What role might the church play in cultivating leaders in up-and-coming cities, and in avoiding the dynamics that are suffocating New York, San Francisco, Seattle and other cities?
Dear Peter:
1--Find the 'person of peace'--a million were baptized in a little over a decade or tow in a 'graveyard of missionaries'. This is detailed in 'Contagious Disciple Making'
2--Maybe take a Jacobsean number of @5000 (Plato too?). Todmordenize them, self sufficient in vegetables. Searc h 'Todmorden carrots in the car park'. They did it in Todmorden England. The 'person of peace' heads this up, with his own money and charisma, etc. See Hoppe's article (at Mises ?) on 'From Aristocracy to Monarchy to Democracy'. He sees aristocraccy coming back. The 'Person of peace' is this natural nobile, elite, aristocrat. I propose finding him FIRST--or her. The food can be grown outdoors, indoors, on rooftops, by sprouting, and it can be bought as soups from Amazon,etc.
3--STEM could be done with cheap Chromebooks (or North recommends one under $300), and no-tuition uopeople.edu (University of the People) or Khan or Free CodeCamp--for employment, someone would contact employers BEFOREHAND. In 'the old home town' this might be the librarian.
4--'Koppel' the grid. Yes, Ted Koppel, as establishment as can be. He fears cyberattacks, has something like a prepping program at the end. I'd say the 'person of peace' could do a service (Adams, in an anti-tax book says that the rich in the past did such things as build bridges--CHH: pontificate) as a 'service, 'leitourgeas'. If I'd won the lottery, in my old hom town, I'd buy kilowatt hours enough to pay for hardening, etc., including homes?
5--Add such things as 'Christian Judge Judy,' which could be done with a smart phone and lapel mike in church basements. Spread via YouTube, etc. More on this on my Facebook Page on Christian CourtTV. Creveld ('Rise and Decline of the State' says that lack of justice and lack of sound money for retirees is the cause of the decline.
6--One article says that Kenya is experimenting with crypto-currencies (I prefer encrypted currencies, Altucher says 'Money 2.0' in his 'Crypto-Currencies 101' free for download online. Jacobs speaks of cities as money-issuers, so...
7---That's a start.
8--Continue unto resurrection.
Love in King Jesus,
Charlie 'typographically unable' Hartman
PS: Someone such as Bill Heid of Solutions from Science/Off the Grid Living, who once had Jeff Harlow for pastor, before a conflict, could head this up, with manuals, etc.PPS: That death wish is the daughter of guilt is a key upon which to base 'church' action.
To BH with headline: Have a 'person of peace' in your congregation contact me.
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