Find and do (pray for) the most important thing you can do at which you would be most difficult to replace--this week for me it's the readings for a holiday (holidays change cultures) remembering and applying the destruction of the Temple (in/) Jerusalem in A. D. 70. Something about The Fall and the 4000 years until The Rise. Secondly, 480 years after Conquest until Tabernacle, Solomon's Temple @ Anno Mundi 3000, 70 years of Exile (Axial Age too) because of 490 years of no Sabbath to the Land. Thirdly, from rebuilding wall (City of David => Temple) and Temple, and INRI being responded to with 'Credo ut intelligam,' and then 'Cogito ergo sum,' and Rosenstock's 'Respondeo etsi mutabor'--I respond though I will be changed. Latin, of Hebrew, Greek, and Latin, was the language of governing on the Cross, you see. Fourthly, The Ascension, pictured in Rev. 5:12-7:12, the big thing, per James B. Jordan's commentary being the 'retuning of the universe' by circl of fifths-like, in the order the attributes of Jesus are listed, similar to how we got our days of the week, and now that we are seated with Jesus in Heaven (Ephesians 2:6) we breathe life (and waters come from our belllies, the Holy Spirit in us) as God breathed into Adam, thus a chiasm.
Well, that's put out for improvement.
Love in King Jesus,
Charlie '49 peace corps pirates' Hartman Charles Howard Hartman
PS: The German speaking LCMS remember A. D. 70 at about this time of the year, using readings from Josephus. We can do better.
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