Friday, March 13, 2020

Helping Billions Week 2 for April 19 Anno Domini 2020

 Helping Billions Week 2 April 19 AD 2020
My post this week about Generational Wealth and Gospels Layers of eternal calendar and The Symphonic Method (Principia Operatica) will include 'conquering'/'incorporating'/'eating' into our 7/week/sheba the institutions of the Axial Age, when Israel was in Exile, set up for us for our maturity.
Calendars are important. Consider how we may have incorporated Greek,
Roman, Norse gods/planets into our week. List the orbs by closest to earth. 1--moon, 2--Venus, 3--Mercury, 4--Sun, 5--Mars, 6--Jupiter, 7--Saturn.  Then start at 7 and go 124, Sun(day). 4, 5671, Moon, Monday, etc. (2 and 3 are switched).
Theologian James Jordan sees this retuning by 5 in Revelation 5:12-7:12, The Ascension.
Hundreds, thousands of years from now, we'll conquer Axial Age institutions, using Rosenstock's work, to get AlreadyDia, JesusAllTimesDia, Lao-tseDia,
AbrahamDia, BuddhaDia, GreekTheaterOperaDia, NotYetDia. See 'Christian Future, and Cross of Reality.
Right now I have KOLYmmm!!, SardisYmmm!!, 8531642, retuning the retuning and flipping it. (Later retunings make no Kol is a Hebrew/English work. GodTrinity 'kio'ed at Sinai.
Matthew—when Israel sinned a little, wanting some Philistine culture, GodTrinity put them total under the Philistines, just as with land laws and Exile. So, to solve societal ‘forgetting/’Alzheimer’s, let’s remember!
In ‘The 100 Most Significant Events in Church History’ we’re up to Tertullian, who is one of Justo Gonzalez’ 3—legal. He coined ’Trinity’/’trinitas’.
In Fuller’s chronology, he claims the Phoenicians invented phonetic language. Ezra Pound related this shift from ideographic language to phonetic to Babel. Buy ‘Critical Path’
Ussher is on its way.  I’ll include 5 anomalies.  This week Cremo, who specializes in Out Of Place artifactS (OOPS!), fossils and such found in the wrong temporal layers in archeology. ‘Forbidden Archeology’.
Mark—Let’s say Henry Ford, famous in  ‘Brave New World’—after Ford dating, and Fuller’s greatest artist of the 20th century.
Luke—we continue with
John—we anticipate ‘tabernacles’/Bull’s Bible structures in history.  More later, bu we do see it in liturgy and in PV/TBOTMOFA/TC in this layer of eternal calendar.

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