Sunday, October 3, 2021

Hypothesis Covid

 Dear Friends:

Science is neat. ('Science Set Free')
2 first steps are seeing the data and making hypotheses.Then, set up an experiment, etc.
Here are two hypotheses re: 'Covid'1--It's electricity. Yes! 'Invisible Rainbow' has data showing a correlation (correlations) between expansion of use of electricity and new diseases, Telegraph, telephone, radio, etc.
How would one do an experiment to test this?
Rosenstock opined that any new technology increased reach (space), shortened time, and destroyed old groups. 'Who God would destroy He first makes mad'. Thus, lots of madness all around on Covid.How would one set up an experiment to test this?
(One can use thought experiments)Submit some other hypotheses! Food, exercise, nutrition, evil in  high places, etc.
Let's do some scientific stuff!(Background: 'Life, Inc' if I remember correctly, posited that car makers promoted auto clubs, and bought up to end trolley cars companies. Szasz in 'Ceremonial Chemistry' (timeline) showed that taxes on liquor were 50%+ of internal revenue in US between Civil War and WWI. Then income tax replaced revenue and here came Prohibition (doctors came out for it). After Prohibition, doctors made millions writing prescriptions for whiskey.
So, Who Benefits, cui bono?
Love in King Jesus,
PS: Search all, even oddities.
PPS: Other things are more valuable. One's calling, Bible and historical knowledge, etc.
PPPS: See Twelve New Layers of Eternal Calendar, Money 2.0 CoinGood.

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