A 7x7 gird
1 Deng |
Moonshooters Harriman Van Rijn |
4 Gates
Rockefeller Oil/Computers Pharma |
5 McDonogh |
6 Dartmouth
Recorders |
7 Eliz. I
British E. India Co. |
8 Innovators
Abraham McCloskey |
9 Ridley
Upledger Medicine |
10 Lloyd’s
Coffee Shop--Insurance |
11 Gramsci
Prov. 16:4 |
12 Benedict |
13 Gilder
Time Money |
14 Knights
Hospitaler |
15 Jack Ma |
16 North
Mises Rockwell Rothbard |
17 Satoshi Money 2.0 Akoin* |
18 1694, etc. Battle of
Tours on 10 October 732. |
19 Jacobs Civis Zoom
Sum Fuller |
20 Debs vs.
21 Patriarchs |
22 Ford |
23 Justinian
Theodora |
24 Reformers Berman’s
scholastics and scientific method, Laurence ‘treasures’ |
25 David
Solomon Noah |
26 Sears
Bezos Hill Carnegie Walton |
27 Barton’s
Jesus Jesus |
28 Festival
Laws Ag unto City Pasteur vs. Bechamp |
29 Fuller
Troy WWI, etc. CP |
30 Abundance
Digitalization and 5 more Ds—a new language? |
31 Jeremiah
Rosenstock: Past and Future Create Present |
32 B. T.
Washington, Oprah Madame Walker, etc. |
33 Franklin
H. C. Anderson Monks—Johnson,
34 5
Billionaire Chinese Women |
35 Energy
Medicine Horowitz |
36 Ellison
Bloomberg Buffet |
37 Michael
Jordan Walt Disney |
38 J J Hill |
39 Ayn Rand
Organized ‘Crime’ |
40 Jobs |
41 Merrill
Schwab |
42 Edison Tesla
Westinghouse |
43 Indulgences Sixtus Sixth
Santorum |
44 Perot |
45 Siegel ‘Genius
of Beast’ Szasz
Drugs—Legal/Illegal |
46 Musk |
47 Toyoda Deming |
48 Barnum |
49 Me, I, We,
They |
Week 42 : ‘…Edison invented inventing. He came up with the
modern R&D cycle, which consists of (as Burke put it): Identify a market,
get backing before you start, publicize it ahead of time so the public is
willing to pay for it, and plough back the profits into making more inventions.
He also developed the world’s first real R&D team…’ https://www.unz.com/isteve/edison-as-meta-inventor/
Switch Debs to week 20, for 23. Land, Labor, Capital,
Management and IWW to tune of ‘O Sacred Head Now Wounded’—Peter, Paul, and Mary
‘Because All Man Are Brothers’
Zheng He Chinese 1434?
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