Saturday, November 9, 2013

153 Culture

153Culture.  That would be 153 ‘orders’ (not just tribes to combat the neo-tribalistic perpetual  war, but nations, cosmopolitians, etc).
I arrive at the ‘temple of orders’ in this way at this time.
Three 49s and a Big Six.  The Big Six are the 6 most important, new maturational challenges put before us NOW.  I have a list of 13 candidates, but they include Isaiah 65:20, affluence, Flood of information, breakdown of structures with technological change, etc.
The first 49 are derived, one from each book of JBJ’s literarily conceived 7x7.
The second is something systematic, similar to the Heidelberg Catechisms 52 AND/OR 49 patterns (mo(k)har, 6 and 1 creation, 3-decker universe…
The third 49 are those that don’t make the BigSix: ‘Bureaucracy as a perversion of Leviticus, a bad priming (‘Blink’), for instance. Proverbs 16:4, Hebrews 12:6.
This is now incubating, this 153.

Love in King Jesus,


PS: E. T. Hall's 'Silent Language' is worthwhile.

Candidate 15 for Big Six

--‘They were post-web and post-email.  You got in touch with them by catchin up with their toon in T’Rain’ page 729 of Stephensons’ REAMDE.  ‘Toon’ is like avatar, ‘T’Rain in the book is a massive online role-playing game—really an alternate reality, a new electronic continent/world.

The question is, what reality, who will make/speak/hand it. Some say we live in one now (‘Matrix,’ Rapoport [or could—Joran Lanier ‘Who Owns the Future?’], etc.)

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