Host A 1188 2JohnSheba EphesusCoram871 August 23 AD 2020
Week 19
A Thousand Year Prayer Issachar
Gospels Layer of Eternal Calendar
Opera progress written about at the end.
‘The Eternal Calendar is the life of Christ and Our
Response’: Rosenstock
Calendars organize our times and actions. Tribal Social
Order remains in community celebrations. Empires leave us with work schedules
and business plans. Israel leaves us with ecclesiastical calendars, and Greece
is educational calendars.
Matthew: From Fuller’s ‘Critical Path’ we have 1746-1760,
discovery of many elements (zinc, nickel, bismuth) but the key is Leyden jar
toward electricity. From ‘100Most Important Events in Christian History’ we
have John Knox and St. Bartholomew’s Day massacre, 1559 and 1572.
Mark: Business Servants, I propose Jane Jacobs’ work on
cities, especially as might apply to new cities (‘Civis Zoom sum’ and
seasteads, spacesteads, Akoin0 plus Buckminster Fuller himself, who asked in
1927 what a penniless, non-academic could product—it was much.
Luke: How does 2 John
show the Jubilee (Luke 4) fulfilled and that fulfillment applied?
John is about a tabernacle.
What tabernacle and tune should be ‘Issachar’ed’? The last 7 weeks are the BuildUp.
Anomaly: From Montgomery’s ‘How do we know there is a GOD?’
Two questions: ‘Don’t all religions lead us to God and to Heaven?’ and ‘Who is
the Messiah? Is he still to come?’
This is a growing work.
Christian Sociology is NOT Hall’s 10x10 (‘Silent Language’)
but 3x4.
3 oath formed institutions—Church, King, Marriage.
4 fronts (Rosenstock-Huessy) in Cross of Reality :
Imperative (Forward, Future), Subjective (Inward, Response), Narrative (Back),
Objective (Out). These 4 result in Planetary Service, Succession in North’s
THEOS of the first 5 Words in one rendering: Transcendence, Hierarchy, Ethics,
Oaths and Sanctions, Succession.
ERH held that wrong fronts resulted in, respectively,
Revolution (in a bad sense), Mysticism, Decadence, and War (in a bad sense).
I’ll need to find one each of the 12, as bad examples, but
as items we can learn from.
In the meantime (or is it a mean time?!) I have done 12.
I’ll need four questions for each for the Opera. Jordan’s ‘From Bread to Wine’
will help. So will ERH’s ’12 Tones’—modified, and Jordan’s 12 steps of
Covenant, from ‘Covenant Sequence…’.
4 in Church are ‘1000 year Prayer,’ Psalms (Jordan and 117
with 150:6 using Cascione’s Hebrew Cadence—into calendar—a felicitous
mis-typing got ‘celendar’/quickening), Jeremiah (Project, and 51 Bullinger
prophecies into calendar), and Godparents for Eldsters. Garden/Priest/Church
4 in King/Land/Civil Magistrate: 12 Word Platform, Peace
Tribe of Christian Courts, Money 2.0, and Civis Zoom Sum—various new cities.
4 in World/Prophet: Stuart STEM and Stuart Wooden Nickel
Highway, Stuart Todmorden Self-Sufficiency, EMP (‘Cars’)/Grid and Amish Dude
Ranch/Electrically Sensitive Retreat (‘Invisible Rainbow’), Radical Longevity
and Alternative/Energy Medicine/Longevity.
4 Questions: B R SH T (House, Head, Eat, Cross). ISNO (Imperative, Subjective, Narrative,
Ojbectirve) and Planetary Service, THEO and S, Land Labor Capital Management, 1st
4 of ERh’s 12, 2nd 4, 3rd 4, 1st 4 of JBJ’s 12
Covenant, 2nd 4, 3rd 4…Yes/No/Forward/Back,
The 4 fronts of the new PSOFPEG social order (Productive,
Small, Oath-Formed, Profitable, Enthusiastic Groups): Tribes has in, dancing
greens; out, warpath; future, altar; back, totem polies. PSOFPEG have in,
electronic app?;out, toward peace; back, all history; forward, postmill? Israel
was back exodus, future messiah, in each beneath own vine and fig tree and none
afraid, out exclusions.
What will we have when done?
See Week 18, please.
What We Will Have When Done
1--12 small, enthusiastic groups. In time of change, old groups
are destroyed.
2--7-stage BuildUp, a tabernacle of time. What Israel ought
to do.
3--12-facet sociology. 3 oath-formed groups, 4 fronts.
1--Church/Garden/Priest. 2. Land/King/Civil Magistrate. 3.
4 Fronts. Forward and Backward in Time. In and Out in Space.
(Compare Hall's 10x10 in 'The Silent Language'
5--Example of Opera. Weeks 30-37, Find 12 SEGs. ERH:
Symphony of History. RJR: History is God's Theater.
6--Gospels Layer of Eternal Calendar--there will be more.
This is I pray helpful, not final.
7--'Second Foundation'/Improvers. Kennedy helves and cash to
each of 15.
8--Matthew helps us remember.
9--Mark helps us remember Business Servants.
10--Luke. Jubilee fulfilled, and application of that
11--John. Toward tabernacle of time.
12--Liturgy written on year. 49 books (Jordan) 1+1+2 holiday
In addition, many new names. Coram, Celebration Of
Resurrection Anno Mundi. Sheba-7, oath, week. Days named, with YMM!!! at the
end, we eat time. Numbering/nombre-ing, naming our days, in re-retuning. AND
Sent to North—
Crossed Fingers 5 Points Smartphone Before and After Western
In ‘Crossed Fingers’ you had a series of events listed that
echoed the five point covenant model. That would be a good structure for
Western Civilization course.
Transcendence. Start with this: God owns everything, God
delegates authority, With Authority comes responsibility, Value is imputer,
Mankind increases dominion.
Hierarchy. The second point would include Chalcedon,
Cochrane’s Christendom solves one and Many—Greece and Rome don’t.
Ethics. Third would be Berman’s contention that scholastic
work with law systems provided structure for scientific method.
Oaths and sanctions. McCloskey’s view that after @ 1750,
rhetorical and financial payment of trade and innovation produced @ 2% annual
growth. Ridley’s heat to power would fit in here.
Succession. Now there’s the smart phone (bandwith, ‘Civis
Zoom sum,’ Gilder’s teleputer, light as particle and wave (see Chalcedon),
Fuller’s ‘ephemeralization’ as chemistry and physics replace mechanics,
Diamandis’ 6 Ds—Digitalization, Deception, Disruption, Demonetization,
Dematerialization, Democratization, Gilder’s time pricing, etc. (Liberty and
What will the family man in Southern Africa do with this
transcendent gift?
(My grandchildrens’ grandchildren may improve ‘A Thousand
Year Prayer’ app (‘Gospels Layer of Eternal Calendar’) with something such as this.)
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