Monday, December 4, 2023

Steiner Time

 Rudolf Steiner held that the time between waking and sleeping was when you communicated with the dead. This is a grave (pun intended) error, but there is a different brain/mind/soul connection at that time. ( Poul Anderson story about an alien diplomat who torpedoed a treaty between Earth and his planet shows this, as a poet is interrupted by an Earth engineer in the midst of creation,. It took 50 years to see it.)

Today, in SteinerTime, these came to me: 1--As a Keyboard of History thing in '1000), the Athanasian Creed (God and Man) and light (particle and wave). 2--God outside of time (as we know it) inserts people, events, ideas into history to effect scuh tward Beatific Harmony.3--Check out Brazil Do they have ethanol 'gas stations'? Remember early Ford cars that had a switch to go from ethyl alcohol to gasoline. Fill up at the farmer's still. 4--To sell community currencies such as Tulip Time Tokens, a--they have 'em all over the world, so it ain't pioneerin' ('Pioneerin' don't pay': Rockefeller, and b--Show the whole vision, of a future like productive Europe in Middle Ages, with many small units.
Back to work implementing.

Love in Christ Jesus, King and our Rest,

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