Monday, January 28, 2019

Opus 53

January 28, 2019:

Opus 53: Jeremiah Time---A Prayer
I could use your help with the list of liabilities. See below.
JBJ (James B. Jordan) has said we’re in Jeremiah Time, and ERH has said that new technology increases reach, decreases time, and destroys old groups. JBJ says God is working to bring about the new, and we should not play God. ERH has said that the next social order will be small, enthusiastic groups—tribes without perpetual warfare. I add oath-formed (true speech that puts one’s life behind one’s words) and productively profitable.
Some write novels, someone wrote the first novel. This is an attempt at a first planetary service art form. It’s based on the work of past giants, and giants will use the form to create art works in the future.
I believe herovolution.  GodTrinity lovingly drags us into His future, changing us.  As we are torn in the present between the past and the future, between the in and the out, our howls become music, and we the singing song. The h.e.r.o is the one between times, the first sufferer, the protagonist, helping.explicitly.reconcile.opposites.

We start with a 5 x 12 grid. A list of 5s would include JBJ’s Law-Lyric-Evaluation-Fact-New Torah. Also THEOS. And ERH’s Imperative-Subjective-Narrative-Objective-Planetary Service. Trespass-Sin-Ascension-with Tribute-Peace. THEOS can be expanded to 7 by adding King-Priest-Prophet to the Ethics part. Sabbath and 6 feasts make a 7: Passover-Firstfruits-Pentecost-Trumpets-Atonement-Tabernacles.
Liturgy, Order of worship is 5 Cs—Call, Cleanse, Consecrate, Commune, Commission: JBJ. The first 1000 years after He Wo Reversed The Trend. Scientific method: Newton’s apple put him into a news situation. He didn’t know how to explain it, but thought he could. He studied books others had written, and the Book of Nature. He formed an hypothesis that was tested. The theory resulting was taken out to the world. These 5 are like unto JBJ’s 5 for liturgy, applied not toward The Heavens Above, but toward Nature, Reality Minus Speech, The Waters Under The Earth. Now, God has sung Psalm Tone D to us (high, low, middle) and we must respond, though we will be changed. We should use the 5-step processes toward one anothering the unique ability of each to turn a liability into an asset. The old groups being destroyed are the liabilities. The new OFSPEG (Oath-Formed, Small Profitable/Productive Enthusiastic Groups are the assets. Turning liabilities into assets is the mark of the Christian Era: Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy: ERH.
There will be other 5s, North has many. God owns everything, He delegates ownership, Ownership carries responsibility, Value is imputed, Mankind increases dominion.
There are 12 each of these 5. First, Days: 6 of Creation, 7 is Fall and Rise, 8 is Resurrection, 9 is Ascension, 10 is Pentecost. 11 is A. D. 70, and 12 is Already, Not yet—The Great Day/Final Judgment.
Second, Books. The first 7, 8 is Hebrews, 9 is the rest, 10 is JBJ’s ‘Rethinking the Order of the Old Testament, 11 is Psalms (The Bible in miniature: Luther) and 12 is Jeremiah-Lamentations for this Opus 53.
Third, Institutions. This reverses the order of ERH’s Revolutions of the West. See Gardner’s ‘Beyond Belief,’ Chapter 5. ERH has Speech, Persons, Institutions. I have here: Institutions (being destroyed), Persons (with ‘New Eyes’/Lenses), and Speech (the imperative stem that ERH says is the short basis for all other Latin verb forms—‘Magna Carta Latina’, and upon which the OFSPEGs will be constructed. The first 3 would seem to be Church, Family, Civil Government. Path-formed. This fits with Luther’s Church, House, King.
WHAT ARE THESE? I list some below.
Fourth, Persons with Lenses. I start with North at 1, and his work toward an Economic Commentary on the Bible/Christian Economics. I don’t know 2-7. HELP? 8 is Jordan and the Jubilee Lectionary/Liturgy/Calendar I’ve constructed from his ‘Order of the Old Testament’ work. 9-11 HELP? 12 is Rosenstock, with Bull’s attempts to see the Bible as a series of speeches constructing. Call 2-7 B-G. Call 9-11 I-K.
Fifth, we drive each other to the imperative stem.
We sing to each other.  In the first, It’s 8-1, with 9. The second is 41526378, with 9 and 10 (close to our order of weekdays per planets, Revelation 7:12, from 5:12 (picturing Ascension: JBJ). Third is 87531642, with 9 and 10 and 11. Fourth is 1-12, responded to by 12-1. Fifth is 12-1, responded to by 1-12. Each has a solo, except Day 12 SUMS.
In a class setting, each Day would be a separate person or group, sitting around a table/tabernacle.  The Conductor would play Days 1, 8, 12. Each Day is being trained to be a Conductor.

The Conductor arranges all, to start.  I am doing a Toscanini here. The story goes that he was in an orchestra in Rio, and the visiting conductor got sick, and all were asking, ‘What should we do?’. Answer:  ‘Let Arturo conduct, he knows everyone’s parts’. (JBJ has written me that he knew few who could even play is such a Symphony, but Sheldrake has shown that after someone does one, other find it easier.
So, week 1 is arranged by the Conductor, and at the end, we know a 10-word description of each incubator/player (ERH: 12 Tones of the Spirit—Tone 4). We initiate 8-1, with 9.
Week 2, each responds, in order 41526378, 9.  Each also writes a page, as if verbally responding. Then 41526378, 9 and 10 Initiate. Each writes a ‘70’ word summary, preparing for one’s solo, one’s OFSPEG, imperative stem and flowering.
I and R make ‘ir,’ city in Hebrew.
Week 3 Responses are 87531642, 9 and 10. Each writes a page. The Initiation are in the order of 87521642, 9 and 10, and 11. Each writes a ‘153’ word summary, preparing for one’s solo, one’s OFSPEG, imperative stem and flowering.
Week 4 Responses are 123456789, 10 and 11. A page. Initiate 12, 11, 10, 987654321. The ‘153’ becomes an @500. 480 if years to Temple, 490 if years of neglect unto Exile, etc.
Week 5 responses are 123456789, 10,11, 12. Each constructs each one’s imperative stem and OFSPEG as a solo. Day 12 12 ‘Charles Howard’.
I will be playing all these parts, but a Conductor, let’s call Day 1 ‘Charlie,’ Day 8 ‘Chuck,’ and

NOW, WHAT ARE SOME LIABILITIES TO TURN INTO ASSETS. (Use these also as Lenses for Persons.)
Therse are in no particular order.
Giants of the past
Holidays (I’ve been thinking of some related to peace (Debs), reading (Wolfe), vitamins (Funk) and electricity (‘Spinning Magnet’ book, Tesla/Edison, Faraday).
Losing electricity (Koppel, Forstchner/Gingrich). But ‘Clean Disruption’
Both/And math, vs. ‘not both the one and the other: Sheffer Stroke.
Axial Age institutions to be incorporated, and CHH/s new days of week to do so.
Language: Interrogative as part Imperative?
Delusions: 2 Thess. 2:11
Catechism questions, branches of philosophy.
‘Death Wish Is The Daughter Of Guilt’
Prisons. Christian Court TV
Abortion. Personhood Day
Inability to stand prosperity. Abundance
Children as assets, as on farm.
Choose your profession. Losing the gains ERH points out by century in early pages of ‘Out’.
Married, choose a new name for your new.
Warfare, generation. Lind.
People migration.
The elderly: Godparents for Eldsters.
Let’s make a deal. Land, Labor, Capital, Management.
State as tribe. Creveld ‘Rise and Decline’
Barzun, Berman, Nisbet, ‘Out of Revolution’
Girard and victimology.
Covenant Sequence in Leviticus and Deuteronomy’ The 12th, asong to sum up, encapusalate, and go forward.
Money 2.0. Justice. Decline of ‘State’
What comes out, not what comes in.
Things dreamed of that we lack. Teleportation…
MADJAN—Moore’s Law, 4xed by biology. Abundance, Decentralization/Centralization, Jordan crossed 3rd world great evangelism, Artificial Intelligence, Nanotechnology
Warfare, Since Westphalia by states, massed armies, artillery, tanks, inssurgents and media, networks and jets. What church doing? ‘Contagious Disciple Making).
Cartels (‘Progressive Era’) Oil and Banking Power Cartel vs. British Empire as Naval-Based Trading Cartel.
Szasz: Ceremonial Chemistry
JBJ”S ‘Western Civ.’
From what is ’the news’ distracting us?
Shame vs. Guilt—guilty get to be heard.
Forgetting; Lafferty’s ‘What was the Name of that Town’ and ‘Mankind in Amnesia, and Wolfe’s ‘language is a mnemonic artifact, a memory tool.’
New words. Singificant. Sing If I Can’t.
‘Looking Backward’
“Life after Google’
What is like the railroads? Sherman
‘Critical Path’ for your ofspeg?
New words, calendars…
Creeds unto science.
Peace next time
Violence of liturgy
Kaul’s Unplanning Commission
Jay Abraham, Diamandis
Matt. 28
Pandemics (antibiotics don’t work), chemical, nuclear
Totality and Reproducti0n (of men) ERH: ‘Out’
Socrates vs. Paul:  High-Handed Sin?
Catastrophes, Surprises
Calling, Local, 1 Timothy 2: 1-4
Hearken, don’t just hear, do!
Why not try anti-dementia?
Christian Court TV
Law and Gospel
‘State’ education and Twelve Word Platform
Billion $, help a billion people
Beatitudes, Woes, Decalogue…
Pole shift
Crisis, Opportunity…

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