Friday, January 31, 2025

American History Community=> Health


Host A 67 American History Community => Health


If I don’t do this SOMEBODY should

Community => Health

Based on Gladwell/s ‘Outliers’ and Roseto Effect

Roseto effect - Wikipedia

The Roseto effect is the phenomenon by which a close-knit community experiences a reduced rate of heart disease. The effect is named for Roseto, Pennsylvania.


CONCEPT: Teach American History in high school, using community members as exoerts.

Write a book. Put it on ‘YouTube’.

Make money with membership site. Distribute the wealth

To school employees, school board, experts, and students too.


Divide the period 1620-2020 (400 years) by the number of students. Each studies an individual, institution, Idea, or Invention with its predecessors and successors for the class. Also use before 1620 (especially ‘America B. C.’ by Harvard prof Barry Gell, and for after, mention Kardashev (Civilization 1, all the energy of the planet, 2 = solar system, 3 = galaxy). And more… Key book would be atheist Howard Bloom’s ‘The God Problem’—from subatomic particles on, explorers and consolidators. Has good history of science. All Jordan’ ‘Through New Eyes.Great Christian.


The textbook with its quizzes is assumed to be read, and is basis for grades.


For the after 2020, add futuristic fiction and non-fiction. For before 1620 add Cremo, Hancock, Velikovsky and more. Studens would have questions written for experts, experts would have 1-pagers made, parents would be encouraged to present. ‘No battle plan survives first contact with the enemy’ So too for marketing plans and market.


Examples: John Wesley for Awakening, Newspaper-Ben Franklin, etc. Horace Mann.


The key emphasis would be First Amendment, especially freedom of speech.


Teenagers who made history would seque into treating students as participants in book writing.

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