Saturday, April 23, 2022

oks Ten Words Hebrews Proverbs

 Books Hebrews Proverbs

Hebrews AD 30-AD 70 Festschrift for JBJ

Proverbs Timing I’ve thought the BH consensus boils down to John Frame’s tri-perspective on this issue; particular the Situational Perspective. 




In warfare, the situation may require a lie to the enemy.   Situations, necessarily, have ethical hierarchies or priorities.  Otherwise, would be self-destruction.  This is the whole book of Proverbs; figuring out when to speak or not, etc.




God often puts us in situations where He wants us to figure it out.


Regarding the Sabbath: go to church, rest, enjoy the day.  Make those your priorities.




I think this is BH consensus,




Eric Greene

3—See BH recommended commentaries

4-- Richard BledsoeApr 22   #25423 

     Eric pointed out that this is much of what Proverbs is about. The translation I teach from (My big, black leather, preaching/teaching Bible) is a NKJV, and it uses the words "enigma" and "riddles" to describe how wisdom works (Proverbs 1:9). Adams is I believe, correct, but he doesn't flesh it out (one is not obligated to always flesh everything out). But this is precisely why wisdom is such a big deal.Many things that appear to be contradictory, are in fact only contraries (ALL X are not Y, as opposed to SOME X are not Y). But that is presicely where the fun begins. It is the whole basis of the detective novel, and it requires genius on the level of Sherlock Holmes or Hercule Poirot to resolve a series of apparent contradictions, and restore coherence, and bring the villain to justice. Wisdom is in fact a kind of detective like enterprise. It is the source of that OHHHHHH, THAT'S HOW IT WORKS feeling. It is WHY detective novels are so entertaining.

     The world becomes a collosal bore when all is reduced to singular answers, or monism. Life presents us with what appear to be whole series of impossible contradictions. A king has two prostitutes come to him, both claiming a living baby belongs to them and a dead baby belongs to the other. DNA testing was not available that day, the doctor being on vacation. What to do? Well, you know how Detective Solomon solved the case, proving he was wise. Two contradictory things cannot both be true, but resolution is not easily found. It is a riddle, an enigma, a classic British detective case. Sherlock Holmes amazes and confounds us, and deeply entertains us, by finding the resolution.

     We know Burke is to blame for ALL bad things (not some), but he was in Tinbuktu when X or Y bad thing happened in St. Louis. Jeff Meyers is confounded. How??? But Ralph solves the enigma, the riddle, and proves himself to be the Sherlock Holmes of BH.

     That is wisdom for you...



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