Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Toward Charlie TwelvePages

Towrd Charlie TwelvePages

Read the last first. It explains a lot,
and it’s a good practice, per Mortimer Adler’s
‘How to Read a Book’.

A brief summary of some work done in the life of Charles Howard Hartman,
Charlie TwelvePages.
More is at ‘Sing A New Era!’ on website to come and/or in a series of parts
on Facebook Note, and/or ChuckHartmanHistoryConductor blog,
and/or I can send you the big file of @ 290 pages—
a complete fill-in-the blanks, ready-to-go
‘art form of a next era,’
covenant applied to The Earth Beneath,
as liturgy is to The Heavens Above, and
scientific method is to The Waters Under The Earth, Lord Willing.
Who Says? Himself
So What? It may Help Explicitly Reconcile Opposites,
the peace commission, our challenge.

For Cousin Doris on her 80th birthday, the benefits of being cared foras a favorite cousin
If this were a Festschrift


Mike Bull I'm still learning to speak Hartman. It's the language where every second word is a shorthand encapsulation of an entire life's work.

Background:  It could be that lack of assurance is a major cause of personal and social problems.

Guilt, persistent soul-destroying guilt, in one’s person and in one’s relationships—that’s what I mean.

So, a milieu, and environment of being cared for, being a ‘favorite cousin,’ gives assurance, such that one can stride out in confidence, with faith.

As a thank-you, cousin Doris, here are 12 that have been shed forth over almost 70 years, submitted. 

Love in King Jesus,

Chuck Hartman, January 6, Anno Domini 2014, PergamosCoram861.—or maybe it’s EphesusCoram, yes
PS: Further elaborations on request

1—I attempt a revolution.  This is in the sense of Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy, Dartmouth professor, father of the Peace Corps, who proposed that the national revolutions of the West went through 4 phases: Imperative, Subjective (new persons and speech), Narrative (new institutions), Objective, and then out to Planetary Service.  In his book ‘Beyond Belief’ Clint Gardner summarizes these in Chapter 5.   James Jordan’s ‘Crisis, Opportunity, and the Christian Future’ shows the phases as Law, Lyric, Evaluation, Fact unto New Torah/Instruction. I summarize Gardner’s summary here: [Inspired by ERH’s ‘Universal History 1954’ course at Dartmouth, available on Amazon with other material in a $30 DVD]
2—The Symphony of CHI (Comprehensive History Interactive) is my revolution’s first phase, Imperative. It attempts to apply covenant thinking to The Earth Beneath, as I claim was done in liturgy/order and shape of worship services to The Heavens Above, and in the scientific method to The Waters Under The Earth. A poor, too-lengthy, unfinished version is on YouTube, and Host12047May25 has a fill-in-the-blanks version, on which I will work this year.
3—The Subjective is Pella Square or How To Make Your Communities Better. It arose when we celebrated The Circumcision of The Lord (New Year’s Eve) 2005/6. One traces history around the town square, several layers, and arrives at a glorification of the beginning, at the end. A man with a Doctorate in Urban Ministries has said that every town should have one.  For Pella it’s ‘They came for refuge, how can we give refuge in our time?’. For Stuart it’s ‘ ‘A community built beside the big mover/railroad, how can we build a community beside our big mover, in our time?’ Grow Foo, Not Lawns: Feed The Hungry is my first approximation.
4—For Narrative, I have a Calendar of Peace Priming (Gladwell, ‘Blink’) aka HOST, House Of Singing Times.
55—The objective is 153Culture.  This takes off from the 153 fish, and E. T. Hall’s work. 49 from a 49-book Bible (Rethinking the Order of the Old Testament) as Holy War against the devil and his angels [The devil is God’s devil—Luther], 49 from the 52 parts of the Heidelberg Catechism as redemptive history, and 49 as redeeming present structures (as pagan temples to churches, Saturnalia to Feast of the Nativity…) as maturation, and the BIGSIX—all layered upon COPP/HOST.
     Rosenstock held that we were coming around back to the tribes, an early layer of social order, and that we should glorify them by getting rid of the perpetual war of the tribes (childhood of humanity?) while keeping the small, enthusiastic groups, as we have done with empires (rid of slavery in nation-state, he said) and Israel (rid of exclusiveness in the Church) and by keeping Greece as a companion, not a layer of social order.
5—Others include. Imperative Stem! And!  This takes off from Magna Carta Latina in which ERH holds that all Latin verbs are derived from each one’s imperative stem. I say beautification, dressing the Garden, is our imperative stem, as illustrated above. Also, if the word letters in the first word in the Bible are a liturgy, as I claim, then ‘House!,’ i.e. build/be a beautiful house fits.  B-R-SH-T. House, (bow before, listen to ‘Head’), SH (eat), T (cross, carry it as you go out). Speculative
6—I want ‘my stuff’ to be used down the generations, and so, according to the 5th Word/Commandment—or 4th, some say—honoring father and mother (in all types) will be the way to that promised land.  TSO CHI does the whole proleptic recapitulation thing, but for Covaults I have Godparents For Eldsters, and Covault Gardening. CG is where someone is paid to till, plant, weed one’s lawn’s garden, and one harvests and eats and enjoys.  Here’s GFE (also on YouTube and Facebook Page)
7—I’ve thought that Christian Court TV would be good, and profitable, since there are so many court TV shows on. Expert panels, videos sent in by churches that we comment on…and more.
8—Warriors of Light is wise. Woods, in ‘How the Catholic Church Built Western Civilization’ says that cathedrals were solar observatories, since they had holes in the roof, and the light on the floor in different places through the year allowed the observations. I’d use the 49-book Bible, literarily conceived to assign each of 49 persons/teams/families to look at each its respective book, to see connections to the sermon. A page each would be sent in, and a ‘book’ made, and kept for posterity.  What’s your church like?  We write books, we use the talents of each. On chuckhartmanhistoryconductor, a blog.
9—Redeemer Hour is a method of financing church building and buying through pledges of work (some hours worth more, a CPA’s compared to a lawn-raker’s) as a combination Ithaca Hour and Labor Exchange.  Promises. Also on CHHC.
10—Someone asked me for a counternarrative to SuperBowl Sunday. On CHHC I have something such as ‘the day of 7, yea 8 names’. Also in my Facebook Notes, Charles Howard Hartman.
11—As the ‘gods’ of Europe were incorporated ‘eaten’ into The 7 (The God who made all things in 6 days, and all very good, and rested on the 7th) in the names of the days of the week, retuned by circle of 5ths from 1234567 to 4152637 (watch 3 and 2) as Jordan shows in his Revelation commentary, Rev. 5:12 to 7:12, the Ascension pictured, and the change also from saying to singing, with musical instruments, and to ‘the’ for each, I proposed the same for the Axial Age institutions, put up during the Exile for us to handle later.  Combining this with ERH’s ‘The Christian Future’ classification of Forward as Jesus (All Times), In as Lao-tse, Back as Abraham, and Out as Buddha, and putting Greece (Philosophy) also as Out, and sandwiching these between Already (Lord’s Day, Sunday) and Not Yet (Saturday) this might work. 
     Sunday, Monday (Moon), Tuesday (Tiw, Tir, Norse God of War, Mars), Wotan’s Day, Wednesday (Mercury) (it and Venus, Fria switch for some reason), Thor’s Day/Thursday, Fria’s Day, Venus Friday, and Saturn’s Day, Saturday we get our English days.  Other languages differ somewhat. To repeat.  1234567 becomes, by circle of fifths, 4 Sun, 1 Moon, 5 Mars, 2 Mercury switched with Venus, 6 Jupiter Thor, 3 Friday Venus Fria switched with Mercury, and Saturn Saturday.  These are by distances from Earth.
     One more thing. I asked, is there another retuning. This would be a psalmodic response to what’s shown in Rev. 5:12 to 7:12. 1234567 to 4152637.  I think so.  8 (including earth) 531642, flipped and with the churches in Revelation as the names, thus K.O.L.Yom, a wordplay –wordplay is harmony in language ? –as Lord’s Day/Sunday, being Ko(h)l, what God did from Sinai at the start of the Ten Words, Octave (eighth day theology) and Laodicea (7th church).  Then Sardis, Pergamos, Ephesus, PhiladelphiaYom –all hove Yom, Hebrew for day --, ThyatiraYom (my ceremony for Godparents for Eldsters (Seniors) was on First Peter Sheba (week), ThyatiraYom (Friday), A. D. 2011 was SardisCoram861—the 861st iteration of these 7 since Creation, August 26. Coram is a wordplay.  Celebration Of Resurrection Anno Mundi and ‘coram’ is ‘presence’/’face’ in Latin.
12—I have many more in Facebook Notes, and in, over 400 entries.  And I have many savings of these things on flash drives.

And the milieu of being cared for, as a favorite cousin, has contributed greatly to this almost 70-year effort, the last 20 or so being major.  I thank you, cousin Doris!

3 poems: MomPoem, Both Not Both, I Believe Herovolution

God is our song and strength
We know that Jordan says that at the Ascension, Revelaion 5:12 to 7:12, the universe is retuned. Since there is Pentecost, and then A. D. 70, and to come in fullness The Great Day, we can retune the retuning, by psalmodic response, under GodTrinity.

We can get The Tune Of The Twelve: *Tune of The Twelve.  Put the 12 Minor Prophets in their chronological order over the 12 keys of an octave (if I understand it), 7 white and 5 black, on a piano of today.  Then stroke them in their theological order, as in the Bible of today—Melody..  Make rests and lengths of notes dependent on such things as length of the respective books, time between books being uttered, etc.—Rhythm.  Maybe 4 chords, each with 3 notes—Harmony.. 

Can we reverse exegete to get to Job 38:7? I pray that the Lord is willing. Job 38:7 ‘When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?’ What was the song sung at creation?

Bonus 3: Poeting the Heidelberg Catechism
I’ll put this on ChuckHartmanHistoryConductor when my computer is de-bugged

Bonus 4: 5th Word Activated
Also hope to get it in a 'book,' but the key is the promise of the 5th Word--Honor your father and mother, inherit the promise.  So, I honor, and my stuff does not 'go to waste'?
The Symphony of CHI (Comprehensive History Interactive) honors all--hope to get it in a 'game' app, because a doctor told me 'Show me a church like that and I'll join!' Then honoring Dad with ambidextrous golf--he was a great athlete--and his ancestors with, using for 'books' and local hardware store to sell packages of items. Then, for Mom, it's Godparents for Eldsters, and for her ancestors--farmers--it's this. Working on this: Grow Food Not Lawns, Feed the Hungry More after Jan.1--'X' asked me to 'poke' the churches and I have come up with something that might. It's 'Nobody Goes Hungry In Our Town,' and it is based on news reports of a town in England that aims to be self-sufficient in vegetables. I'm trying to arrange to get seeds into stores from SeedSavers Exchange and others--I'm in a VERY preliminary stage--and I wonder if I could hire you to till @ 20, 20'x20' plots in a day, for how much? {An attempt to organize tilling—later seeds, and website/leader, etc.] Here are some links that have moved me:,,, -- Modified Social Media Conversation in Response to Above 1. How about churches overseeing those food plots for those who want to learn; for those who want to work; for those who want to eat? 2. Yes, I'll/we'll 'poke' the churches on that. Youth group weeders, but I like the hay/mulch/no weeding/easy on the back gardening too. 1. Churches can find free use of land, nearby, even on their properties, for neighborhood gardens. Ah.... the ol' Victory in Christ Gardens. If tax-free church lawns were used to grow food, the people would benefit, and they (the lost world) would be the first to defend the tax-free status of churches. 2. Yes, you have the idea! ‘Victory in Christ’ gardens, yes. We’re also looking for Good EGGs, Experienced Garden Guides. 1. Think of the friendship, relationships, neighborhood trust and communion that might result. And.... (wait for it...) new church members. 2. These thoughts, wonderful ones!—will go on our website, if/as/when -- 1. Of course, the Gov't will probably come and shut us down for helping the poor since that's their job, now. We would be stealing their thunder, you know. I suppose if we paid them a tax, they would allow it. Sorry... just anticipating the world we live in; the Gov't we live under. 2. A small-town community might act more like a community. I do see that some ‘governments’ in these uSA (sic) are making it illegal to feed the homeless, somehow? And in the old USSR, private charity, I’ve heard, WAS illegal?

What to do next year/coram?
Tone of speech, Rosenstock’s ultimate maturity.
Succession: 1—Get ‘stuff’ into book. 2—Honor father and mother to inherit promise (calling fulfilled).
A—The Symphony of CHI (Comprehensive History Interactive), and the whole ‘revolution,’ per above.
B—Dad and Mom.  2 each.  Dad, ambidextrous golf, Hartman Hardware. Mom: Godparents for Eldsters, Covault Gardening (in context of Grow Food in Lawns: Feed the Hungry)
3—Assurance: LCMS? Seelsorge, Liturgy as music to die by?
4—Keep reading and writing.
5—In addition to simple CharlieTwelvePages website (to start), ‘stash’ stuff with other people.
6—Put ‘Sing A New Era!’ in parts on Facebook Wall, ChuckHartmanHistoryConductor, and website. Host12047May25

Further explained in this example:

Yes and Buckminster Fuller.

My implementation plan:  Yes and Buckminster Fuller.

#3: Make sure key people have copies
Written to me re: E AA I !: Sounds great. Don’t know how you would get it into use, though. Unless you incorporated it into some really compelling fiction to get people thinking!

My implementation plan:  Yes and Buckminster Fuller.

Dear ____:

I’ve thought of stories set in the next era, when The Symphony Of CHI (Comprehensive History Interactive), and Pella Square, House of Singing Times and 153Culture had been worked through, but here’s another thing or two the might work.

#1 is the Buckminster Fuller option.  I’ve been reading in ‘Critical Path’ about his disciplines, and one of them was to NOT work on social reforms but to invent the artifacts, so that they would be there to use, when they were needed, in the future that he saw coming. I’ll do that by putting ‘my stuff’ into ebooks, or something.  I expect few followers/implementers.

#2 is to follow the 5th Word.  If, as Adelaja (‘Church Shift’/Embassy of God) hints/says, each one’s promised land is his calling, then to get that, one should honor one’s father and mother.  With TSO CHI, I do that, typologically for all, and church membership and actions are another layer, and then for biological father and mother I think I can continue also.  For Dad, athleltics (he was) and hardware (his ancestors).  For Mom, Godparents for Eldsters (from her trauma), and Covault Gardening (her ancestors were farmers.

Working backward, Covault Gardening is in the context of Grow Food, Not Lawns: Feed The Hungry, which might be done this year in the old home town. Some will want to pay someone else to till up part of their lawn, plant the garden, and weed it, so that the lawn-owner can harvest, eat, and enjoy.  Model: Community Supported Agriculture. Godparents For Eldsters MIGHT get a boost from Lutherans for Life, headquartered in Iowa–might.

Then one could use (US government site about emergencies) and the articles on it, to package hardware products to sell at least on Amazon, in an Amazon store, at best I could work with folks, again, in the old home town, the hardware store.  Great-grandfather George Washington Hartman, born on the 4th of July, started his hardware store in hometown Stuart in 1905, and his sons carried on in another town later.  Dad’s athleticism (he went 2 for 3 in baseball against Hall-of-Famer (later) Bob Feller, who pitched in the majors at 17, between his junior and senior years in high school, etc. can be highlighted with ambidextrous golf.  Left-handed and right-handed.  I started a little last summer.

That’s my implementation plan so far.  I think that being in the wilderness has developed my cry more fully, and it might be possible that this howl can become music.  

The ‘book’ deal might be advanced next in Charlie TwelvePages, a summary, part of a card shower/Festshrift for my cousin’s 80th birthday. She says I was her favorite cousin.  This milieu of caritas contrasts with the wilderness. The caritas was in the background, I’m claiming.  

And societally, lack of assurance is a key to problems, and assurance is the way out.  Heidelberg Catechism 1–‘so that whether you live or die, you are the Lord’s’ .

Love in King Jesus,

#3: Make sure key people have copies.
A BRIEF explanation of the art form of the next era.  Great for evangelism and discipleship. (@ 2 minutes in, history conducted)

SuperCalendar, LectionaryHistorical, MaeDay80, Rhyming Covenant Sequences 
If you 
ever in your life had a bright idea, or a new instinct, or a 
new change of heart, 
Sir, make this the cornerstone of your understanding 
of the universe and you 
will understand that the universe begins with creation. And 
it ends in incarnation, because that’s the experience of every potent and creative 
man in the world. 
But you look outside and try to deduce by your little brain, 
not by your experience of your heart how the world begins, and how it should be 
run. You’ll never 
solve it, gentlemen. You’ll remain a selfish, inarticulate 
animal. If the spirit moves 
you, you will see how simple 
things are, gentlemen. Love begins, and hope 
keeps you going, and faith. And in the end, your grandchildren 
will bless you. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Bull
To: edencity
Sent: Tue, Dec 31, 2013 6:46 pm
Subject: Re: E AA I ! Eating Axial Age Institutions! Let our howl become music!
Sounds great. Don’t know how you would get it into use, though. Unless you incorporated it into some really compelling fiction to get people thinking!

On 31/12/2013, at 8:58 PM, wrote:

Dear Mike:  This is odd, but odder still is my response to a request from Elder Roorda’s wife to provide a counter-narrative to ‘Super Bowl Sunday,’ such that I came up with ‘The Day of 7, yea 8, Names,’ which is in my Facebook Notes and/or on ChuckHartmanHistoryConductor.

Love in King Jesus,

PS: I’ve also proposed ‘poeting’ the Heidelberg Catechism, as we go through it this year.  Not just parroting, in Sayers’ phrasing. I pertly propose poeting.

E AA I !   Eating Axial Age Institutions! Let our howl become music!

The church ‘ate’/incorporated the gods/planets of Europe and European tribes in the names of the days of the week.

We should and could do the same for the 2500+ year challenge of Axial Age institutions that God put before us, for later, during the Exile.

The retuned universe was traversed in the retuned circle of 5ths that JBJ points out in his Revelation commentary.  From Rev. 5:12 to 7:12 the Ascension is pictured, the attributes of Christ Jesus are retuned/re-ordered, and a ‘the’ is put before each, and singing is done with instruments, if I remember correctly.

1234567 becomes 4152637, though 2 and 3 are switched.

Sun (with healing in its wings), Moon, Tiw/Tir—god of war Mars, Wotan—Mercury, Thor—Jupiter, Fria/Venus, SaturnDay, all within the 7 of The One True God, Who made them all in 6 days and rested on the seventh, as Israel of Old  and the New Israel, the church amened by resting one in seven.

The were incorporated into the ur-story, ‘eaten’.


OK, how  about the Axial Age institutions?

Here I propose the sandwich of Already Day and Not Yet Day.

In between we use ERH’s Forward-In-Back-Out from ‘The Christian Future,’ plus one more.

Thus: Already Day, Jesus All Times Day, Lao-tse Day, Abraham Day, Buddha Day and Greece Day, Not Yet Day.


Who says—these sources.

So what?  It worked once–the old gods of the tribes and of nature have no force now for who remembers—it can work again, with speakers.

E AA I!  Let Our Howl Become Music!

The Symphony of CHI—Comprehensive History Interactive

[Attach Host12047May25]

This is a big file, Tony.  I’ve been working on it for years.  I need to slim it down.

THE KEY IDEA is that there are the heavens above, the earth beneath, and the waters under the earth.

‘The covenant’ has been applied well to the heavens above in liturgy, and to the waters under in the scientific method.

Thus: In order of worship, we come IN, we go through a process that involves God, not modalistically or subordinationistically, but successively, as, in liturgical churches there is confession [to the Father] and assurance because of the Son, we hear the Word of the Son, and the Holy Spirit unites us with the Son in communion, and then we are sent OUT.

[In business meetings, we come in, have an agenda of things to deal with that we haven’t done adequately, the share words, come to a conclusion of unity in motions passed, and go out.]

In the scientific method, Newton is put Into a new situation by the apple, he knows he doesn’t have the answer to why it falls, but is assured that he can find one, he studies the words of past researchers in books–and the book of nature, his hypothesis is tested, and the theory of gravitation is taken out.

The Symphony Of CHI–Comprehensive History Interactive–takes each person (10, with the Conductor playing days 1, 8, and 12) and each one interactively, others helping through the process, which can be seen as the first 5 Words, Commandments, etc. by initiating a question relevant.  Each writes a solo in response to this universe of initiations (one form each ‘day) and the Conductor writes the symphony of this 4-week process, and each player, do-er, be-er, composer learns to be a conductor.  Thus the Earth Beneath, people made of dust, has this ‘covenant process’ applied.

I try to attach 1 200+ page fill in the blanks.  I have much material from early days, and some recordings, etc. that I’m trying to put together into an app for smartphones, for a doctor of mine, to whom I explained this –she’s estranged from the church –said ‘Show me a church like that and I’ll join!’

The most work is done outside the formal structure, as the pastor/Conductor, works with each ‘day’.

Thus, the ones who come to you with oddities, new books, etc. can be helped by interacting with others who have similar things.

If we had one Symphony per year in a church, wouldn’t that be great, over the decades!

We did an incomplete one and put it on YouTube below.  I should have had us sit around a table.

Love in King Jesus,

A BRIEF explanation of the art form of the next era.  Great for evangelism and discipleship. (@ 2 minutes in, history conducted)

SuperCalendar, LectionaryHistorical, MaeDay80, Rhyming Covenant Sequences 
If you 
ever in your life had a bright idea, or a new instinct, or a 
new change of heart, 
Sir, make this the cornerstone of your understanding 
of the universe and you 
will understand that the universe begins with creation. And 
it ends in incarnation, because that’s the experience of every potent and creative 
man in the world. 
But you look outside and try to deduce by your little brain, 
not by your experience of your heart how the world begins, and how it should be 
run. You’ll never 
solve it, gentlemen. You’ll remain a selfish, inarticulate 
animal. If the spirit moves 
you, you will see how simple 
things are, gentlemen. Love begins, and hope 
keeps you going, and faith. And in the end, your grandchildren 
will bless you. 
More on why being ‘a favorite cousin’ helps:  Innovation! McCloskey says that fostering innovation (respecting, rhetorically supporting) in a milieu of ethics (7 virtues: prudence, temperance, justice, courage, faith, hope, charity) is what produced the GREAT FACT that we live ‘100’ times better than in @ 1700.  Innovation. ‘Bourgeois Dignity’. Holland, England. Destroys other  theories. If we can continue to foster innovation…
In 1800 the world was Bangladesh, $3/day (present value). @1700 it was worse. The Great Fact is that Norway is $137/day now, e. g.
Now, just lists of things I may have forgotten.
a—Warriors of Light gets the whole congregation helping the whole congregation with the sermon, and would be a good tool to show people what you are about: Each, each family, each team, takes one of the ‘49’ books of the ‘Rethinking The Order of the Old Testament’/Biblical Horizons Bible, and writes a short note about it and the sermon. It’d be neat if they sat as the Bible, 7x7.
b—Redeemer Hour would best be used for short-term building funds arising.  A combination Labor Exchange, promise See “Who Owns the Future?’ on money as promise) to do work, and Ithaca Hour, modified. What is money?
c—Write,, Charles Howard Hartman on Facebook, 1404 Broadway, Pella, Iowa 50219 for updates.  Website soon.
d—Why not do a St. Ansgar—talk to the big boys, disciple whole societies. ‘Caesar’s household’ was good enough for Paul.
d—‘Day of 7, yea 8 Names’ is a counternarrative responding to a request, re: Super Bowl Sunday. Show me a person’s schedule, and I’ll tell you who he is, said Rosenstock-Huessy. And calendars and a society—CHH
e—Most of these might also be on my Facebook Notes.
f--Grow Gardens in Lawns:
Feed the Hungry

[Plant Gardens, Plant Churches]

Our Plan, and How It Will Work

Working on this: Grow Food Not Lawns, Feed the Hungry More after Jan.1--'X' asked me to 'poke' the churches and I have come up with something that might.   It's 'Nobody Goes Hungry In Our Town,' and it is based on news reports of a town in England that aims to be self-sufficient in vegetables.  I'm trying to arrange to get seeds into stores from SeedSavers  Exchange and others--I'm in a VERY preliminary stage--and I wonder if I could hire you to till @ 20, 20'x20' plots in a day, for how much?  {An attempt to organize tilling—later seeds, and website/leader, etc.]
Here are some links that have moved me:,,,
There’s a place for Covault Gardening: Customer owns the lawn, pays Covault Gardening company, CG company tills the lawn, plants the seeds, weeds the garden. Customer harvests, eats, enjoys.  Many options available within this basic structure. This has been done so successfully in Oregon that the company (they didn’t use the term ‘Covault Gardening’) was booked up totally for the second year.
Modified Social Media Conversation in Response to Above
1. How about churches overseeing those food plots for those who want to learn; for those who want to work; for those who want to eat?
2. Yes, I'll/we'll 'poke' the churches on that. Youth group weeders, but I like the hay/mulch/no weeding/easy on the back gardening too.

1. Churches can find free use of land, nearby, even on their properties, for neighborhood gardens. Ah.... the ol' Victory in Christ Gardens.

If tax-free church lawns were used to grow food, the people would benefit, and they (the lost world) would be the first to defend the tax-free status of churches.
2. Yes, you have the idea! ‘Victory in Christ’ gardens, yes.  We’re also looking for  Good EGGs, Experienced Garden Guides.
1. Think of the friendship, relationships, neighborhood trust and communion that might result. And.... (wait for it...) new church members.

2. These thoughts, wonderful ones!—will go on our website, if/as/when

1. Of course, the Gov't will probably come and shut us down for helping the poor since that's their job, now.

We would be stealing their thunder, you know. I suppose if we paid them a tax, they would allow it.

Sorry... just anticipating the world we live in; the Gov't we live under.
[There’s more, including a list of possibilities, in  what I have printed off. And Stuart could glorify Captain Charles Stuart’s work, for in 1871 he laid out plans for a town beside the Big Mover of the day (railroads) that would serve a farming community. The Big Mover today is electronic, and Jim Rogers says farming is the growth industry of the future ‘Marry a farmer,’ and we, Stuart, would serve urban farming, etc. Good Eggs, glorified, another layer: Good Experienced Gardening Guides]
3. A small-town community might act more like a community.  I do see that some ‘governments’ in these uSA (sic) are making it illegal to feed the homeless, somehow? And in the old USSR, private charity, I’ve heard, WAS illegal?
f—Small Pond, Big Frog’-ism.  There’s a lot of it.’80,000 churches in 15 years’ could be searched. ‘Sustained Revival’—both the public part of and the PDF. Evangelical Defeatism is UnBiblical—David Field is good. Pastor Cho’s million-member congregation, Jenkins’ work on Africa from 10% Christian in 1900 to 46% ‘now’. Justo Gonzalez 3 conclusions at the end of ‘Christian Thought Revisited,’ Bledsoe’s ‘Principalities and Powers’ on BH blog site (Biblical Horizons) that says that we know how to evangelize tribes, the frontier of Christendom is in Boulder, CO, or Cambridge.
f—MOMPOEM (There’s more)

Too tired to write
Thank you
But a poem is a fight
To get down on paper
Pepsi is a health food
But when Mom awakes
May I?
Several times a night
It’s unhealthy
Is anyone there?
Can I help you?
What am I going to do?
Would you mind?
Don’t throw me away
I’ve got to get ready
They’re coming from the South
Thank goodness you’re here
Momma lives there
She’ll take us in
How did I get here?
Can I help you?
Isn’t that Ben cute?
Can we go see Momma--
Today? Do you have a mother?
I’ll get my clothes
Thank you
I’ve got to get a job
Helping children, do they still do that?
Where are the kids?
Is anyone here?
That little boy, is he OK?
Doesn’t Ellyn or Eunice
Or Ramona live just over there?
Where is everyone?
Oh! Can we go today?
Home where everyone
Helps each other
I’m glad you’re here
Don’t throw me away
Don’t leave me
Thank you.
2 years. Good years.
g—The first Confession Walk for MaeDay80 is somewhere, and how it got to PellaSquare and to How To Make Your Communities Better is in HostUeberfolder.

h—BothNotBoth combines the Sheffer Stroke (from Goedel’s Incompleteness lecture by Dr. Addis) with the Athanasian Creed. ‘t.h.e.’ is a word form—Typological.Hospitality.Evangelism./invitation to House Of Singing Times/HOST/COPP

Both not both the one
And the other and both t.h.e.
One and the other.

I believe Herovolution. God lovingly drags us into His future, changing us.
As we are chosen to be torn in the present between the future and the past, between in and out, our howl becomes music, and we the singing song.
(Faintly: Rests—absences—are as important as notes—presences.)
"Come, let us return to the LORD; for he has torn us, that he may heal us; he has struck us down, and he will bind us up" (Hos. 6:1), and John 6: 44No man can come to me, except the Father which hath senHt me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day.

A hero is the man between times, the First Sufferer, the Protagonist. He Explicitly Reconciles Opposites.
Critical notes. Started out as dragvolution, compared to evolution, the helkovolution, then herovolution.

Looking a Blue Letter Bible, we find that ‘draw’ can be better rendered as ‘drag’.
No man 3762 can 1410 come 2064 to 4314 me 3165, except 3362 the Father 3962 which 3588 hath sent 3992me 3165 draw 1670 him 846: and 2532 I 1473 will raise 4500 him 846 up 450 at the last 2078 day 2250.

Lexicon Results
Strong's G1670 - helkō
helkō Pronunciation
he'l-kō (Key)

Part of Speech
verb Root Word (Etymology)
Probably akin to α
ρέω (G138)

TDNT Reference
View Entry

Outline of Biblical Usage
1) to draw, drag off
2) metaph., to draw by inward power, lead, impel

Thus, dragvolution, and thus helkovolution.
But let’s look at G138 : Root Word (Etymology)
Probably akin to α
ρέω (G138)

Strong's G138 - haireō
haireō Pronunciation
hī-re'-ō (Key)

Part of Speech
verb Root Word (Etymology)
Probably akin to α
ρω (G142)

TDNT Reference
View Entry

Outline of Biblical Usage
1) to take for oneself, to prefer, choose
2) to choose by vote, elect to office

‘Haireo’ is a very close verbal pun to hero.
Thus, the hero is chosen (definition 1) to be (I say) the one between times, the first-sufferer, the protagonist.
We are in the image of the Son, then.
i—Who Says?  So What?  Christendom to the latter.  Check sources, patterning for former.
j—A key:  Layers of social order, Rosenstock-Huessy, especially Universal History 1954 Lectures, Dartmouth.  JBJ:  When we have a list of 7 here, and another list of 7 there, we are invited to compare.
k—Eat Axial Age Institutions !, E AA I !, combines JBJ’s comment that God set them up as challenges for the church later, and ERH’s comment that both the Israel of Old and the New Israel, the Church conquered astrological/astronomical empires by worshiping one in 7, amening that The One True God (Trinity) made what the empires worshiped.  This is shown in the names of the days of the week, now powerless, other than Lord’s Day. 2500+ years!
l—Tone, the ultimate maturity.  I need it!  Here’s ERH, a good summary: But LISTEN to the man:  Start here: This $30 has audio of named lecture series, and transcripts of ALL ERH’s lectures.  A great bargain.
m--Mike Bull I'm still learning to speak Hartman. It's the language where every second word is a shorthand encapsulation of an entire life's work.
n—We need Battle Briefing sermons. ‘You speak as well as Demonsthenes’  ‘No, for when I speak, people tell me how well I speak. When Demosthenes speaks, they rise as one man, shouting “We march against Philip!” ‘ Use James Jordan’s ‘Crisis, Opportunity, and the Christian Future’ as a basis. And that we are in Jeremiah Time, but (COATCF that this is the most exciting time since the first century. We can be New Abrahams, setting the course for thousands of years.
o—Did I say that the milieu of being a favorite cousin helped?
p—Tribes make marriages.  So, instead of perpetual warfare, can the 153 culture marry new persons, new speech, new institutions, and the 3 49s of 49 Bible Books, and Holy War, 49 systematic theology, like the Heidelberg’s 52 and redemptive history, and reversing the trend of 49 now institutions, etc. and maturity?
q—Alas, I have been a terminator, off conversation. Some bad reading, maybe, especially the writing style of U of Iowa philosophy department, and others. I can get better, and others can interpret this ‘tongue’!
r—Psalmodic Response is another key.  Take the gist, the geist, the essence, the Spirit of something and apply these principles to the new maturing experience that GodTrinity brings. ERH: A prophet is one who is taken beyond the time, and brought back to speak the words that make that time.  Thus HOST/COPP for the next era?t—I was going to do a secret TSO CHI, but it’s too hard, and less productive.  Same with PhilsdelphisCORAM861
s—I was driven into the Wilderness, but my cry became a howl, and someone will make music. Oh, In Asimov’s Foundation Trilogy—best SF series in history—there’s one scene in which a man is brought into what I consider the equivalent of the Holy of Holies, which is a cube covered (backlit?) with equations of history. Seldon, the inventor of psychohistory, said that in large enough numbers, history of mankind could be put into equations.  Think law of large numbers and insurance. To become a Speaker, one must solve an equation at some time. [The idea was to avoid a 1000-year Dark Age].  Something using these is ‘In the Country of the Blind,’ by Flynn. Starts before Abraham Lincoln, a secret society. What time will ‘my stuff’ be valuable?  Alas, we don’t have such a society. Yet.
.t—Pro-life lawyer for Godparents, 60s in best shot Lefty-Righty, B or first 7 letters, R of second 7 letters, SH of third 7 letters, or where they are in the 21.  T as harmony? Add to Tune of Twelve? See ‘Music from/of God’ website, each letter a note.
v—ERH (Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy) writes in ‘The Christian Future’ (also see ‘Fruit of Lips, and all other works of his) that there is child (artist all life), adult (fighter), elder (speaker).  I say there is an Ancient, who know what time it is to be one of these also.
w—Listen, read, learn, play, doubt, (critique/analyze) protest/witness, win, rule, teach, speak, (bequeath). The 10 commandments of education (ERH) and the 12 Tones of the Spirit.  One, Few, Many, All. Etc.

For Cousin Doris on her 80th birthday, the benefits of being cared foras a favorite cousin
If this were a Festschrift
Mike Bull I'm still learning to speak Hartman. It's the language where every second word is a shorthand encapsulation of an entire life's work.
Background:  It could be that lack of assurance is a major cause of personal and social problems.
Guilt, persistent soul-destroying guilt, in one’s person and in one’s relationships—that’s what I mean.
So, a milieu, and environment of being cared for, being a ‘favorite cousin,’ gives assurance, such that one can stride out in confidence, with faith.
As a thank-you, cousin Doris, here are 12 that have been shed forth over almost 70 years, submitted.

Love in King Jesus,

Chuck Hartman, January 6, Anno Domini 2014, PergamosCoram861.—or maybe it’s EphesusCoram, yes
PS: Further elaborations on request
This is that last that I asked you, dear reader, to read first.
So what?  It’ll help you understand better,
by helping you understand that little things mean a lot.
Who says?  Charlie TwelvePages.

Example One:  The Sheffer Stroke.
When Russell and Whitehead wrote ‘Principia Mathematica’ they had fiver operators, the total all symbolic logic ‘statements,’
if I remember correctly.
And. Or. Not. If Then. Iff And Only If.
A Harvard professor, Sheffer, figured out that all five could be deduced
from ONE:  /
‘/’ meant ‘not both the one and the other’.
A little thing meant a lot.

Example Two. Beethoven’s Fifth is an elaboration on the first four notes.

Example Three: Little clues lead Sherlock Holmes, Monk, and other detectives
to big conclusions.

Example Four:Cornelius Van Til said that if your chain saw is set at the wrong angle, the more you saw, the worse it gets.

Example Five: More recently, there is ‘priming’. Gladwell’s ‘Blink’.
One is 'primed,' in the Gladwellian sense ('Blink') as Solomon was by writing the Torah in his own hand. There was nothing about 2 harlots and one baby, but Solomon had obtained the principles he used from his saturation in the Torah.
Gladwell has a vignette to open the book that has 3 art experts brought in to give a judgment about the authenticity of a Greek statue (if I remember the whole thing rightly) that has ALREADY been bought.
Each has a physical (not articulated verbally) reaction that it was fake.
One, iirc, has a glass wall come between him and the statue, another shouts 'I hope you haven't paid any money yet!'

Conclusion and application.  Being in the environment of being ‘a favorite cousin’ can make a big difference over the course of a lifetime.
John 13: 34-35

So, in this articulation by and in Symbol, the Language, a twelve is a seventeen!


Making Homestead Of The Next 1000 Years, However Long That Is

Making homestead of the next 1000 years, however long that is.

Model: Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy
 and the revolutions of the West, per Gardner's Chapter 5 of 'Beyond Belief'.

Imperative: The Symphony Of Comprehensive History Interactive (CHI) -- soon with a simpler modification to reach The Five Billion [Rhyming 5-phase covenants in Calling(s)].

Subjective--Pella Square, aka How To Make Your Communities Better

Narrative--House Of Singing Times/Calendar Of Peace Priming [Thus TSOH and HOST!]


Planetary Service--Ps Of Peace, or Particular Planetary Peace Pirates Priming Period

Your descendants will understand.

Love in King Jesus,

Charlie 'TwelvePages' Hartman

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