Years ago, it was here But that is WAY out of date. It needs a new home. |
Apr 6 #25075 I saved this in 2015, but I think it's the 2014 version. Don't know if it's newer or older than what Tim has online. Previous Results (JBJ recommends everything by Keil & Delitzsch, Homer Hoeksema, Hirsch, and Lange, so those are not included below.) GENESIS First team Wenham Hamilton Second team Cassuto EXODUS First Team Cassuto Second Team Houtman Enns LEVITICUS First Team Wenham Kiuchi Milgrom (Anchor) Second Team Gorman Honarable Mention Bonar NUMBERS Wenham Milgrom DEUTERONOMY First Team Christensen Second Team Cragie C. Wright Brueggemann Honorable Mention North JOSHUA First Team Woudstra Sinnema Second Team Dale Ralph Davis David Howard JUDGES First Team Jordan Second Team Dale Ralph Davis Block RUTH Block Hubbard SAMUEL First Team Leithart Gordon (1 Sam only) Youngblood Second Team McCarter Fokkelman Dale Ralph Davis Honorable Mention Alter Fox (Give Us a King) Baldwin KINGS Leithart Davis CHRONICLES First Team Johnstone Japhet Second Team Hill EZRA-NEHEMIAH First Team Hugh Williamson (WBC) Ralph Klein (NIB) Second Team Hannah Harrington (NICOT) Honorable Mention Doug Green (NIV Application Commentary, forthcoming) ESTHER Jordan (forthcoming) Wiskerke (Purim) JOB First Team Sumpter (Through New Eyes series, forthcoming) Norman Habel (The Old Testament Library series; Toby said it might complement his best) Second Team William Green (Conflict and Triumph) PSALMS First Team J. A. Alexander (The Psalms Translated and Explained) James L. Mays (Interpretation) Second Team Gerald H. Wilson (NIV Application Commentary) Willem VanGemeren (Expositor's Bible Commentary) Honorable Mention PROVERBS First Team Waltke (NICOT) Kidner (IVP) Second Team Ross (EBC) ECCLESIASTES First Team Meyers Kaiser Second Team Wilson Moore Honorable Mention Choon-Leong Seow SONG OF SOLOMON First Team Lloyd Carr Robert Jenson Ellen Davis Second Team Cheryl Exum Christopher Mitchell Honorable Mention Craig Glickman Christopher Mitchell ISAIAH First Team Alec Motyer (IVP) Second Team Allan Harman (Focus on the Bible) E. J. Young Honorable Mention J.A. Alexander Brevard Childs Alec Motyer (Tyndale) JEREMIAH Harrison (Tyndale) Brueggemann (Exile and Homecoming) LAMENTATIONS Robert Hubbard (NICOT) Paul House (WBC) Iain Provan (NCBC) EZEKIEL Daniel Block Robert Jenson DANIEL Jordan Young HOSEA Honorable Mention Duane Garrett (NAC) Andrew Dearman (NICOT) Gary Smith Douglas Stuart (WBC) David Hubbard Derek Kidner Veldkamp JOEL None AMOS Second Team Gary V. Smith (Menor or, alternatively, the NIVAC series) Honorable Mention Shalom Paul (Hermeneia) James Luther Mays (OTL) Meindert Dijkstra (HCOT) M. Daniel Carroll R. (NICOT) OBADIAH David Field (Obadiah: A Practical Commentary) JONAH First Team Patrick Fairbairn Hugh Martyn Second Team James Limburg (OTL) Honorable Mention Terrence E. Fretheim (The Message of Jonah: A Theological Commentary; Augsburg, 1977) Philip Cary (Brazos) Phyllis Trible (NIB) Jack M. Sasson (AB) MICAH Honorable Mention Bruce Waltke (2007) James Luther Mays (OTL) Ralph Davis (EPSC) NAHUM None HABAKKUK Honorable Mention O. Palmer Robertson (NICOT, also includes Nahum & Zephaniah) Richard D. Patterson (Wycliffe Exegetical Commentary, also includes Nahum & Zephaniah) John D. Currid (Welwyn Commentary Series) ZEPHANIAH O. Palmer Robertson (NICOT, includes Nahum and Habakkuk) Richard D. Patterson (Wycliffe Exegetical Commentary, includes Nahum and Habakkuk) HAGGAI First Team Jordan (Brazos, Haggai & Zechariah, forthcoming) Honorable Mention J. Alec Motyer ZECHARIAH First Team Jordan (Brazos, Haggai & Zechariah, forthcoming) Honorable Mention Joyce Baldwin (TOTC) Thomas McComiskey (in vol. 3 of The Minor Prophets: An Exegetical & Expository Commentary, edited by McComiskey) MALACHI Honorable Mention Andrew Hill (Anchor) Peter Verhoeff (NICOT, also includes Haggai) Douglas Stuart (in 3rd volume of McComiskey set on MP) MATTHEW First Team France (NICNT, 2007) David Garland (Reading Matthew: A Literary and Theological Commentary) Davies & Allison (ICC, three volumes) Second Team N.T. Wright (Matthew for Everyone) Ben Witherington (Matthew, Smyth & Helwys Bible Commentary) Honorable Mention D.A. Carson (EBC) MARK First Team Mark Horne (The Victory According to Mark) France (NIGTC) Second Team Ben Witherington (The Gospel of Mark: A Socio-Rhetorical Commentary) Eugene LaVerdier (The Beginning of the Gospel) Joel Marcus (Anchor Bible, 2 vols) N.T. Wright (Mark for Everyone) Honorable Mention Austin Farrer (A Study in Saint Mark) Lane (NICNT) Edwards (Pillar) LUKE First Team Arthur A. Just (Lutheran Commentary, 2 vols) Joel B. Green (NICNT) Luke Timothy Johnson (Sacra Pagina) Second Team Wright (for Everyone) LaVerdiere (New Testament Message series) Honorable Mention Joseph Fitzmyer (Anchor Bible, 2 vols.) Frederick Danker (Jesus and the New Age) JOHN First Team Raymond Brown (Anchor Bible Thomas Brodie (Oxford) Second Team Gary Burge (NIV Application Bible) Ridderbos Mark W.G. Stibbe (Readings: A New Biblical Commentary -- ISBN: 1-85075-433-0) Carson (good antidote to biblical skepticism) Honorable Mention Morris ACTS Honorable Mention Joseph Fitzmyer (Anchor Bible) - sequel to his excellent 2 volumes on Luke Richard Longnecker (Expositor's Bible Commentary) - evangelical to balance Fitzmyer Eckhard Schnabel (ZECNT) Marshall (TNTC)
John Stott (BST) ROMANS First Team Wright Cranfield Second Team Davies/Allison Honorable Mention Moo 1 CORINTHIANS First Team Richard Hays (Interpretation) David Garland (BECNT) Second Team Gordon Fee (NICNT) Honorable Mention Gregory Lockwood (Concordia Popular Commentary) Witherington (Conflict and Community in Corinth: A Socio-Rhetorical Commentary on 1 and 2 Corinthians)
2 CORINTHIANS First Team Scott Hafeman (NIV Application) Second Team David Garland (NAC) GALATIANS First Team Witherington (Grace in Galatia) Second Team Hays Garlington Honorable Mention Bruce McKnight EPHESIANS First Team Thielman (ECNT) Stott (BST) Mark Horne (Through New Eyes, forthcoming) Second Team O'Brien (PNTC) Hoehner (Baker) Honorable Mention PHILIPPIANS First Team Fee Wright (audio commentary) Second Team Lightfoot Honorable Mention Silva Fowl O'Brien Thielman Heir
11:27pm #25079 What's the password, Tim? And Mike, do you have the rest of the list, past Philippians? Cheers, Chris W |
1:52am #25080 That's all there was. toggle quoted messageShow quoted text |
1:58am #25081 Well, let me help with some of the others... Hebrews - Doug Wilson (kinda weird in places, but still worth a read) 2 Peter - Peter Leithart 1-3 John - Peter Leithart Revelation - Peter Leithart (plus James B Jordan, David Chilton) Chris W |
2:13am #25082 Password should be 44bhonly Tim |
2:14am #25083 That wiki is a really out of date app. If we really want this, we should probably start over with something better. Tim |
2:16am #25084 IIRC, it was Jeremy Sexton who kept up with this stuff the most, and for the longest. I take it he's no longer on the list? Tim |
Dan Dillard 5:40am #25091 You need to update the entry for Matthew by putting Peter’s Jesus As Israel 2 vol commentary at the top of the list. toggle quoted messageShow quoted textPro Rege, Dan |
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