

13 Song of  Songs

14 Ecclesiastes

15 Isaiah

16 Kings

17 Jeremiah-Lamentations

18 Ezekiel

19 Daniel

20 Esther

21 The Twelve

22 Greater Chronicles

23 Matthew

24 Mark

25 Luke

26 John

27 Acts

28 Revelation

29 James

30 1 Peter

31 2 Peter

32 1 John

33 2 John

34 3 John

35 Jude

36 Romans

37 1 Corinthians

38 2 Corinthians

39 Galatians

40 Ephesians

41 Philippians

42 Colossians

43 1 Thessalonians

44 2 Thessalonians

45 1 Timothy

46 2 Timothy

47 Titus

48 Philemon

49 Hebrews

2--After the sermon, within the service, within the church calendar, within the life of the church and society, each instrument (book of Bible) player writes maybe 1/2 page about how the sermon can be seen through the lens (the  new eyes) of that book. [Wouldn't it be neat if each sat in the position of the book in the above grid! -- The congregation would 'be' the Bible!]
3--Thus each teaches the other, they one another one another.
4--Were this put on a web page, evangelism efforts would better 'tell everyone what He has done'.  What's your church like?  Well, we do this interactive thing, wherein we have 49 perspectives on the Bible.
5-- Don't have 49?  Tell a 'prospect' that we need a 4th Joshua=Luke?
6--Approaching an American literature scholar, ask him or her to superintend the Leviticus section, from the position of Moby Dick=Levitticus, as Jim has said.
7--A bonus.  Philemon is the Judges of Joshua.  It tells about conquest.  My friend, Eric Robinson, has made valuable remarks about how Paul's use of rhetoric, the tongue, was used in the slavery issue.
8--The best 'telling' ways are found by actually praying over the town, and the houses, and those who aren't in the liturgical battle weekly, asking the Holy Spirit to give you the right words, I propose. And you have mentioned that Boulder, and Cambridge, England are the frontier--we know how to do tribes.  I call this an 'interactivity'. Hahn, I've read somewhere was asked to teach patritistics at a Roman Catholic seminary, a type of joining a team in a way.  I  have a series of 'interactivities,' in the I.O.W.A. play, Interactivities.Of.Warriors.Advancing.
Love in King Jesus,
PS: If the 7x7 grid doesn't come through as a grid, look on ChuckHartmanHistoryConductor.
Grid from E. T. Hall's Silent Language, where he uses a 10x10 to show a whole society.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Condition of Christendom--Much Improved

Dear Gentles:

SHORT! JBJ and Buckminster Fuller

Here's how I'd start.  (Quote from the Amazon link for JBJ's 'Crisis, Opportunity, and the 
Christian Future)

Secondly, Chapter 8 of Fuller's 'Critical Path'.

Spiralling, JBJ:  'We are witnessing the end of Western Civilization. The present crisis in our culture is the greatest since the first century. Many commentators on the present scene believe that the entire world is moving into a period of neo-tribalism. In this striking book, theologian James B. Jordan argues that this cultural change is part of God's ongoing plan for humanity, the plan by which the Holy Spirit grows God's daughter, humanity, into a bride for His Son. The present crisis provides a tremendous opportunity for the Christian Church to challenge and transform the world as never before. Here, Jordan points to how this can be done. While many view the present crisis with dismay, and are looking backwards to older traditions, Jordan argues that God is calling us forward, and that the Bible points the way.'

Spiralling: Fuller: Previous chapter: 'Go for it'. 
This one:  A step-by-step explanation of his 50-year program
Two important quotes: ''...the critical path of the Apollog Project--one-half ow whose two million or so tasts to be accomplished involved the development of technology that was nonexistent at the outset of Apollo--...'
' "What are the first-things-first" -- the number-one, -two, -three, and so forth...'

Spiralling three:  Add that Africa has gone from 10% to 46% in the last century, add David Field's stirring summary in 'Evangelical Defeatism is Unbiblical,' add Pastor Cho's million-member congregation, add '80,000 churches in 15 years,' add North's 3rd-century/3rd-world greatest evangelism movement in history...

Do a Bucky!

Spiralling four:  ERH's Imperative Stem from Magna Carta Latina, and his truth that any new technology increases the space over which we can operate, decreases the time it takes, and destroys the old group. AND, from MCL, that 'chant'/song was the way men first communicated when they first communicated with God.

Add Berman's page 6 comment in 'Law and Revolution' that medieval cathedrals literally had budgets for a thousand years. And quickly later, the law is symphonic.

I sing this imperative stem (I'm no Aslan):  Bledsoe says the frontier is in Boulder and Cambridge, England. Chant me a song of Critical Path for the frontier, continuing to do our duties (TNE) in Jeremiah Time, while, in this '...most exciting (time) since the first century,' we (work to) become new Abrahams, setting forth the word of God for generations to come'. (COATCF)

Love in King Jesus,


Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Condition of Christendom

We are witnessing the end of Western Civilization. The present crisis in our culture is the greatest since the first century. Many commentators on the present scene believe that the entire world is moving into a period of neo-tribalism. In this striking book, theologian James B. Jordan argues that this cultural change is part of God's ongoing plan for humanity, the plan by which the Holy Spirit grows God's daughter, humanity, into a bride for His Son. The present crisis provides a tremendous opportunity for the Christian Church to challenge and transform the world as never before. Here, Jordan points to how this can be done. While many view the present crisis with dismay, and are looking backwards to older traditions, Jordan argues that God is calling us forward, and that the Bible points the way.

Condition of Christendom. More should be added about fronts and the timing and sequence of actions.

Monday, May 19, 2014

God wrote books. Chapters arrived 12th, verses 16th.

God wrote books. Each one take a book of the Bible and hear the message (in the context of the whole service) through that book. Share. Repeat. Become Warriors in a Congregation that is in The Battle.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Is Christian Culture Dead? I doubt it.

Is Christian Culture Dead?  I doubt it.

Some would say that in a way similar to how God moved the center of Christendom from Jerusalem to Antioch, Constantinople, Rome, North (See 'Bourgeois Dignity,' tangentially, Across (America) and now to the whole planet (native churches in every land, writes Gonzalez), and via David Field's summarization of why evangelical defeatism is unBiblical, so he may be moving it to....China? for a recent article says China will have more Christians (not a Higher %)  than any other nation 'soon,' He leaves whence He is not worshiped.

But we're all in one city now, says JBJ.

This guy claims it's $347,000 per convert/baptism.  Seems odd.

Others have indicated that it takes a million dollars to plant a church. [Yes, this is a different cultural attitude]

Is Christian Culture Dead?

Maybe in America 

On the other hand Watson has planted 80,000 (more now) churches in 15 years in North India.  At a million dollars each, that's 80,000 and 000,000, or $80,000,000,000?

But the frontier is...Cambridge and Boulder (Rich Bledsoe).  We know how to convert tribes.

All these are maturational in the Holy War and in redemptive history.

Here's an example--maturation--as we (Israel of Old and New Israel) conquered the astrological/astronimical gods of the empires by worshiping one in 7, and therefore by performance speech confessiong that The One True God/Trinity made all those things the others worship, and rested one day in 7, and that was implemented by showing the retuning of the universe at Ascension (Rev. 5:12, 7:12, JBJ), causing the order of names of days of the week to be 4152637 (ambiguity with 3 and 2), thus, geocentrically after retuning by circle of fifths 1234567 from 71234, --4-- or Sun (day), then 45671 --1--Moon (day), etc., we can conquer the Axial Age institutions, set up as maturational challenges during the Exile, by using ERH's Forward-In-Back-Out in 'The Christian Future' to make something similar to Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, in this way:  Already Day, Jesus All Times Day, Lao-tse Day, Abraham Day, Buddha Day, Greek Philosophy Day, Not Yet Day.

Liabilities become Assets, the mark of the Christian Era.

Love  in King Jesus,

PS: Elder befuddlement indicates a burnt-over district in regards to memory, as the New York area that birthed Mormonism and Russell (?) was such in regards to will, and the college deserts (if such they be) are in regards to intellect.  Augustine's division or summation is not complete, is it? Anyway, for befuddlement, do something for elders as has been done for youngsters with sponsoring/godparent actions.  Be mature? Turn a liability into an asset. End with an imperative, for without the imperative, there is no future (RB)