Sunday, January 23, 2011

An Ancients Catechism: The Discipling of Pella


Benefits: We learn better how to disciple Pella and the nations. Our catechism on this can be used by others in and toward Christendom.


Cuddling, Stories, Parrot, Pert, Poet

We are emphasizing that the children memorize, adults help articulate the ‘why?’ and learn by teaching, and that in later times, poetic work will be done life-long.

Child, Adult, Elder, Ancient

An Ancient knows when. When to be a child/artist, when to be an adult/fighter, when to be an elder/priest.

An Ancient knows what time it is, in covenant sequence(s).

Something about discipling the nations should be in any casting-echo, sounding down, catechism.

How: We build a memory palace.

As we follow the history of Pella along the sides of the town square, we should come to an understanding of the spirit of Pella’s founding and history, so that in this crisis time, we can direct the way.

Elder Roorda is making lists of significant events, and we can then, in the spirit of Acts 7, I Corinthians, etc., do a recapitulation that is proleptic, so that we will go forth in the good spirit of Pella.

The time between Pella books and the southwest corner of the square in the time in Holland and until we arrive. We arrive at the southwest corner, the first significant event is in the middle of the block, we turn north at the southeast corner at the second significant event. So far, three ‘days’. A ‘day’ is that of which you remember the before and after. Day 4 is the middle of the block heading north, and we turn west at day 5, the northeast corner of the square. The middle of the block is day 6, and we turn south to go forth (or down, we sound) at the northwest corner, a new birth that is chiastic of the going forth from Holland to Pella, America.

What these events will be, we don’t know. We will select them

We can call the streets Guilt, Grace, Gratitude, and GoForth+, echoing the catechetical and liturgical structure of the Heidelberg Catechism.

We are psalmodically responding to Pella’s founding and history, taking the spirit and/or essence of Pella’s Psalm’s first half-verse, and applying it to the new situation. Are 50% of the people in Pella Dutch? How is technology changing the lives of residents? What of the economic crises? The condition of religion, is it the same? Etc.

More later.

Love in King Jesus,

PS: This is a psalmodic response to the study of the Heidelberg Catechism, moving it into the spheres of more maturity. We could also add more types of speech, more subjects. For instance, we may need to catechize the ‘Elector’/officials of the governments, rather than having the Elector of the Palatinate prescribe the Heidelberg Catechism for the good of his people.

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