Friday, June 20, 2014

Urban Nations And Illegal Immigrants--Are We Missing Something?

Dear Gentles:
>Steve Schlissel of Urban Nations in New York has
>written that it takes many tens of thousands of
>dollars per year to send missionaries overseas,
>yet, at no cost, God has moved hundreds of
>thousands of people from various overseas
>cultures to the NYC area. And these people are
>already searching for something better. That's a
>focus of his church's evangelism.
>Can't we say the same thing about 'illegal immigrants' in the whole uSA (sic)?
>As a second point, RJR once wrote, if I remember
>correctly, that tithing agencies were big
>helpers of waves of immigrants in the past.
>Thirdly, but now we have the idolatry of the state to contend with also.
>Am I missing something? Is the drift of this
>argument persuasive? If so, what should be done?
>Love in King Jesus,
>Charlie 'Chuck' Hartman
>PS: Fourthly, Israel was in the center of trade routes for a reason.
>And fifthly, I think this is tied up with our
>'Joe's Southside Garage' situation. More on the latter, later.
>Sixthly, if we think Social Security, etc. is
>going broke, should the underground economy....well, you know?

Re: 'illegal immigrants'--what to do?

I mean, let's get serious.

1--Seek 'em out.  Many risked their lives to get here. (Many are gang members--learn to tell which is which)

2--But, before that, try to find out what has worked best for Schlissel.  I think he usesa Southern Baptist book about learning English using the Gospel of Mark.  Do free English lessons, no questions asked still make sense?

3--Empathize with them, use Exodus themes, etc. but emphasize that there is a reson it is so much better in these uSA (sic) and that's because of our Christian heritagel

4--The prove it!  How?  'Jesus in Beijing,' as Dr. Bledso has told us, by a Time correspondent, near the end, tells that the highest reaches of Chinese government asked their people to find out what was the cause of the prosperity of the West.  Answer: Christianity

5--There are surely MANY other books and series that tell the details.

6--After you/we get done teaching that, and it should be videoed and put on YouTube, etc., teach that to the Anglos, etc.!

Love in King Jesus,

Charlie 'Chuck' Hartman
PS: I know you will have to navigate around the possibility that if the authorities find out, you might be raided, but ERH said in a lecture that the Middle Ages concluded that 1--Just laws must be obeyed, and 2--Unjust laws may be disobeyed when one is willing to suffer the consequences.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Joint Ventures? CHHCJV

Watch this space.

I give you a small portion of the total amount I will eventually give you for writing, on this basis:

1--You give me a business plan for making money/generating surplus
2--  Remember, much of what I want us to do together in information products for a small market, Christians, which is only a billion or so people
3--You should start to get Janet Switzer's material (How Experts Build Empires) and Jay Abraham's free materials at, plus Warren Whitlock, John Kremer and others are good on book marketing
4--You could do this yourself, from the start I give you with the idea, but
5--I cana help
6--I think a 50/50 split, with no further funding from me is a good idea--what do you think?
7--Write up your proposal, send it to Then you get the rest, you operate, and off we go!

Lord willing, this has some potential

Love in King Jesus,
Charlie 'Chuck' Hartman
PS: Jay says a PS is a second headline, so ... many of what I would want to capitalize on are at, and Facebook Notes (Charles Howard Hartman)
PPS: North has a great site.  It would help your proposal were you to have subscribed to it, and studied the marketing area and forums.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Warriors Of Light June A. D. 2014

I send this before a broad public release.  I can do other things myself, this requires a congregation.

I see this as a surplus-producer, just through ads on blogs and YouTube.  North is among the many who teaches this--he uses Ron Paul Curriculum.  One of his teenagers makes $40K a month now!

But there are many others.  I like How Experts Build Empires by Janet Switzer--she helped the Chicken Soup for the Soul fellows produce the biggest-selling non-fiction series in history, and has a free 7-phase intro.  Jay Abraham has material I paid thousands for, free, on

But even better is the ministry aspect for the many, many new churches being formed in the 3rd world.  Search '80,000 churches in 15 years,' and David Field and Philip Jenkins.

Were I to recommend, I'd recommend that you commission a businessman and a young techie to make this into apps, and many other things.

Switzer has a 56-item list of positive revenue flow possibilities, and it's several years old, so I'm sure she has more.  I'll try to attach it.

Here's the explanation.



21—The Twelve
22—Greater Chron-icles

29—First John

31—First Peter
32—Second Peter
34—Second John
35—Third John

37—First Corinth-ians
38—Second Corinth-ians
43—First Thessal-onians

44—Second Thessal-onians
45—First Timothy
46—Second Timothy

A neat/nike 'word' coined in Symbol has to do with what I call 'Warriors of Light'.  It takes off from the use in medieval times of cathedrals as solar observatories.  Holes would be punched in the roof of a cathedral, and the positions of the lights charted on the floor of the cathedral.

The new, improved Warriors of Light takes off from the fact that WE are the light.  Start with JBJ's 49-book Bible from 'Rethinking the Order of the Old Testament'.

Two things are done.  1--Sit as the books, in a 7x7 grid.  The neat thing here, the word coined in Symbol, the Language, is that WE are the Jubilee.  If you want 50 instead of 49, add the pastor.

2--Each book/seat/person writes 1/2 a page/a page about how the sermon is seen/heard/acted upon from the perspective of that book.

Put these together, and you have something to show prospective members about what your church does in this way.  The main thing is that each one teaches the others, and as people sit in the formation of the Bible, WE are the Bible and the Jubilee.

Love in King Jesus,

Charlie 'Chuck' Hartman
PS: I could provide some money on a joint-venture basis.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

TheTwentyTwo, A Howl In Symbol Language, Dialect Calendar: Demarketing

TheTwentyTwo, A Howl In Symbol Language, Dialect Calendar: Demarketing
Some Advantages
1—Adds another layer to the understanding of the coming of Jesus by putting A. D. 70 as an outgrowth of the Cross, and the Resurrection and Pentecost.

2—Claims, in Symbol, the Language, that the whole Bible was written before A. D. 70

3—Were we to have better understood A. D. 70, we may not have had the hyper-preterists so badly, nor the dispensationalists

4--God communicates with us in Symbol, the Language, and we should psalmodically respond in the same language. The TwentyTwo is in the dialect, Calendar (or is it pidgin?)

5—Since TheTwentyTwo runs forward and backward, we thus amen that the past and the future cause the present. (ERH said that to hold that the past and the present cause the future is heresy!)

6—Do not forget what we learn during Advent about A. D. 70 and other comings of The Lord

7—The Calendar of Peace Priming (COPP) born HOST (House Of Singing Times) is not intended to be another church calendar, but to help produce, in a Gladwellian ‘priming’ way, peace in a new time period, inspired by Rosenstock’s Universal History 1954 call for a glorification of tribes by getting rid of thAne perpetual warfare, and keeping the enthusiastic small groups. [Also see parts of ‘An End to Revolution’ in  ‘Out of Revolution’. This is a psalmodic response to history and the Bible, as we await, during Jeremiah Time, something to follow Church, Christian State, University in James Jordan’s rendering.

8—I realize that this appears ‘flaky,’ and may even be considered wrong.  It’s an attempt, and one could look up PergamosCoram861 and/or “I Believe Herovolution’ in chuckhartmanhistoryconductor.  To form the basis for this calendar I put Jordan’s 49-book literarily-conceived Bible from ‘Rethinking the Order of the Old Testament’ and retuned it for a second view to be used simultaneously.  4 weeks for holidays that write the structure of a worship service liturgy on the Celebration Of Resurrection Anno Mundi are some of the keys.

What is TheTwentyTwo?  Starting at Pentecost, and continuing for 22 days, we ‘write’ the Old Testament 22 books on these days.  Also, the 22 letters of Hebrew, per ‘Rethinking…,’ and their meanings, and the 22 sections of Psalm 119.  At the same time, we do a 6 + 21 for the New Testament.  And we run these backwards and forwards.  At Day 71 begins a proposed ‘Public Vindication’ celebration that lasts for 7 days (a week, a sheba), and is done in the order of the 4s of the 7x7 grid, retuned to 4152637 (the order of our days of the week now, as the retuning in Revelation 5:12-7:12 shows us—1234567 becomes, by circle of 5ths, 4152637 [generally], and I think an 8531642 should be considered, which I have written onto PhiladelphiaCoram861.

Love in King Jesus,

Charlie ‘Chuck’ Hartman
PS: Yes, this writing is a form of demarketing. It’s a way to seek one or two or a few--those who would turn the howl to music, as some say the howl of the black farm worker became the music of jazz. (Great Courses)

Monday, June 2, 2014

High School Reading--Short, Inexpensive: 4, yea 6

From my odd perspective, I've found these4 short stories to be useful for youngsters, possibly.
Science fiction.

1--'What Was the Name of That Town,' by R. A. Lafferty.  By going through a series of questions about seemingly unrelated cultural evidence, a man discovers that Chicago (it wasn't in the encyclopedias anymore--there was a gap) had been destroyed by a nuclear accident (the name of the young of a bear was no longer around either) and that someone had also forgotten that he had invented a machine to do so. [This is a small scale 'Man in the High Castle'?]

2--'Jerry Was A Man,' by Heinlein.  A very interesting lawyer orchestrates the court case that shows that the enhanced intelligence chimpanzee is what thetitle says--he sings 'Way Down Upon the Swanee River' as the climax of his appearance in court.

3--'Gulf,' by Heinlein.  I think these may be in the same collection.  Written in 1948, shows barcodes in standard use.  I've seen no response to the linguistic theories presented here, which purport to expand intelligence by using phonemes for each of 500 Osgood and Osgood basic words in any language, so a word is a sentence. Pitch, etc. expand communication possibilities.  Two secret agents vow while dying--true speech.

4--My favorite of the 4.  'Brownshoes'.  also known as 'The Man Who Learned Loving'.  A hippie discovers free energy.  How does he get power to the people, and what price does he pay?

Bonus: A novel, based on the work that was voted the greatest trilogy in SF history. [You know that the Golden Age of science fiction is 12, right?] This 'In the Country of the Blind' is by Michael Flynn.  Get a version that has his charts and graphs in the back.  A melanin-blessed woman real estate inventor tracks down a secret group that uses mathematics to understand society, and finds other groups who are secret also, but who are manipulating.  In the end, she finds love also, and the mathematicians are in  a musical jam session.  Based on Asimov's (signed Humanist Manifesto) Foundation trilogy.  If there are enough humans, they are subject to sociological equations.  Deep discussion after this could get one into things such as ERH's mathematics for Waters Under, words for Earth Beneath, names for Heavens above.

Another bonus:  You can get all of ERH's lectures in English in transcript for $30. Buy the DVD that has his SPOKEN lectures at Dartmouth for $30, the one that includes Universal History 1954 and other Universal History courses.  His classificatin of societies and social orders (tribe, empire, Israel, Greece) on 4 fronts (in-out-forward-back) should be of great help for a HS student.

Love in King Jesus,

Charlie 'Chuck' Hartman
PS: These are CHEAP too!
PPS: A list of online resources might be useful to have also. Twentyfive25WebsitesThatMakeYouLookLikeAGenius