Thursday, August 6, 2020


My calling is Additional Layers (Gospels Layer to start) to the Eternal Calendar.
The Eternal Calendar is the life of Christ and our response. (Rosenstock).
A Church Year is essential, but not complete. John 21:25–if everything Christ did were written in books, they would overflow the universe.
I write on substack ( and Facebook (Charles Howard Hartman) and at chuckhartmanhistoryconductor.
Weekly updates come out on Mondays, so as not to interfere. Send email to to get on weekly updates.
Description of my calling is about done. I only add that for Matthew I see genealogy at the beginning and discipling at the end,and since Christ has all authority, timelines are important. So far, I use Fuller’s timeline of technology from ‘Critical Path’ and ‘The 100 Most Important Events in Christian History’. More later.
For Mark I use Business Servant, for Luke, 49 books from Jordan’s work.
For Luke, the question is how is the fulfillment of Jubilee (Luke 4) shown in the book of that week, and how is that fulfillment to be applied.
For John, which is a tour of The Tabernacle (in one reading way), what tabernacle(s) is GodTrinity making now, and what one should we be making.
Two more things: Jeremiah’s 51 prophecies (Bullinger) and the 146 Psalms, with summaries of all and each ‘book’ will be added later, and more will be added later.
Note: At the end we will have performed and opera, finding 12 small, enthusiastic groups as Rosenstock-Huessy mentioned in his Dartmouth course ‘Universal History 1954’ (–recprdomgs amd tramscro[t FREE, 25 lectures).
Secondly, I write a liturgy in the year (celebration of resurrection anno mundi, coram).
OK, NOW BUSINESS. You can pay me a retainer, or a commission, but why not go to FREE things from the master marketer Jay Abraham, first.
To learn business and entrepreneurship, the course at Gary North’s Ron Paul Curriculum is great. I will become an affiliate, you should too.
More to come.

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