Friday, February 14, 2025

Repetition in the Bible

 As JBJ has taught us, priests do exactly what they are told.

Kings ruminate on commandments and apply them, as did Solomon with 2 harlots and 1 baby.
Prophets are members of the Heavenly Council. Amos 3:7 I believe. 
  1. Amos 3:7 KJV - Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, - Bible ... 3:7...

    Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.


    For NEAT stuff on the Gospels using 'Hebrew Cadence' see Jack Cascione's (influenced by JBJ) 'Re[etition in the Bible. See his other works and Mozeson 'Origin of Speeches'


Amazon blurb: 'The primary goal of “Repetition in the Bible,” is to document the repetition of Hebraic meter in the writings of Moses, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and other biblical writers. This is the first book to study the repetition of Hebraic meter written by Moses and how New Testament writers copied his repetition. “Repetition in the Bible,” draws on the research of renowned Semitic linguist Moshe David Umberto Cassuto and the taxonomy of repetition identified by Dr. Diana Jill Kirby in “Repetition in the Book of Revelation.” This book supports Cassuto’s criticism of JEPD and finds overwhelming internal evidence for Mosaic authorship advocated by Eyal Rav-Noy in, “Who Really Wrote the Bible.” In this new book, author Gioacchino Michael Cascione, continues to explore repetition that he examined in his 1987 and 2012 editions of, “In Search of the Biblical Order.” Cascione proves that the Bible contains a unique and highly-developed ancient genre of repetition. This book was edited by: Rev. Professor David Kuske, professor emeritus of New Testament Theology at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, Mequon, WI. Rev. Professor Robert Dargatz, former professor of Old Testament Studies and chairman of the Religion Division at Concordia University Irvine California, and Pastor of Emmanuel Lutheran Church, Orange, CA, elected to the LCMS Commission on Theology and Church Relations. Rev. Rolf Preus, theologian, pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church, Sidney, MT, and St. John Lutheran Church, Fairview, MT. Repetition in the Bible Examines repetition in both the Old and New Testaments Explores the form, origin, and purpose of repetition in the Bible Evaluates the text as an ancient artifact Provides evidence for the authenticity of the original text Quotes more than 5,000 verses as evidence of repetition in the Bible Translates all repetition from the Greek and Hebrew for the lay reader Written for students of the Bible.'

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