Monday, December 29, 2014

What is The Symphony Of History?

What is The Symphony of History?  Of Comprehensive History Interactive. Let’s define it  by extension, with incidents/vignettes. Then in other ways.

1—4-year-old daughter wants to play.
She was watching the adults.
‘Daddy, can I play?’
She sat on his lap and wrote questions on piece of paper, and sent a piece of paper to each adult.
That’s how this 4-year-old saw what we were doing.
And she was right.
What we did, early on, was ask questions each person asking a question of each of the others. Then next week when we got back together we would answer all of them asked of each one of us.

2—Doctor wants to play.
‘Show me a church like that and I’ll join’’
I had been explaining what I was doing in a session.
This would be similar to injecting jets of air into a vat of penicillin, so that there were more surfaces for what it is made from to grow on.  This was a million-dollar prize-winner, according to a pharmacist who told me.
It’s also similar to conjective truth, explained by Dr. McCloskey in ‘Bourgeois Dignity: How Economics Cannot Explain the Modern World’—truth arrived at in conversation.

3—Rosenstock’s Next Era.
Rosenstock is credited with helping greatly to start the Peace Corps.

In his Universal History 1954 lectures at Dartmouth, he challenged his hearers that the next 1000 years, however long they were, the next era, would be one of socio__ something, in which the tribal era was glorified by getting rid of the perpetual warfare of the tribes, while keeping the small, enthusiastic groups. In his schematic, the Greeks, the 4th social order before He Who Reversed The Trend, were to be companions after Jesus.  The Israel of old was glorified by getting rid of exclusiveness, and became the Church, the Empire social order was glorified by getting rid of slavery, the nation-state.  These are layers of social order, not replacements.

4—As a preliminary showing of how players (I arrange them into 12 Days, and each has 3 additional names) cooperate.  Day One and Day Five have made a Dragonfly Chemesh Body Piano Prophetic Theater attempt.  It’s partially explained here: It’s still developing, advolving.

CONCLUSION TO INTRODUCTION: I'm finishing up week one of Opus 49 of The Symphony of Comprehensive History Interactive. It's not easy. I find echoes for each of the 5 types of steps in the process Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy set out, then I set forth a template to move each of 12 through it, seeking also conjective truth unto action, for each and for combinations, and for the whole. Wise one has said he doesn't know anyone who could even play in this, so I must also simplify! Thanks

Take each individual and the whole through all 5 phases of revolution, now called advolution, to make an solo for each and an overture for the whole. All 12 days, the six of creation, the Long One of the Fall and Beginning of the Rise, Resurrection, Ascension, Pentecost, A. D. 70, and The Great Day.
495--Indicative becomes imperative. I brought you out of Egypt...have no other gods. Also, You are a poem. Ephesians 2: 8-10, the KJV 'workmanship' is 'poiema' in Greek, Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy Be that poem. I am commanded to tell you that your sins are forgiven.  I am commanded to help you with your poem.

BUT REMEMBER: It’s as simple as the understanding of the 4-year-old.  The conductor will help.  To put it in worship order terms, you are Called in (work of the Conductor beforehand). Rosenstock’s Imperative. Then your Confusion is Cleared, you are Cleansed to go on, lovingly Cuddled—Confession and absolution.  This is Rosenstock’s Subjective. Then you are Consecrated/Cut Up by the Narrative—Readings and  Sermon in liturgical worship. Then you are Communed, everyone knows more of working together. Finally, you are Commissioned, you write your solos/or Communicate them, and Day 12, the Conductor, writes the Overture that is the beginning of ne New that you take out, for Rosenstock’s Planetary Service.

I know this is confusing, but it works, it’s an amen, a part for whole of Universal History, best explained in Rosenstock’s ‘Out of revolution’ in the part about the Papal Revolution.

Now, Rosenstock follows the first layer, the church at worship, The Heavens Above.  He has said that ‘science is that arm of the church that is allowed to investigate to find out how much can be learned by treating the universe as dead’.  The Waters Under The Earth.  Thus, the first 2000 years after Christ.  The third, I claim, will be something such as The Symphony of History (his term).

Analogs: Law, Lyric, Evaluation, Fact, New Torah—James Jordan. Transcendence, Hierarchy, Ethics, Oaths (and Sanctions), Succession—Gary North. CDATMCG—Mike Bull. 7: Creation, Division, Ascension, Testing, Maturation, Conquest, Glorification. Thanksgiving, Help!, Explore, Owning (Bonding), Steps to take—Days One and Five.  And many more by Dr. North: God owns everything, God delegates ownership, Ownership brings responsibility, Value is imputed, Mankind increases dominion. 

And Jordan has a wonderful essay, many essays really, exploring the 3s, the 5s, the 7s and more of covenant sequences.

One really needs to play.  We will be working on an app, so the whole connected world can play/incubate. Which reminds me of Rosenstock’s 12 Tones of the Spirit (tone is the ultimate maturity): Listen, Read, Learn, Play/incubate, Doubt, [Critique, Analyze], Protest/witness, Win, Rule, Teach, Speak, [Bequeath]. I am bequeathing now.

My Five are: 1—TSOCHI, The Symphony Of Comprehensive History Interactive,  best explained above 2—ThePellaSquare/How To Make Your Communities Better,
[My material is here, in Opus 49, and/or on Facebook Notes/Pages, and/or on chuckhartmanhistoryconductor, 3—HOST (was inside out of TSOH or TSOHCHI—as the garments of the high priest, laying on his back, and the Tabernacle) House Of Singing Times/CalendarOfPeacePrejected (sic), here in good form:
4—So far we have ERH’s (Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy’s) Imperative: TSOCHI, Subjective: ThePellaSquare, Narrative: HOST, and now, Objective is 153Culture, in which I have Jordan’s 49-book Bible of ‘Rethinking the Order of the Old Testament: For each of these 49 books, I will attempt to place something in a new culture respectively based on Jordan’s three: Maturity, Redemptive History, and The Holy War against the devil and his angels (Remember Luther: The devil is God’s devil). TheBigSix are six more, very important.  This makes 153. 153 fishes.  The 7x7s are patterned after E. T. Hall’s 10x10 grid of culture in ‘The Silent Language,’ in a way. This is barely started, I’ve been concentrating on TheBigSix.  Also see Al Gore ‘The Future,’ and Johnson’s technological 6 in ‘How We Got To Now’. McCloskey has 7 that account for The Great Fact that we live so much better than our ancestors of a few centuries ago, in ‘Bourgeois Dignity’—to Faith, Hope, and Charity are added Prudence, Temperance, Justice, and Courage.  When the trader and merchant began to be honored in money and rhetoric in North Europe (Holland) and England @1700, great prosperity began.

5—Planetary Service. H.E.R.O.Volution/Pirate.  The last ‘pirate,’ from ERH’s last book.  The pirate is in unregulated space.  A Hero Helps Explicitly Reconcile Opposites, the combination mine, the last 3 words are ERH’s definition of peace, the explicit reconciliation of opposites. There are several improvements, this is the latest:

My Planetary Service will be in resonance with TSOCHI, both for the whole culture, and concentrate on  Godparents For Eldsters. YouTube: 4 and a/2 minutes, the ceremony. . Facebook Page: Blogspot, with best brief explanation: Godparents for Eldsters -- This brief conversation illustrates the benefits. 

CW: Co-worker: What's new? 

CH: Chuck: Godparents for Eldsters. 

(Quizzical look) 

CH: Eldster is a more honoring way than saying oldster. 

CW: How does it work? 

CH: You know how some churches have godparents for an infant being baptized, so if something happens to the parents, there's somebody? This is like that for eldsters. 

CW: Is this established already, or is it your idea? 

CH: As far as I know, it's mine.. 

CW: Get it going, people need it. 

TSOCHI is to the culture as GFE is for individuals.

--Two newer modalities for helping the elderly.  The first is auditory exercises that in 40-50 hours, an hour at a time, have, it is claimed, rolled back the memory clock 10 years, or more.  From ‘The Brain That Changes Itself,’ and posit science.  Here are free exercises at

Second, craniosacral therapy.  This study was paid from by the U of Iowa, and first came to my attention in Michael Morgan’s book ‘Body Energy Longevity Prescription’. The study of CranioSacral StilPoint Technique and Individuals with Dementia--American Journal of Gerontological Nursing 34 (3), 2008 p. 36-45
4 During the study’s intervention phase, participants exhibited a statistically significant reduction in agitation, were more cooperative during caregiving activities, and displayed meaningful interactions
with others.

The Lord be with you,

Charlie Hartman

PS: I am commanded to tell you that your sins are forgiven.  I am commanded to help you with your poem.  As ERH exegetes Ephesians 2: 8-10, he notes that the Greek for ‘workmanship’ is ‘poiema,’ thus poem. I call this artistic evangelism. Ephesians 2:8-10King James Version (KJV)

For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
Not of works, lest any man should boast.
10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.

496-- Laboramoratory, where you do your labor of love, in prayer (the two 'ora' sequences). And some kind of speaking, ‘oratory’.

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