This will take serious work.
It’s worth it.
Origin: In neo-tribal times, how stop the perpetual warfare of tribes?
Need a ‘revolution,’ as in ‘Revolutions of the West’.
Short and Sweet:
To work best, to start, only 10 (‘Symphony’) are needed,
maybe a dozen or two in a larger group, to train (like a country school in 19th
century Iowa-mid-20th century Iowa .
Start person-to-person by playing, ding, being, composing,
singing a SYMPHONY.
Being the end to beginning of ‘Revolutions of the West? I
have a next couple’
Conclusion: We’ve gone through the Introduction, page
1. Then we have ‘144’ (number to be
determined) pages comprising, in order, a—The Symphony Of (Comprehensive)
History (Interactive)/TSOH/The Symphony Of CHI/SYMPHONY, B—How To Make Your Communities
Better/PellaSquare, C—House Of Singing Times/HOST/CalendarOfPeacePriming,
153Culture is composed of BigSix, 49 Present, 49 Catechism
(Modified, Supplemented Heidelberg’s 52), and 49 Books (after JBJ, E. T. Hall)
in 3, namely 1-49, 49-2, 49-8 (in ‘tiaras’ of 8531642). Maybe 7 pages.
49 Present: (Next
day) Trinity, Spirit, Jesus, Church, Family. State, University,, Corporations,
Books, Internet
HOST is maybe 12 pages.
PellaSquare is maybe 12 pages.
pages, by only 90 ‘S-pages,’ so named because each comprises many pages,
but can best be navigated by grouping the pages into ‘S-pages).
We continue going backward (in homage to
Rosenstock’s/Rosenstock-Huessy’s ‘Out of Revolution’. Then we will start alternating forward and
backward, in a way similar to The Symphony Of CHI.
BigSix. These are the six biggest challenges, in one
sense, of the present or nearer future. See page one, Host17040, for a possible
list. They are still in development. One would be longevity. Longevity, Isaiah 65:20, will be a challenge
as affluence in the West is now a challenge. A Second? After the State, a next
layer. Barzun/Creveld, Nisbet, Berman.
Third? Prisons, War and Peace. Fourth? ERH’s 4 fronts, intelligent machines, currency,
life-manipulations issues, the elderly, the continuing poor, Big Data. Fifth? Dependence
on systems (EMP, etc.), Covenante, nature/freedom, 3-decker universe/12
dimensions, Beginning/Origins, Communication, 5th Generation Warfare
and more, Aunt Lori’s Christian Court TV, order of holidays (Above—start before
49 with TSOH, then at PV do PS, at Tbotmofa do HOST, at Totus Christus 1 do
153Culture, at TC2 do GFE, and at end do Aunt Lori’s Christian Court TV.
Discipling nations as covenat groups (Red Sox Nation, BN), I know these repeat:
Sexual Thing, given that Japan 's young
are not having sex, per a recent report, and the whole LGBT thing, with sex
robots to be, etc. A second is Wealth, how to handle the best time in
history to make money (and new types of money, Bitcoin, Hour, Digital from
metal, accounting entries, printed paper...). A third is Longevity (Kurzweil,
Cryonics...) Isaiah 65:20. A fourth might be discipling something such as
The Red Sox Nation.
Sixth? Asymtopic Sysyphus Unknown God unto Seven Incorporates
as Days of Week, as ERH’s Conquering Astrological/Astronomical Empires/As
Incorporating/Eating Axial Age…
And these ‘layer’ the first Week of Creation, 6 + 1, and are
thirdly HoliDays/Holiweeks.
KholiDays and KholiWeeks, as in ‘God kholed, spoke, in Gen.
20, with whole.
Summary of Page 145. Why
should you read further? Maybe you
shouldn’t. I only want a couple dozen serious ones. A first requirement would
be desire. Another would be knowing at
least the hint that human speech and hands make time(s), as in declaring war
and making peace. ERH, JBJ, North should have made your intellectual
acquaintance, Christendom also. If you’ve been ‘over-seminaried,’ probably
not. I don’t choose you, but you choose
to read and ‘play’/’incubate’ along. O Lord be with (Exodus 3:12).
We write the last page first, the end so we can begin. It
outlines the parts and the numbering, and that we will alternate coming from
the end backward with starting at the beginning and going forward. Introduced are The Symphony Of History, How
To Make Your Communities Better, House Of Singing Times, and 153Culture. These are 4 stages of a next revolution, as
in the Title: ‘Revolutions of the West? Yes, I have a next couple. Come aboard!’
Summary of Page 1 of ‘Revolutions of the West? Yes, I have a
next couple. Come aboard!’
A—See page 145.
B—Let’s play, do, be, become, sing, compose a version of The Symphony Of
History. We start with you, in training
to be a Conductor. The present Conductor
finds the Talent, Trauma, or Troubling that you bring to the orchestra. Example (from Host12047—Opus 47 [Years Of
Sing A New Era/S.A.N.E
Praying without ceasing. On your smart phone.
You receive this starting universe
of questions on your smart phone during the week from other Symphony members
Your ‘Big Thing’ is HEALING.You are Day 5, Sans and you have one other name.
REMEMBERING. Now we must factor in
forgetting unto peace. [Chardin and ERH from ‘Planetary Service’]
Add this to the corpus of this, from Lanier’s
‘Who Owns the Future,’ page 32.
Information technology involves design judgments about what to remember
and what to forget. Chuck: Put this in, for ‘money forgets,’ he says
earlier in the book, and God remembers. The rest of the book elaborates on the
peace of forgetting that allows enemies to have used the same money—it
forgot—and the information technology that does not forget the paths money has
4 Could demented/Alzheimered
persons, already in nursing homes, etc., be healed, so that they could go home
and function well? How? Have there been any cases?
1 Did something like Sheldrake’s
morphic resonance fields ‘hear’ or communicate my YOHAD cries? If so, what did
it do?
2 Where is the light of the world?
Do they ignore us, then laugh at us, then fight us, and then we win?
6 ‘Light of the world’ and ‘all
things cohere’: Marriage and children,
do these help healing?
3 Week One: From the Fact, what new Instruction will
there be, as you look toward the end? That is, what succession, what planetary
service, what new Torah, what poem will you and the Symphony utter, or better,
sing? We’re looking for some New Instruction based on Fact—what do you have?
7 Tell me what I must do to be
healed. Is this true, the following? ‘At X church, we heal you, under God, by
killing you and making you alive in Christ, by Word and Sign—and all your
relationships, Lord willing.’ Thus you can go and help us do likewise in the
Day 8, Chuck, Resurrection, asks
Day 5, Sans, Healing/Unity
& Diversity,:: What imperative impacts your talent Healing, from the
Resurrection? Impacts you
or someone else. (This Initiation is forwarded also to Page 17, for Day’s 5’s
9 How does the Ascension change
your view of healing?
What does this mean? It’ll take only a few pages to become VERY
AND How can you benefit from this?
Or, in the words of a venture capitalist, being asked to invest his money )time
is your only capital: Long): If you do what I’m writing, and it all goes as I
say, what do you get in the end, and what do I get? You’ll know in less than a
page—when you are the type of reader/doer to whom I’m writing! FILL IN THE
The Art Form of the Next Era
It’s ‘Scientific Method’ :
As liturgy is the covenant oriented toward the heavens above, and the
scientific method is the covenant oriented toward the waters under the earth,
The Symphony Of (Comprehensive) History (Interactive) is the covenant oriented
toward the earth beneath—people, made of dust.
Here’s the key.
We help each player by
asking him/her questions.
The questions repeat the
stages of history and maturation.
We one another one another
to maturity.
In redemptive history.
This conquers, under King
There are 4 stages. These are some sequences.
Law, Lyric, Evaluation, Fact
(Jordan ,
‘Crisis, Opportunity , and the Christian
Imperative, Subjective,
Narrative, Objective.
Cuddle, Story, Parrot, Pert,
Poet (Jordan ’s
adaptation of Sayers)
Transcendence, Hierarchy,
Ethics, Oaths and Sanctions, Succession. (North)
Rather speak the truth than have a friend? But...please consider this?
1--The advantage of a person as a
friend is that you are not omniscient in your knowledge of truth. And bearing
false witness 'against your neighbor' means hurting your neighbor.
2--A friend, also, in one with
whom you share all truths. Thus: John
15:15 King James Bible (Cambridge
Ed.) Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his
lord doeth: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of
my Father I have made known unto you.
3--Also, McCloskey in Bourgeois
Dignity writes of conjective truth (vs. subjective, objective?) as that truth
that is found by conversation.
Charles Howard Hartman on Facebook, (@
2 minutes in, history conducted)
…and the latest…Full
Count Of The Tribes…
and…Joint Ventures?
Eager ones may want to start conducting each his own symphony.
First, catch one of your ten.
Tomorrow, November 19, A. D. 2013 I continue with pages 144
and S1, Lord willing.
Are there any questions?
November 19, A. D. 2013 (HOST date to come)
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