Wednesday, January 2, 2013

How celebrating The Feast of the Circumcision of Christ may have helped make Big History

How celebrating The Feast of the Circumcision of Christ may have helped make Big History

Short. Oops, not so short!

I started out circumcising Pella’s phallic symbol, and ended up with ‘How To Make Your Communities Better’ aka ‘Pella Square’.  PS is the second in an ERH Big History covenant sequence, and the third in a JBJ Big History covenant sequence.

Background.  Here’s the Wikipedia entry on ‘Feast of the Circumcision of Christ’:

We were celebrating in on New Year’s Eve, 2005, going into A. D. 2006.

I was in a state of questioning my sanity.

I was going to ask Pastor and Elder.

Why?  We had moved to Pella to get Christian care for Mom. We escaped ‘family’. [Redacted 1].

Brief history: Joined church on July 4. I had the day off, it had been a significant day in our family history.  Mom and Dad were married then in 1936, and we’d moved to Stuart on that date in 1959.

We finally got all moved on Oct. 18.  Louise and I moved to within a few blocks of where Mom was living, in a nursing home/Alzheimer’s unit. Mea culpa in all this. If I had known then what I know now…well, I’m trying with ‘Godparents for Eldsters’ and more.

I call Oct. 18 [Redacted 2]
[I make one significant history statement at the corner of the square, and one in the center of each square.  So far we’ve gone from the southwest corner, July 4, Joining, to the center, October 18, Nuremberg.  This is running together with writing the Heidelberg Catechism on top of the chronology and history. Guilt, Grace, Gratitude, and the 4th side will add Go Forth, which I have done.]

To finish up Guilt, we move to Mar 3rd/4th, A. D. 2005. [Redacted 3]
[Note:  In all of this, Louise was great.  She may remember it differently. She may remember the causes and implications differently. BH is a closed group, nothing sent outside without permission. I give this history so that we can see an example of liturgy, church year, holidays, etc. shaping.  And it is more shaped with each iteration of the holiday.  ERH makes this point/’pont’—bridge in French—in his Universal History course(s).]

So, we turn the corner at St. Wjlesa onto Grace Street in the Heidelberg.

In the center we have ‘Ethics Committee’. ‘They’ thought they were having problems with Mom. More drugs was their solution. We went along, but Louise and a young lady from church did the ‘cares’ the staff was having trouble doing, and  Mom got off the drugs. Nearer the end, she had recovered the imperative. 

First heart problem, living at home: ‘I don’t want to die’.  This was during a discussion at the hospital in Guthrie. Second, during early recovery attempts from broken leg: ‘I don’t want to die yet’.  Third, after off the drugs, ‘Keep me alive.’

Grace Street ends at the celebration of Circumcision.

Going down Gratitude street we have in the center Doctors’ Strike.  At the northwest corner we have Girardean Funeral.  All the abandoning relative praised Mom.

Then we turned south on GoForth+ Street (I remember Pastor Harlow naming it that during ‘counseling’sessions—he remembers it differently). It’s a good name.

As we have ‘GoneForth+, as I have revisited this yearly, with a commemoration that had different guests of honor, it has produced a great ministry/evangelism opportunity that can be used for all the tourists that come to Pella, and for residents.  How To Make Your Communities Better: [Some of the guests of honor: Dr. Stockman in Ibsen’s ‘An Enemy of the People,’ Thomas Szasz, Rene Girard, etc.]

THE CHANGE.  The idea is to trace the history of Pella, on top of the heart of Pella, the Heidelberg Catechism.  At the end, the entrance to GoForth+ Street, we ask how the name of Pella, ‘refuge,’ can best be applied today.  How can Pella have grown in offering refuge.  This is a witness to tourists at Tulip Time, and a uniting question for residents, I pray.

The corners are 1847 (Dutch arrive), 1922/1935-6 (begin sharing with Tulip Time and ‘Souvenir History of Pella), and A. D. 2013 (if it gets started by then). [I don’t know why there is this double underline!!

As with the Mom segment, never mentioned in the proposed brochure, there is history before—in Mom’s case, ‘family’ and in Pella’s case ‘Europe’.


I’ve been attempting to Psalmodically Respond in such a way as to conduct (train, , orchestra, electricity) history, as is shown in Psalm 1:1.  God gives us , in effect, in one way of seeing it, the first triplet.  Blessed is the man who walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly.  He show us a response, in effect saying, fill in the blanks.  Walketh not, Counsel, Ungodly. Then what goes with Standeth not, Way….?  Answer: Sinners.  Now try, Sitteth not….?  Seat, Scornful.

I propose that we can [#1 of 3] psalmodically respond by lining out, repeating exactly.  For that, see instructions for building the tabernacle, and the building of the tabernacle.

[#2 of 3] We can respond in Issachar fashion, determining what MUST be done NOW.

[#3 of 3—sodeprehend is the word I coined. Amos 3:7] Or we can say, God builds a house, we should build a house.  Thus, God has shown us the 4-phase sequence in the national revolutions of the West (ERH), as in a great summary in chapter 5 of Gardner’s ‘Beyond Belief’. (I may have obtained the ‘around the square either from his Complete Cross of Reality in the back of BB, or we may have both obtained it from study of ERH.)

My 4 are : Imperative—Enjoy Comprehensive Beauty. Then, Subjective—Pella Square. (See above: How To Make Your Communities Better). Narrative—The Symphony of History, especially Opus 47 (in development): From Creation Speech to New Song, Singing.[General TSOH here: (@ 2 minutes in, history conducted)] Objective (to be taken out in Planetary service) HOST, House of Singing Times, C.E.P.T. Calendar.Engendering.Peace.Tactics.  Here is ‘rhymed’ many lines/covenant sequences, per:

For the whole ERH analog:  ‘About Peace Tribe Manual.’ A proposal for a next institution along ERH lines. Tribe with small enthusiastic groups, but without perpetual war. Chiastic.

For a JBJ 4 step of Law, Lyric, Evaluation, Fact, put TSOH in Lyric.  Here’s the About that I’ve come up with for a next institution:  Godparents For Eldsters, Words 5 and 8 after the waiting of Word 4, with Jeremiah Time. and and

CONCLUSION: Liturgy shapes.  So do holidays, when the whole people celebrates one thing, at one time, together. That’s why I wrote the liturgy onto the coram.  And the process was herovolutionary:
PS: I don’t want this deleted from the files, and I won’t put it out in public, so I make this long post.  I apologize, but it’s worth it. I post on chuckhartmanhistoryconductor.
PPS: [Redacted 4] Consider the 5th Word.

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