Monday, July 1, 2013

Joint Ventures...BH

A short summary of some potential joint ventures in monetizing the scientific method of the next era, the art form of the next era, and MANY other newnesses.

Lord willing, we'll be coming to BH, Louise and I. You might want to 'interview' me. There are two reasons, yea 3. 1--I have good stuff. 'The Scientific Method (parallel) for the next era' is just one. I'll email you a list. Oh, George Grant and JBJ have both thought Godparents for Eldsters is worthwhile. 2--I'm in the bequeathing stage (ERH) and would like to do it by monetizing. 3--I think that this, what 'we' do, could be a pattern that could help Christendom, for many are not trained in business (and we have the monastery example! 1/6 of England, 13 of France) and this could teach how. More later. Love in King Jesus, Charly
OK, here are some topics for potential discussion(s) to monetize. [I’m not greatly interested in talking, I’m interested in monetizing.]

There are many ebooks here, and that’s just the beginning.  See Switzer’s 52 ways to monetize (there are more now)--attached. The author of Guerrilla Marketing wrote on this attachment that he made $20,000 on the book, and millions on other ways. [I’m interested in monetizing because it keeps others going.  I’m bequeathing for after I’m dead]

History:  In Universal History 1954 at Dartmouth, Rosenstock said that the next 1000 years (however long that would be) would involve keeping the small enthusiastic groups of the tribes, but avoiding the perpetual warfare of the tribes. I HAVE A SOLUTION FOR THAT.

It’s in the form of a 4-stage process (Rosenstock’s, JBJ’s, North’s, Sayers’, etc.).  Here’s some background on ERH’s system from Clint Gardner, who was a student of ERH’s before WW II.

An aside. We also look for the next layer of social order in history from Jordan’s view, expressed in ‘Crisis, Opportunity, and the Christian Future.’ This is best explained at the Facebook Page for Godparents For Eldsters--  And here’s a short YouTube video (‘See More’ to see more): Here’s a VERY short blog:  To sum up this aside: George Grant and JBJ think this is good.  Wayne Larson helped with the YouTube filmed ceremony.

Now, back to the list.  If we go JBJ, the Law is Enjoy Timely Comprehensive Beauty, the Lyric is The Symphony Of History, the Evaluation is How To Make Your Communities Better, and the Fact is Calendar Of Peace/House Of Singing Times.

I’m now changing Law to ‘The Full Count of the Tribes’.  That type of thing is what I’m best at, and what I want to continue doing.  That’s why I want others to monetize what I’ve done, on a 50/50 basis.  Start with ebooks (with links inside) and YouTube videos with Google AdSense, etc. The big money is in Switzer, attached.

The Symphony of History, old: (@ 6 minutes, several parts):
Also: A BRIEF explanation of the art form of the next era.  Great for evangelism and discipleship. (@ 2 minutes in, history conducted) 
I can’t get the all caps off, i will continue.
how to make your communities better (bledsoe: Every town should do this)--
House Of Singing Times/Calendar Of Peace (usually it’s first the historical event, then the remembrance by calendar, but the future and the past cause the present, so here it’s calendar first)--

Additional subjects for discussion, monetization: Warriors of Light (from a passage by Tom Woods in How the Catholic Church Built Western Civilization, and inspired by a sermon by Burke Shade)--

[Did I mention that The Symphony Of History is the parallel for the next era to what the scientific method was to our present era.  It applies the covenant sequence to the earth beneath, people.  The scientific method is for the waters under the earth, and the liturgy for the heavens above.  Here’s a fill-in-the-blank Opus 47 (to be put on Scribd—attached for now).

We need to one another one another’s talents.  I see many business formed in the crucible of the congregation, and maybe even the IPO being the equivalent of cleared land, so that the church will have resources to do her task.  More on this later. (Apple had a ‘software evangelist’ and here’s a link to ‘Technology Evangelist’—can’t churches have business-building in the congregation experts on staff?
Also, JBJ has said in the past that we suffer from a lack of pastors with military experience.  I’d say also, that we suffer from lack of pastors with business experience.  We can teach.  Your congregation can lead the way?
Compare monasteries.  1/6 of England when Henry VIII took them, 1/3 of France when taken during the Revolution.  But the money now is stocks? More  of it.  Should one consider an IPO and ‘increase’—tithing would give the church resources.  And ‘supermoney’:

A second aside.  So far we’ve done ERH and JBJ.  Now more bequeathing, for the 5th Word indicates that were I to honor my parents (ancestors too) bequeathing would be done. So, for Covaults (Mom’s side), there’s Covault Gardening. You pay us money, we till/plow, plant, weed.  You harvest.  This is done in Oregon, successfully.  Mom could have used some Godparents when she was Elderly, an Eldster.  Dad?  George Washington Hartman and Great-grandson, d/b/a Ready.Hardware.Safety.Net.  Joint ventures with preppers and local hardware stores. And Howard Hartman Memorial Ambidextrous World Golf Championship, plus Acme Billiard Emporium, home of OneBall, TwoBall/Avalance.

Christian Court Tv. Gary DeMar ‘Likes’ it.

Redeemer Hour. o Basic idea. Need $200,000 to buy church building. Find someone to buy 20,000 Redeemer (name of church) hours @ $10/hour--maybe they'll need 25,000 to compensate for the risk, and administration. [Also, some hours are worth more than $10, some less. A computer guy, maybe 2 Redeemer hours per hour of work, a leaf-raker, maybe .75 per hour of work]. The members of the church would pledge a certain number of hours, say 5 a week (Saturdays?). So, to get to 25,000 hours, @ 50 weeks a year, 5 hours a week, that would be 250 divided into 25,000, or 100 member/years. That is 100 members x 5 hours a week, x 50 weeks, would equal the 25,000 hours.
o My math may be off. The principle makes sense to me. Could circulate in community as alternative currency, see Time Banks and Labor Exchanges.

Lectionary Historical (and future).  The @ 4000 years from creation to A. D. 70 (4080 with ‘delay’ per JBJ, I think) can be divided into 49 periods of 81 years (Abraham gets a few more, and there’s the ‘delay).  Thus, using HOST/COP one Bible book per week, one period of 81 years chronologically.  Lots more here, see PergamosCoram861 (multi-page) above.

More later.  We can have several ebooks ready to go by BH time, I pray.

Attachments sent in one or two additional messages, because of size of one.

Love in King Jesus,

(My mentation is not that of the movie made from ‘Flowers for Algernon,’ but it is different.  I prefer to keep on doing the Full Count of the Times, and stuff like it.  This, though is a good model for our talks and monetization).
PS: Basic monetization.  1—You pick something from what I’ve done, propose to monetize it, we split gross 50/50.  Basic paradigm.  Ebooks--royalties, YouTube—Google AdSense.  2—You become expert on this process, and the Switzer, Jay Abraham, Michael Senoff, etc. monetization, and make $ that way.  Copyrights, etc. jointly owned. 3—I keep on doing what I’m best at—I’m technologically challenged.
Att: Host12047, Switzer

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