Saturday, January 26, 2019

4 for Jim

4 for Jim


 Anecdotal email. Niacin amide for ALZ

'Anyway, I convinced a lady in our church to give it (niacin amide) to her elderly mother who was totally going ALZ, and she gave her only 250 mg/day for a week, and quit, because the mother started remembering stuff and arguing with her daughter too much! So it did work!

The lady would rather have a passive mother totally out to lunch than a combative, alert, argumentative one! Not my call, but interesting!'

The 'amide' prevents niacin flush (which could last an hour, hot skin, irritating) and helps cross the blood-brain barrier).

2--Dr. Newport, M. D. All over YouTube helping her husband from Alz. Has good books too.

3--Turmeric Forte.  Search Dr. west Health Alert. Claims 100% had improved memory after 18 months.

4--CBD Oil. No THC (hallucinogen). Legal in all 50 states. After my stroke (I'm older than JBJ) my nutritionist had it ready for me.  Since then I've shot my age in golf ambidextrously, and 'In other news, some write novels, someone wrote the first novel, Chuck claims to have orchestrated the first planetary service art form, based on the work of past giants,some future giants will write/orchestrate in that genre.'

5--I'm sure there are more. Dr. Newport has a PDF about how difficult it is to work with memory loss patients, so that's the key.   Maybe Noel could/would help.  I'd pay some money.

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