Friday, February 10, 2023

Principia Operatica + 2

 Principia Operatica/Beatific Hearing


Basically, combine Opus 3 (What did God do after Creation? Married the parts” from JBJ)

Each around table is a Day (6, 7, 8 now 12) with a topic, and questions and answers flow, for 4 weeks, Law, Lyric, Evaluation,  Fact, and/or ERH’s 4.

God not only wrote the Symphony of History (ERH) but talks, and we talk/sing—an opera.

Goes with Newton’s, Moore’s, Russell’s and Whiteheads.

In ‘Seven Mysteries of Life’ there are 51 senses some creatures have, so Beatific Savor, Beatific Touch, Beatificetc.


Also, Naming is ½ Commanding; Vocative is ½ Imperative.  Name the years (coram) weeks (sheba-books, JBJ’s 49) and Days of Week/Years, per retuning the retuned to churches in Revelation 8531642, and YMM!!! (homophone for ‘yom’, and we do eat time, for it was created.


And April 9 AD 2023—God writes books (Hebrews) and we too—use something such as Opus 3 (maybe with  more writers). In between Law = Maimonides: How Apply—example ‘shema’ and Trinity of Athanasian Creed for the new is in the old concealed, and the old is in the new revealed., Lyric = a chiasm of 42 starting with ‘God is our song’ and MAYBE ending with Hebrew Cadence example of Psalm 117. Evaluation is the themes of Redemption, Holy War, Maturity. Adam redeemed created, naming is war, and Eve is needed. Now, we are new creations in  Christ, naming the times is an example, and coining words, and for maturity the church, but ‘all author-ity (sic) and John 1:1. For Fact, do 11 ‘Contagious Disciple Making’ mention of 10 years, 100,000 churches, 1,000,000 baptized and finding person of peace in silo, and operating (sic) a 26-verse discovery group.  After 10, do those 26, the a 12 that repeats the first 11.

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