Thursday, July 4, 2019

76th personhoodday, billions of apps

76th personhoodday, billions of apps.
Opportunity for you. The Symphonic Method, the next era.
I'm cutting back creative activities.
(Even the Jubilee Calendar, Hebrew Cadence unto appropriate Psalm tunes, Godparents for Eldsters, Twelve Word platform...and most of my athletic endeavors. [I can't drive 350, I can't run, so stealing home is out, I've already shot my age ambidextrously, one eye is bad so the depth perception for more slow pitch no-hitters is out, etc.])
Some of these are in my own Opus 53, in which I play all the parts (Toscanini).
I will concentrate now on getting billions of apps downloaded.
These will be The Symphonic Method.
I claim it is the art form, the next era.
Rosenstock held that everything important in the first millennium happened in the church.
(Thus, with light as particle and wave they've finally caught up with the hypostatic union!)
Together with the move to emphasizing the nation-state came scientific method.
This could be said to characterize the 2nd millennium.
Both can be seen as a 5-step process.
Liturgy: Jordan's Call, Cleanse, Consecrate, Commune, Commission.
(Some say this cuts up, tears apart, so as to put together again, individually and corporately, transformed better for battle.
Science: Newton's apple puts him into a different condition, he doesn't know but thinks he can, he researches and ponders and formulates his hypothesis, which is then multiply tested, and the theory is applied in the world.
Or, Rosenstock's Revolutions of the West: Imperative, Subjective, Narrative, Objective, Planetary Service.
What's next?
The Symphonic Method. Oneanothering one another. With the 5-step process.
(The 5-step is also in the sacrificial system, the Lord's Supper institution, Creation Days, etc. [Jordan])
In The Symphonic Method, a conductor 1--trains other conductors, and 2--facilitates the production of solos, 3--puts them all together into one musical, 4--facilitates the finding of the oath-formed, small, profitable productive, small, enthusiastic groups that Rosenstock said would be the next 1000 years, however long that i.
Church: Israel without exclusion, Nation=State: Empires without slavery, Small Enthusiastic Groups: Tribes without perpetual warpath.
there are 5 columns. 12 Days, 12 Books (the first 7, and 5 more), 3 failing institutions, each with 4 fronts, Persons and Lenses, Speech that forms OFSPPEGs, a la cities in 12th C., per Barman's 'Law and Revolution.
The 3 institutions are church, family, civil magistrate. The 4 fronts are ERH's: in, out, forward, back. Too far in is mysticism, too far out is war, too far forward/future is revolution, to far back/past is decadence.
How to operate a version of The Symphonic Method?
Get 9 others. Each will be interested, taken, studying something. Call it a Lens.
Conductor plays/incubates Days 1, 8 and 12. 8 is resurrection, 9 ascension, 10 pentecost, 11 A. D. 70, 12 Last Judgment/Great Day.
For each week, each initiates to all others, and responds to all others, under the title of each, respectively, of the 5 steps.
This will e VERY difficult, yet it is simple enough that a 4-year-old want to play, and she asked each a very important question: Jesus.
Appoint an historian to keep track of all these, for an ebook.
Record the sessions, audio and video.
I'll contribute money to start, and money at the end.
I'll consult as you go along.
We split the profits 5050.
Goal: After we perfect this more, we make an app.
This can be downloaded over all the world, and played.
Lord willing.

Love in King Jesus,

(Charles Howard Hartman)
PS: We can be new Abrahams. (Jordan, 'Crisis, Opportunity, and the Christian Future')
PPS: One's Personhood Day is when one entered one's mother's womb. My birthday is April 5, I'm claiming July 4 (parents' wedding anniversary, etc) as my personhoodday.

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