Monday, April 3, 2023

Finishing this stage of 'Next thousand...'

 The Life of Christ and Our Response


1—Christ has all author-ity (sic) and John 1 and Matthew 28.

2—Therefore, our response should be more vigorous.

3--Thus, I add layers to A Church Year. Books of week, Liturgy through the Year, What Small Enthusiasitic Groups? (Rosenstock at, free transcripts and audio for ‘Universal History 1954’ Dartmouth course).

4—Now I add a fourth—others will do all these better in the future, I pray. ‘Everyone is Important’

5—One of the elders could do this. Each person fits into one of the ‘coolio’ proto-liturgies of the first word of the Bible, composed of word-letter. B, R, S-H, T. House, Head, 9fang0 Eat, Cross (last letter).

6—I’ve fit, as an example, Wife-Mother-Woman into house, Peace of Business into head—mutually-advantageous deals, Food into eat, and Sacrifice into Cross.

7—Each person’s job or calling, occupation or vocation, would fit. A McDonald’s worker—history of food, a gardener—house, etc.


Four 42s. The last 7 weeks are devoted to the 12new small, enthusiastic groups.


To Begin

God-Man (Both/And), Trinity

All toward Small, Enthusiastic Groups of Next Thousand Years

‘coolio’ B, R, S-H, T House, Head, Eat, Cross

April 9

House, Church Mother—Head, Moses, Peace Through Mutually-Advantageous Deals—(fang) Eat,  Mystery of Loaf-Bread Body and Cup-Wine Blood—Must know Cross Sacrifice End (last  letter)


House—Wife, Mother, Woman.

1—Mother Church

2—History is the Holy Spirit’s preparation of (created) Daughter—humanity—as Bride for the Son: Jordan.

3—Johnson ,’Heroes’: Israel benefited because women were important.

4--Stark: The Church benefited because women were important.

5—Madame  Curie

6—Homeschool mothers

7—Some Culture don’t let women, lose one-half.

8—Other Nobel Prize women

9—Schoolteachers, country school, just out of high school

10—Women writers

11-Deborah, a mother in  Israel

12—Lovelace, first computer

13—Shelley, ‘Frankenstein’

14—Exodus, wife is in house; Deuteronomy, wifeis above house

15—Hand that rocks the cradle rules the world


17—Mary theotokos

18—Miriam,  Jael

19—Pyramids as houses




23—Joan of Arc

24—Pick a woman

25—Hildegard of Bingen

26—From 100 Most Important Events  in Christian History

27—Billionaire Women

28—Mother Teresa


30—Again: History = Spirit Preparing Created Daughter as Bride for Son

31--Succession of Houses, e.g. Tabernacle to Temple

32—Houses of Rosenstock’s Revolutions of the  West. See Chapter 5 of  Gardner’s ‘Beyond Belief’

33—What house  changed in A. D. 70?


35—Tabernacle of mouth.

36—Girls basketball farm girls strong enough

37—God is our song, inhabits the praises of Israel

38—Parts of house show future, past,  in, out and other ERH progressions

39—Sign  of cross recreates creation days, tabernacle  furniture

40—Again: History Sprit Bride Son

41—Mae West,  Marilyn Monroe (Johnson; ‘Heroes’) Rose Kennedy

42—All   toward 12 small enthusiastic groups


Head Business Peace Mutually-Advantageous Deals



2—Gilder ‘Scandal of Money’: Deng and Jiang inaugurate largest freedom move,Chinese enterprise zones AND Goedel, von Neuman et al, work that eventuates in blockchain

3—Peter Diamandis ‘Abundance’ and Metatrends

4—‘Superabundance’: In terms of time it takes to earn to pay for things, prices are falling dramatically

5—Kunstler, out of oil, society gone

6--: Ford, greatest artist of 20th century: Fuller

7—Cistercians leg agriculture in Middle Ages: Johnson

8—12x12 Days, like Hall’s 10x10 in ‘Silent Language’ only 6 Days of Creation, Cross, Resurrection, Ascension, Pentecost, A. D.70, Great Day AND Spirit proceeds continually continuously, so world is NOT zero-sum

9—Gregory VII, Charlemagne filioque (Church a separate jurisdiction)

10—Kurzeweil and ‘The End is Near and it’s  going to be Amazing’ (Williamson)

11—Rushdoony ,North, Jordan

12—Cromwell Luther (Church,  King, House) Calvin

13—Writing First Wave (Printing Press 3rd,Mass Media4th)

14--Alphabet Second Wave (Fuller says Pound says Babel was First to 2nd, Muslim in Eco, editor says each got part—Babel)

15—Gurri says current information tsunami is Fifth Wave of information

16—Jesus, God-Man

17—Tertullian, Trinity solved one and many

18—Haber,   nitrogen fixed, or 1/5 to 1/3 of world  would starve

19—Locke, Watt

20—Common Law Trust and Corporation

21—Science Fiction

22—Again ‘The End is Near…Amazing’

23—Berman, ‘Law and  Revolution’ First 100 pages, 10000 year budgets for   medieval cathedrals, Truce/Peace o fGod, fears administrative law centralization AND Barzun ‘Dawn  to Decadence’ ethno-lingusitic bridged by corporations, re-learn to read from monuments

24—Web, computer

25—Nakamoto, crypto ,etc. Community currencies, etc.

26—Jay Abraham innovations, McCloskey trade and innovation rhetorically and monetarily honored

27—Settling, tribes to empires, but now Jane Jacobs

28—Agricultural revolution

29—Domestication of animals

30—Adam, Cain et al

31—British East India and the like

32—Columbus, Muhammed, 700 year Reconquista

33—1694 Bank of England, Rothschild

34—FAANG Musk Buffet

35—Gates, Rockefeller

36—McDonogh(freed slaves),  LeTourneau, Howard Bloom ’Beast’, Morgan, Walton,  Sears,  Hill

37—Debs vs. WWI and  Jeanette Rankin

38—Knights Hospitaler and Life Extension and Cryonic Missionaries (Montgomery), Crusades

39—Theodora, Justinian Code

40—Festival Laws ag->city

41—Booker T .Washington, Madame Walker,  Oprah, Billionaire  Chinese

42--Tesla, electricity, Faraday


Eat (Food)

1—Mystery Loaf-Bread Body Cup-Wine Blood

2—’Blessed Are the  Hungry’ (Leithart) and first of economics, scarcity

3—Napoleon canned food for army

4—What DON’T eat, but all clean symbolically

5—Autophagy, (intermittent) fasting

6—Vitamins 1913

7—Sanitation, etc.  cures diseases—life span 1900, 40; now close to 80; 2030 much longer?

8—Pasteur  (germ  theory) vs. Beauchamp (territory)

9—Homeopathy and ‘Medicine Beyond’ and Flexner

10—Alternative vs.  Establishment; Kuhn

11—Agricultural Revolution, GMOs, etc.

12—Sacrifice animals, howls and Psalms

13—Amish vs.  Industrial Agriculture

14—Grow Your Own, Backyard National Park

15—Alpha Food

16—Omega Food

17—Vitamin Deficiencies

18—Gluttony one of 7 deadly sins

19—Hermits, Monks

20—Spices preserve food colonies

21—Potatoes, tomatoes from New World, gold, diseases, ecosystems 1493

22—Irish Potato Famine


24—John Deere

25—Mercola’s 19



28—2nd  and 3rd brain, gut  and heart

29—Couldn’t butcher farm   boys during Covid

30—Haber and  nitrogen   from air, 1/5  to 1/3 starve without; then heworked on WWI  poison gas

31—Junk food for pleasure













Cross, Sacrifice, End


1-7—Feasts then

8-14—Feasts Fulfilled  by Jesus

15-21—Fulfilled  Feast Applied  by us

22—Ontro to

23-27—Trespass, Sin, Ascnesion with Tribute, Peace

28—Conclusion and New Moon, Tannk, Drink; Feasts and  Sacrifices  inLiturgy

29-35—Repeat 1-7

36-42—Repeat 8-14

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