Monday, February 3, 2025

Comprehensive Songs Ladwig Job 38

 Amanda Ladwig We need comprehensive music. Here's a start. 2 posts.

This is radical Here's something also radical. Can we figure out the tune. Perhaps. Take the letters B R SH T. Run 'em through Psalm 119, as 3+ sevens. We get the notes 267 (1, I propose). Put these on a scale ABCDEFG, BFG (A, I propose). The rest my be elaborated like Beethoven's 5th? Chuck

B R SH T are the Hebrew letters for the first word, translated 'In the beginning...'
For extra points, use the same system to get the song the morning stars/sons of God sang--Job 38

Charles Howard (Chuck) Hartman
Feb 2 #47789

Willis: songs about choirs= civilization (aliens)
All stories in this book have won prizes. $2.90 used and 'At the RialtoyiEstDomtGnlHPjnrHwjnQ31GYqjLErg96XLclqiOn07nVFG2xhUB4SkS2ZzgDdhwy6hJustdRuaZlYCAUiMYHsWAKhV7-cmlb2JbVOKBjfH_SnYp1zQtwo.NWZelEM_q6PfnpLVCMa9tN1mjbc0HIRsOD3mdVauyNI&dib_tag=se&keywords=the+best+of+connie+willis&qid=1738550560&sprefix=The+Best+of+Conni%2Caps%2C259&sr=8-1
$2.90 used at 'At the Rialto' included (behavior of physicists at convention on quantum theory illustrates same)
'All Seated on the Ground' tells of scornful aliens who finally are convinced that humans have some civilization
because choirs sing about choirs. Chuck
PS: Winner of high honors.

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