Thursday, May 2, 2019

'A Million New Iowans' or Psalm 117 by Singing Tabernacle?

What’s greater—’A Million New Iowans….’ Or Psalm 117 ssung around a table?
I’m not, NOT doing ‘A Million New Iowans—At A Profit,’ but someone should. I explain what great I’m doing after.
1--What is the average size farm in japan - [About 10 acres]
about 2 hectaresI, the size of two football pitches (soccer fields)

2—Anecdotally, I’ve been told that a man made more money on his acre of herbs than on his hundreds of acres of corn. Dukakis: ‘Endives’
3—Mom remembered when the deer came back. Average size of farms increased, and number of kids decreased per family, so the deer could survive.
4—So let’s settle new Iowans on 10 acres, even waste land.
5—With earthship technology (self-sufficiency), telecommuting, going to school by computer, etc. a family might survive on 10 acres.  It wouldn’t be easy.
6—It used to be done.  Look at population per square mile stats over the decades.
7—But the good is the enemy of the great. ‘A Million…’ would be good, but
8—Jordan says in ‘Crisis Opportunity and the Christian Future’ that one thing needed, among several is for the church to be gathered around a table singing Psalms.  A start would be ‘Opus 53:Conduct,’ and having Day 8 (who can initiate to anyone at any time—as can Days 1 and 12) have each other sing Psalm 117
, with Psalm Tone D, and ending with 150:6, as an intro, because the last 3 tones of D are high-low-middle, an historical indication, as explained on Google Sites, in this work.
Psalm 117 King James Version (KJV)
117 O praise the Lord, all ye nations:
praise him, all ye people.
2 For his merciful kindness is great toward us:
and the truth of the Lord endureth for ever.
Praise ye the Lord.
Add 150:6 (Jordan explains elsewhere)
Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD.
Praise ye the LORD.
--This ‘Toscanini’ version (one man plays all the parts, ans Arturo, they say, got his first conducting job when the visiting conductor fell ill, and they said ‘Arturo (first violin) knows everyone’s part, let him conduct’ will not work for billions of apps downloaded (Someone write it—maybe I!) and it needs to be simpler for a group—though earlier versions were simple enough for a 4 year old.

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