Saturday, November 11, 2023

Victory HouseBuilding Pattern A. D. 2023

 Victory HouseBuilding pattern AD 2023

God defeats the enemies of his people, with the spoils they build Him a house, he move in, relaxes, and start the fire, His people administer the victory.


1—The Victory House-Building Pattern is all over the Bible.

1—For example: After the Israelites left Egypt in a victory over Pharaoh, the made the tabernacle, from Egyptian soldier’s washed up armor, contributions from  head of tribes, spoils of the Egyptians’ (borrowed), etc. Spirit moved in.

2—David’s spoiling of the Philistines helped make the Temple.

3—The Old Covenant was spoiled of the Bible, converts, etc. at A. D. 70, and the Spirit oved in at Pentecost.


What do we have today?


Technological civilization is spoiled  of the Internet, and we have llockchain rather than ahistoricity (‘Life after Google’—Gilder).

We have more technological innovations now in a day that we did 100 years ago. (Diamandis)

Lifespans are double what they were in 1900.

We have the internet.

Homeschooling is increasing rapidly.

Signs of the failure of ‘the state’ are all over. 4th Generation War (and 5th, etc.) contra the Peace of Westphalia.

The Spirit of monetary exnihilation has left the Eccles Building (Federal Reserve).

In the Global South they have perfected a way to bapitize a million people in a few years, Biblically. (in ‘Contagious Disciple Making’ they show finding a person of peace to run a Discovery Sessions of Bible verses, Glenn Sunshine’s ‘The Kingdom Unleashed tells of methods such as this—obedience-based, rather thas ideological evangelistic methods ‘as big as your parking lot’).

We have video platforms to videocast services, etc. (my naturopath uses this, and for videochats).


GodTrinity has been engaging in victories such as this, and we are building Him a house, the Holy Spirit is with us, and we redeemed are continuing to engage in the Holy War as we mature—another pattern through the Bible; Redemption, Holy War, Maturity.


As we mature, He repeats, and we are given bigger challenges.

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