Thursday, May 19, 2011



A GOOD MAN ASKED: Does anyone know what the below means?

‘A wise one says that all 'revolutions' start with an imperative, go through subjective, to narrative, and end with objective. You are speaking in the objective. It goes nowhere. Articulate, please, an imperative’

ANOTHER HELPED: ‘that's a tough one... is the author saying that although a fact is stating (perhaps even stating the obvious), he doesn't know how to synthesize it or what to do with it?’

A THIRD: ‘It is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma.’

A FOURTH: ‘anyone can state what the problem is according yo himself then argue to its conclusion but when it becomes an imperiitive then that is the plan of action that can be implemented...At least I think that is what charles means..I think he is more intelligent than I am,and he read rosenstock-hussey who I know is smarter than I am.Gary North used to say you cannot beat something with nothing..still says it I assume.’

THE ONE QUOTED IN THE FIRST QUESTION LONG-WINDEDLY ATTEMPTED TO ANSWER: Charles Howard Hartman Right, [____] . I see I must get Mr. Gardner to post his wonderful chapter 5. He lists the imperatives of each respective revolution, then the form of the subjective is the new persons and speech of each, the narrative he translates into the new institutions, and the objective into 'planetary' results. We are the heirs to all of these, and his gift is to have isolated them and to have shown how they arose. But the whole system is breaking down, as Pastor McAtee's posts tell us, and it is time for a new imperative--what will it be specifically. As each of the initiators of the previous changes spoke into a specific time and place, so must we. But what? In another context the great marketers Jay Abraham wrote the 'People are silently begging to be led'.

Charles Howard Hartman Elsewhere, ERH writes that all the significant happenings in the first millennium or the Christian Era were in the church. Creeds, Councils, conversions, etc. In the second millennium we have these nation-states (and science) as the most significant, he says. The church became inclusive, different from Israel of old. The nation-states, generally, abolished slavery. Now he says we must glorify the tribal social order, but without perpetual war, which is the problem of the tribes. Now, as I say, we are heirs to all of this and sometimes think that it has always been this way, the way it is now. But what we have now is hard-won, by people who followed the imperative necessary. What is it now? Gardner says in one place that to keep the fruits of these revolutions may be enough. Freedom of conscience (Luther), political freedom (English, American), individual enterprise (French), freedom from economic exploitation (Russian). Elsewhere he mentions Berman. In Berman's 'Law and Revolution' Berman mentions that medieval cathedrals literally had budgets for a thousand years. We need that kind of vision. It is very difficult.

Charles Howard Hartman Could it be expressed in a calendar (we are in at least 4 calendars now, community/tribal, business/empire, ecclesiastical/Israel, and educational/Greece)? Perhaps an art form? As all these calendars came about by articulation in life, perhaps we can see that the development of worship forms/liturgy was the key in the first 1000 years, and if we could see that the covenant structure (first 5 Words/Commandments) applied to 'nature'/reality minus speech is the scientific method as it has come to us, perhaps we could ask, what art form would be to the earth beneath/people, as the liturgy is to the heavens above, and as the scientific method is to the waters under the earth? (I'm working on these two--calendar and art form, as the words of ERH and others bounce around in my soul). Many remark that the institutional church seems to have lost her power. Others see that the nation-state does not seem to be able to do what it seemed it would.

Charles Howard Hartman To put this in terms of the other revolutions, what is the imperative, what are the new persons and new speech, what are the new institutions, what is the planetary service? That's what I am asking.After reading Gardner's chapter 5, and seeing how new forms of the above came AFTER the new imperative, as articulations of a response to it, we can better work on this. Note that all of these thought they were following God's Word, etc. That is too general, isn't it? Are the new type of persons bankers, or banksters--are they the ones who have the Spirit-engendered authority to make something from nothing, or at least to provide liquidity (water) for house-law/oikos-nomos/economies. Most of us would say no, that's a failure. Is it think tanks, scientific study groups, etc? Is it a hospital society, such as the Knights Templar, which ruled large portions of Europe. Is it, and I think we are getting somewhere here, economic corporations, the daughter of nation-states, who were themselves, the daughter of the church, especially Cluny monastery? Is our new type of speech electronic world-wide interaction? Is it telepathy, end-times prophecy? Is it a new language, formed of many as Afrikaans, or is it computer zeroes and ones? Some kind of haiku-like gestalt seeing? I apologize for my lack of clarity. I pray this helps. Love in King Jesus, Chuck

Charles Howard Hartman ‎'One man in all times and places' :ERH. Thus Lectionary Historical written on the 49 (Jubilee) year calendar, with all kinds of covenants 'rhymed' within it, new holidays (one for A. D. 70, e. g.), the seasons being the Beatitudes and Woes, a Psalm O Day, and Prayer O Day using ERH's Twelve Tones of the Spirit, weeks named for Bible books, the days renamed for the firmament of Ephesians 2:6, the 7 yea 8 churches in Revelation being summational of the core history of humanity's childhood (we are now in adulthood in Christ, the First Adult, as one has called him). And more. The short statement here is key. '...How does love become stronger than death?...' Thanks for your question, Pastor McAtee. Love in King Jesus, Chuck

Charles Howard Hartman ‎'One man in all times and places' :ERH. Thus Lectionary Historical written on the 49 (Jubilee) year calendar, with all kinds of covenants 'rhymed' within it, new holidays (one for A. D. 70, e. g.), the seasons being the Beatitudes and Woes, a Psalm O Day, and Prayer O Day using ERH's Twelve Tones of the Spirit, weeks named for Bible books, the days renamed for the firmament of Ephesians 2:6, the 7 yea 8 churches in Revelation being summational of the core history of humanity's childhood (we are now in adulthood in Christ, the First Adult, as one has called him). And more. The short statement here is key. '...How does love become stronger than death?...' Thanks for your question, Pastor McAtee. Love in King Jesus, Chuck

OK. Here’s a simple imperative. ThyatiraYUMM! Instead of naming days after pagan gods, and material planets in the sky, name them after the social firmament, which is the Church, as articulated in a retuning of the churches of our childhood, the 7 yea 8 in Revelation. (The books opened are the letter to the 8th church, Jerusalem of Old, in the Creation, as the letter to the church is Ephesus, etc.). Simple, I said. Tomorrow could be called Friday (after Venus, Fria in German). The last day of the school week. The last day of the work week (weekend invented @ 1925, per an intro to a reprint of a book of Chesterton), in some ecclesiastical calendars it is a day to remember a particular ‘saint’. Community-wise, see ‘weekend’ or perhaps a community is having its yearly town holiday? Tomorrow is, in a new calendar, which is a schedule for a society, as a work/school/church/community schedule is a man’s schedule, ThyatiraYUMM!, or just Thyatira. (Days were retuned in a way at the Ascension, as seen in the change in the order of the attributes of Jesus at Ascension, pictured in Rev. 5:12 (before) vs. 7:12 (after) but that is a long exegesis and application.

A joyous Thyatira to you! ‘Eat it’/YUMM (yom) and ponder the lessons and what to do in our situation that we learn from the kingdom phase of humanity’s childhood, a 4th Day write large, from Genesis 1.

I know this seems odd. Luther seemed odd, so did Cromwell, and the other English, so did Gregory VII, the French revolutionaries, and Lenin and the others. I could be a crackpot—surely I am, there’s no ‘could’ to it, but I think, following far better ones than I, that I have helped ask the question that will lead to the imperative. As Gertrude Stein is said to have asked on her death bed: ‘What’s the answer?’ Receiving none, she then asked: ‘All right then, what is the question?’

The question is: What is the particular imperative that will engender? Love in King Jesus, Chuck ThyatiraYUMM! (The exclamation point indicates imperative.) [One last thing. There are 4 consonants in the first word in the Bible, the first being Beth, which they say means ‘house,’ so, if the first of a sequence is an imperative, ‘beth’ could mean…make a house, come into the house…? The next 3 make a suggestion of a liturgy.

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