For those new to this:
2031 ReSummary (from Week 18)
Calendars help tell us what to do and when. Rosenstock says community celebrations are from the tribal social order, business and work schedules from Empires, ecclesiastical calendars are from Israel, and education from Greece. Greece is a companion, don't let it be a social order.
Issachar Thousand Year Prayer is Gospels Layer of Eternal Calendar--the life of Christ and our response. Add it to Church Year. There will be more, John 21:25
I write it on a 49-book Bible—Jordan 'Rethinking the Order of the Old Testament.
At the end, I tell you what we'll have at the end.
What We Will Have When Done
1--12 small, enthusiastic groups. In time of change, old groups are destroyed.
2--7-stage BuildUp, a tabernacle of time. What Israel ought to do.
3--12-facet sociology. 3 oath-formed groups, 4 fronts. 1--Church/Garden/Priest. 2. Land/King/Civil Magistrate. 3. World/Prophet/Marriage-Family.
4 Fronts. Forward and Backward in Time. In and Out in Space. (Compare Hall's 10x10 in 'The Silent Language'
5--Example of Opera. Weeks 30-37, Find 12 SEGs. ERH: Symphony of History. RJR: History is God's Theater.
6--Gospels Layer of Eternal Calendar--there will be more. This is I pray helpful, not final.
7--'Second Foundation'/Improvers. Kennedy helves and cash to each of 15.
8--Matthew helps us remember.
9--Mark helps us remember Business Servants.
10--Luke. Jubilee fulfilled, and application of that fulfillment.
11--John. Toward tabernacle of time.
12--Liturgy written on year. 49 books (Jordan) 1+1+2 holiday weeks.
In addition, many new names. Coram, Celebration Of Resurrection Anno Mundi. Sheba-7, oath, week. Days named, with YMM!!! at the end, we eat time. Numbering/nombre-ing, naming our days, in re-retuning. AND MORE.
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