Sunday, December 13, 2020

Jubilee Calendar 2020-2021 (Alas, De-gridded!)

 Host A 1142 One Page Year EphesusCoram871


1--April 12, A.D. 2020


2—April 19 Titus

3—April 26 1st Timothy

4—May 3 !st Thessalonians

5—May 10 Philemon

6—May 17 2nd Timothy

7—May 24 2nd Thess.

8—May 31 Colossians

9—June 7 Ephesians

10—June 14* 2 Cor.

11,12—June 28* Romans

12, 13—July 5 Phil.

13, 14-- July 12 Gal.

14, 15—July 19 1 Cor.

15, 16—July 26 3 John

16, 17—Aug 2 Jude

17, 18—Aug 9 1 Pet

18,19—Aug 16 1 John

19, 20—Aug 23 2 John

20, 21—Aug 30 2 Peter

21,22—Sep 6** James

22, 25—Sep 20** Rev

23, 26—Sep

27 John

24, 27—Oct 4 Mark

25, 28—Oct 11 Gr. Chron.

26, 29—Oct 18 Acts

27, 30—Oct 25 Luke

28, 31—Nov 1 Matt

29, 32—Nov 8 The 12

30, 33—Nov 15 Dan.

31, 34—Nov 22 Jer.-Lam.

32, 35—Nov 29*** Isaiah

33, 38—Dec 20*** Esth.

34, 39—Dec 27 Ezekiel

35, 40—Jan 3 A. D. 2021 Kings

36, 41—Jan 10 Eccles.

37, 42—Jan 17 Proverbs

38, 43—Jan 24 Psalms

39, 44—Jan

31 Samuel

40-42, 45-46 EAT

Feb 7

Song Job        

Ruth (this


43, 47—Feb 14 Judges

44-48—Feb 21 Deut.

45,49—Feb 28 Lev.

46, 50—Mar

7 Genesis

47, 51—Mar 14 Josh

48, 52—Mar 21 Numbers

49, 53—Mar 28 Exodus


*Between 10 and 11—Public Vindication (7s, by 12-1 ) June 21

**Between 21 and 22—September 13 (TBOTMOFA: The Battle Of The Mountain Of Festival Assembly, 4s by 4152637)

***Between 32 and 33—Dec 6 (Total Christ One, 8s by 8531642) and Dec 13 (Total Christ Two, 1s by 1-23)

Feb 7 This is Eliot/Anselm Time (EAT), for ‘We shall not cease from wandering and the end of all our wandering will be to arrive back at where we started, and to know the place for the first time’ (paraphrase) and “God is greater than we can possibly conceive’. Something is wrong here, for I had to deduct a week from the 53, but it is a time of confusion! Grandchildren and great gc will improve, D. V.

47, 43—Feb 14 BuildUp begins. Names of days of books are 1-49, one significant event each of last 49 years. Also THEEEOS leading to 7, 10, 12 TO Do.

Easter/Resurrection/Pascha/Pesach is April 4, 2021, the first Sunday after the first full moon after to Vernal (Spring) Equinox (days=nights). That begins the new year/coram (Celebration Of [That Is The] Resurrection Anno Mundi. ‘Coram’ means ‘face’/’presence’ in Latin. PhiladelphiaCoram 871 begins. Figure backward 7 from Sunday before Easter 2022, and forward from Easter Sunday 2121 to get overlap which equals Eliot-Anselm Time. Do this before or even during the first 10 weeks.

Psalms (146 JBJ, with summaries and summaries of each book), and Jeremiah’s prophecies (51, Bullinger) will be added later. Other 7s can be placed, e. g. Beatitudes. 30-37 Opera,

Why this ‘Gospels Layer of Eternal Calendar?  See my short writing on a Church being incomplete.

Matthew starts with a physical genealogy, and ends assuming we’re going, commanded to disciple, baptize, teach. I use Fuller’s ‘Critical Path’ chronology of technology, divided into 42, and ‘the 100 Most Important Events in Church History,’ divided into 42. ‘Timetable of History,’ Barzun, Creveld, Nisbet, Berman could be added. So could Jordan’s Chronology, Ussher, etc.

Mark: Bullinger says it shows servanthood, Rosenstock says it’s meant for empires, where business started. I pick one business servant to highlight each week. Proverbs 16:4: ‘the Lord has made all things for Himself, even the wicked for the day of calamity’. Thus, all are His servants.

Luke: 4: Jesus announces the fulfillment of this (Jubilee) prophecy.  How does each book of week/sheba show this and the application now?

John is a tour of the tabernacle, and GodTrinity still speaks history (his theater (RJR), the symphony of history (ERH); opera), so, what is the transcendent since @ 1980 when Fuller and ‘100’ end. This will be written during BuildUp—for now it’s T great change H destroys groups (ERH: as we gain more reach in shorter time), so Ethics of Priest in Garden (ERH’s Forward, Inward, Back, Out), King/civil magistrate in Land, Prophet in World/Society. Then the oaths for these 12 discovered in Opera, and Succession—what to do next—7 (judgment), 10 (completeness), 12 (Israel/Church). This from Cascione.

See Jordan’s ‘Rethinking the Order of the Old Testament’ for basics. I’ve re-retuned his seven 7s, and run them backward. From 5:12 to 7:12, the Ascension is pictured, if I remember correctly—Jordan says there’s a retuning, a move from saying to singing, and with instruments. Thus retune from 8 and 9—Resurrection and Ascension. 10 and 11, Pentecost and a. d. 70 WOULD INDICATE A RE-RETUNING. Further retunings seem odd.


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