What Was The Name Of That Town—Memory, Memorial
In the short story of that name, Lafferty masterfully leads
the reader via clues to the realization that some great event happened.
Remember! (Consider the mnemonic of ‘amen’—‘m’ and ‘n’.
An epiphanicity. He says, ‘Have an Epiphany’ as he hands a
green rubber band (church year color for Epiphany, which speech and action
Please list books/works that remind us. After all, Jesus said ‘Do this as my
memorial,’ and we are in him.
Here are examples of some things not easily forgotten after
reading the memory works/books listed.
Berman, ‘Law and Revolution’: Medieval churches had budgets
for a thousand years, administrative law is a menace to the thousands of years
of symphonic development of ‘law,’ which owes much to Purgatory. 1000 years?
See a man’s alleged ‘art form of the next era,’ ‘The Symphony Of Comprehensive
History Interactive,’ and alsothe claim that God has sung Psalm Tone D, that
Rosenstock’s 5 (and the other fives) can bealalogized—and have been--, that a
new layer of eternal calendar now exists together with a tweaking of the Season
After Pentecost into the 4 horsemen…and there must be a fifth that fits into a
Five, mustn’t there?
Mozeson, ‘Origin of Speeches’: Proto Hebrew is the
Barzun, ‘Dawn to Decadence’: Our descendants will res-learn
how to read from monuments. This fits
with Rosenstock’s statement that we would lose the ability to speak in America.
True speech, he said, puts one’s life behind one’s words. We don’t declare
wars, so how can peace treaties be signed—that’s an example.
‘The Alphabet Effect’ hymns praise for it, yet pin yin in
China, and the scholar who survived to get it implemented, is not remembered,
nor the great Deng. Did God’s finger write the first one?
Creveld’s ‘The Rise and Decline of the State’ indicates that
once ‘the stat’ was not, and in the future it won’t be. It arose with the replacement of the person
by organization, and fails for lace of justice and sound money for older ones.
‘Contagious Disciple Making’: A million baptisms in a little
over a decade—who cares?
In the Reacher (protagonist) short story ‘No Drill’ he
posits that those in what one could call the Deep State run riddling programs
on us. If they are arrogating goodhood/godhood to themselves, this makes sense,
re: Matthew 13, and the riddles of nature (JBJ).
Nisbet’s book on ‘The Idea of Progress’ says that it arose,
and now is threatened.
Rothbard’s ‘The Progressive Era’ shows regulatory capture as
a key to history.
Well, there are more, and I pray that you add to the list.
(Oh, Bull’s work—God speaks tabernacles).
Love in King Jesus,
Charlie ‘Call me Cash’ Hartman
PS: Being too early or too late is the ‘only sin’
(Rosenstock) when considering history as a song or symphony, because a great
‘C’ not sung is discordant when a ‘B’ note is what ithe song/symphony needs.
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