Wednesday, September 13, 2017

The Latest Church Calendar 2-Pager

The Latest Church Calendar 2-Pager

She was reading the colored Church year circle intently, and asked 'What's Pentecost?'.
Suggestions for clothing include wrist bands, pinned swatches, scarves (only good words to come out of a scarved throat) etc.

Participate In The Eternal Calendar
I wear this week's color.  People ask me, 'What does that mean?'  I explain.
We all live in many calendars. Rosenstock, Dartmouth professor, said that our educational calendar is from the Greeks. Our business and work schedules are from Empires. Community celebrations are from the Tribal social order.  And ‘the eternal calendar’ (his name for it), the ecclesiastical calendar of the life of Jesus Christ and our response, is from Israel. Sports seasons combine several.
Rosenstock believed that history was a symphony and a chiasm. Tribes, Empires, Israel, Greece, He Who Reversed The Trend, then, going back to the first, Greece became a companion only, NOT a social order, Israel without exclusions became the Church, Empires without slavery became the nation-state, and we are working toward the next era, Tribes without perpetual warfare—small, enthusiastic groups.
Lord willing, Join us in this most basic of calendars—the eternal calendar, as ERH named it, the Church Calendar. It shows the life of Jesus Christ, and our response. [Changes can be made!]
What follows is from the Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod. Others can be found by searching ‘church calendars--pictures’. The French Revolution changed a calendar. Comte had a calendar, etc.
 [Note by Hartman. When the LCMS worshipped in German, @ the 10th week after Easter, the destruction of Jerusalem was celebrated, reading from Josephus. Also, ‘Season after Pentecost’ is also called ‘Season of the Church, or better ‘Martyrs’ Tide’. The 22 to 27? Weeks can possibly be improved with respective weeks devoted to some one or two of these books of Jordan’s work?]
See the one-pager from the Service Book that is attached at the end. It shows the church year and colors in another way. Find the dates and readings here:
A little bit about the worship service, the liturgy.
In liturgy, The Divine Service—we are torn apart and cut up, individually and corporately, to be put back together, transformed by the battle, for the battle. Hartman calls it ‘redressment’. White robes as we enter, garment of the High Priest as we arise, forgiven. Then ‘the full armor’ after Readings and Sermon. The Bride Adorned after Communion. Hopefully, we’ll go out, wearing the appropriate color of the eternal calendar, the Church Year.[Hartman believes that the imperative stem [‘Magna Carta Latina’: paraphrase] of every Latin verb form is derived from a short imperative stem] of each of the literarily-conceived (by Jordan) 49 books (Bible) can be what leads us to a jubilee (49) of oath-formed small, enthusiastic groups, of which ERH [] (Rosenstock) spoke. Jordan: [Samuel, Kings each too big for one scroll, 12 minor prophets had one theme, Lamentations goes literarily with Jeremiah, Ezra and Nehemiah unto Greater Chronicles.]
What to use to wear the eternal calendar? Wrist bands, scarves (what comes out of the throat should be appropriate} t-shirts, skirts, shirts, pants…varied…, swatches pinned… .]
For more, see ‘Build A Peace Tribe’ on Facebook, Charles Howard Hartman on Facebook, Hartman @, and
This effort to ‘put flesh/action on’ was inspired by 3 John. 1 John, last week, inspired ’ephemeralize’.
This sequence is seen in many places. Leviticus, Rosenstock’s revolutions of the West (Chapter 5 of Gardner’s ‘Beyond Belief’), Hartman’s ‘Symphony,’ and especially startling for many is to see it in the scientific method.  Consider this following, the scientific method (nature) compared to liturgy. Newton is brought into a new mental state by seeing the apple fall, compared to coming into the worship area—some churches have pictures of the Last Judgment above the entrance. Then Newton may have said to himself, ‘I can’t figure this out now, but I can later’. Confession and Absolution. He studies previous thinkers (Readings) and proposes his own hypothesis (Sermon). The hypothesis is tested, 2 witnesses, Bread and Wine. Then the new theory (not hypothesis any more) is taken out to the world, as we are sent out, transformed and Blessed individually and corporately.

Join us in this most basic of calendars, the Church Calendar. It shows the life of Jesus Christ, and our response, unto peace/concord—the explicit reconciliation of opposites.

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