Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Holy Week A. D. 2019: Notre Dame, The Symphonic Method

Holy Week A. D. 2019: Notre Dame, The Symphonic Method
Per Berman’s “Law and Revolution,’ medieval cathedrals had budgets for a thousand years.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

12 Key Liabilities, please?

12 Key Liabilities, please?

These The Symphonic Method will help turn into assets toward peace, the Christian era.

(I claim Symphonic Method/Earth Beneath: Scientific Method/Waters under, both downstream from Liturgy/Heaven Above—5 basic steps in sequence. On shoulders of ERH revolutions of the West, symphony of history), GKN/Sutton, James Jordan—the latter of who saw Creation, Lord’ Supper (twice), order of worship thus. I have not read Poythress, though one of his titles is ‘Symphonic Theology’.

I’m using Creation Days and time after He Who Reversed The Trend. Others my use The Decalogue, Beatitudes and Woes, etc. Churches in Revelation.
These should be better shortened.
1.       Network vulnerabilities. Koppel’s ‘Lights Out’ electric grid to cyberhacking. Pole shift, re: ‘Spinning Magnet’. Cutting internet cables before balloons/drones. Etc.
2.       Atomize, then tyrannize. Arendt. Lack of firmament, representative institutions.
3.       Food. Enough? Right type?
4.       Authorities. 1 Timothy 2: 1-4. Advolution, not revolution. Slavery. Beware war, mysticism, decadence—ERH’s 4 fronts of a social order. Berman’s administrative law. King.
5.        War. Neo-tribes need to be without warpath.
6.       Marriage, reproduction, sex. Haus.
7.       Church. Death Wish is the Daughter of Guilt. Crazy and ‘Can’t Stand Prosperity/’Abundance’ the book).
8.       History forgotten ‘What was the Name of that Town?’: Lafferty. ‘Mankind in Amnesia’ Velikovsky. Creation a riddle: Matthew 13:10.
9.       Little thing all count. Both/And logic and mathematics, vs. Sheffer Stroke.
10.   10.Flood of Knowledge overwhelms. ERJ’s ‘New technology increases reach, shortens time, ) is small, enthusiastic groups, tribes without perpetual warfare, as nation-state was empires without slavery, and The Church was Israel without exclusions. destroys old groups,’ and the next social order (1000 years, however long that is’ ) is tribes without perpetual warfare, as the nation-state was empires without slavery, and The Church was Israel without exclusions. (CHH—2 caveats: There’s still slavery (‘A Crime So Monstrous’) and to sin and to ‘the state’ (but Creveld and 4th Generation Warfare and Hopps, and perhaps a symphonic totaling of the patterns of history lead us, as the death of a saint, to a new application of lessons of life.)
11.   There’s more pruning to be done.
12.    Judgment comes, down payments and finally.. Forgotten Mysteries.
What say you? How shorten these to imperative stems, from which all Latin verb forms are formed?
Love in King Jesus,

PS: A short version of the Symphonic Method is at Google Sites (Opus 53, Conduct!)

Monday, April 8, 2019

The Big Seven Five: Tired Hartman Speaks

The Big Seven Five: Tired Hartman Speaks
3, 12, 5, next, great, rich,
Coin words, 1, prayer, train, +2, $100 million minor minor minor
A.      3 things. Everyone Counts/$100 million. Opus 53. Heaven awaits.  ’Tired’—like carrying a gestation.
B.      ERH’s 12 Tones of the Spirit. Listen, Read, Learn, Play (Incubate), Doubt, Critique/Analyze, Protest (Witness), Win, Rule, Teach, Speak Bequeath.
C.      The Story is simple. 5-step (more/less) sequence applied to one another, as liturgy did to Heaven, scientific method did to Waters Under. Psalm Tone D. Both/And Chalcedonian Logos/logic vs. Sheffer Stroke’s ‘not both the one and the other’.
D.      Small, Enthusiastic Groups—the next social order, tribes without perpetual warfare, as the Church was Israel without exclusion, nation-state was empires without slavery. Universal History 1954 lectures (Dartmouth), see Per ‘Through New Eyes,’ this is a prayer.
E.       The good is the enemy of the great. There are many very profitable things that could be done.
F.       We’re much richer than Rockefeller. Did he have smart phone, the internet, computers, triple entry bookkeeping, the great electrical grid, vitamins (1912, Funk), corporate business forms, etc.).
G.      Glorious Heaven awaits. Future generations will think in even more patterns such as this chiasm. CDATMCG. Google Blogspot, FB Notes, etc. Tom Hartman, curator. Thy Kingdom Come. ERH: ‘The Driving Power of Western Civilization’—All souls will have the dignity of being judged. TKC heals body and society as body. Myss’ Anatomy of the Spirit,’ though the body of the spirit is speech—ERH. I disdain to disclose my athletic and other achievements.
F’. Rockefeller saved the whales. We now know bee speech, and have many works on language origin, so we can coin words, such as ‘sing-if-I-cant’. Herovolution. Godparents For Eldsters. Vitamin J for Joy, Christian Court TV—put ‘em all in Opus 53: Conduct!? Become ‘…new Abrahams…’ as Jordan writes in ‘Crisis, Opportunity…’. More at Facebook Notes and Pages, chuckhartmanhistoryconductor Google blogspot,  Google Sites. Tom Hartman, Curator.
E’ But do the one thing necessary. (Oh, you can go back home and Todmorden, and pray 1 Timothy 2: 1-4, for sure! Stuart Wooden Nickel Highway, Stuart The Musical, Guthrie Center  merchants’ page on Amazon, etc.) Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, Google, Walmart were all formed VERY recently.
D’: Add true speech (oath formed) to Small, Enthusiastic Groups, and ‘productive profitability’ with new currency forms to get OFSP/PEG. The next social order, the next era, TNE=> ‘The Father’? 5s? ERH: Imperative, subjective, Narrative, Objective, Planetary Service. JBJ 1: Call, Cleanse, Consecrate, Commune, Commission. North: Transcendence I like it with the ‘a’ dance), Hierarchy, Ethics, Oaths and sanctions, Succession. 7 Days and Bull’s CDATMCG. North has more, and from Sutton. Trespass, Sin, Ascension with Tribute, Peace. More
C’: Do it with Opus 53. See Google Sites. Train conductors of the symphony of history, a new type of man reproduced. Rosenstock: ‘Out of Revolution,’ ‘Fruit of Lips’. This will spread SEG (de Tocqueville) from America (see ‘Out…’) world-wide (see Gardner’s ‘Beyond Belief, esp. Chapter 5), For, as ERH said, any new technology, expands reach, shortens time, and destroys old groups. We need to form the new ones. (They are being formed, conduct them, knowingly, APP—learn to code for the billions to be downloaded.. Toscanini got to be conductor because he knew all the parts, Whitman wrote his poems, typeset them, printed them and sold them door to door. Call me Toscanini Whitman))
B’. I’d Add two more. Inherit at first, and 3 Generations at the last.  Poiema. Imperative Stem, “What will your verse be?’ Robin Williams, ‘Dead Poets Society,’ YouTube … . The 12 Biggest Liabilities to turn into assets => A Christian Era, through Persons (with Lenses) and Imperative Stem Speech as Calling (the most important thing you can do at which you would be most difficult to replace—North—as ERH reverses the revolutions.
A’: So, the $100 million is nothing. If I’d received my receipt for $10,000 donation, had a tax savings of $3000, bought 10,000 bitcoins—I’ve invested in crazier!—seen each be worth $10,000 or more—10,000 x $10,000=$100 million, I’d have the good, the enemy of the great, and there are ‘gooder’ things available. $100 million, minor minor minor. ‘Follow the money!’—no, Create the currency. +When a good man dies, great power is released into the field of time—ERH. Conduct! O Glorious Heaven awaits!

Monday, April 1, 2019

New Godparents For Eldsters

Would YOu Do Me The Honor? This is a brief handout for prospective godparents.

Would You Do Me The Honor Of ConsideringBeing
One Of My Godparents (For Eldsters)?

What is a GodparentFor Eldster?

Each eldster with godparents, and none shall be afraid.

Godparents for Eldsters -- This brief conversationillustrates the benefits. 

CW: Co-worker: What's new?

CH: Chuck: Godparents for Eldsters.

(Quizzical look)

CH: Eldster is a more honoring way than sayingoldster.

CW: How does it work?

CH: You know how some churches have godparentsfor an infant being baptized, so if something happens to the parents, there'ssomebody? This is like that for eldsters.

CW: Is this established already, or is it youridea?

CH: As far as I know, it's mine..

CW: Get it going, people need it.

Love in King Jesus,


What does a Godparent foran Eldster do?  Where’s the Manual?


Where’s theGodparents For Eldsters Manual?  That what a harsh critic asked.

There isn’t one, Ireplied. Here are 4 things, yea 5, on which to concentrate--and a plan.

Why? Remember theparadigm of a godparent/sponsor for a youngster.  They step in to helpwhen the parents of the youngster aren’t there to help.  Something similarmight happen with eldsters.

Because the mainthing to know is that something new is needed.  The system must beimproved. A new element needs to be added.  Search: Nursing Home Problems.Search: Eldercare Issues.  Search: Elders In Poverty.  Etc.

How can a GodparentFor Eldster help, then?

1—A Godparent isthat new element.  When Mom was in trouble, and we called around tovarious agencies, we heard the remark ‘It’s always the daughter-in-law thatcalls’. This may not always be true, but it is true that there is a distancefrom the loved one that allows the daughter-in-law to be the one to act, to notdeny.

2—A Godparent’schief first action is prayer.

3—‘First, Do NoHarm’ is a Godparent emphasis.  This should prevent much doping up.

4—Concentrate onwhat the loved one CAN do, not what the loved one CAN NO LONGER do. [That’s agood way to treat everyone, it seems to me].

OK, those are 4things, what’s the plan.  The plan is, in part, to have a central sourceof history and information, a website for example, on which Godparents can postsituations encountered, actions taken, suggestions for the future.

What’s the ‘yea,5’?  The 5th isto act BEFORE the crisis.  Prevention, preparation…

O Lord be with(Exodus 3:12)

Charles HowardHartman

What’s the ceremonyfor becoming a Godparent for an Eldster?

Here’s one we’ve used. It’sshort.

Here’s a transcript.

This VERY short ceremony, 6minutes, also exhibits the value. 


Witness: ‘In the name of the Father, and of theSon, and of the Holy Ghost.’

Participants: ‘Amen.’

Hierarchy: (Witness speaking)

‘I am Rev. _____, here on this ____ day of ____,A. D. _____, in _________ to witness the establishment of this covenant beforeGod.’

‘The participants have been asked by ________________ to be ___ Godparents for Eldster (____self), in a way similar to thatof Godparents or Sponsors for infants in some churches.’

Ethics: (Witness speaking)

‘James 1: 27: King James Version (KJV)
27Pure religion and undefiled before God and theFather is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and tokeep himself unspotted from the world.
Deuteronomy 5: 16: King James Bible
Honour thy father and thy mother, as the LORDthy God hath commanded thee; that thy days may be prolonged, and that it may gowell with thee, in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.’

Oaths and Sanctions: (Witness speaking, then theOne to be Protected)

Witness: ‘The one to be protected will introducethe Godparents for Eldster to be, after which I, the witness, will ask them tovow to be such, under God:’

One to be Protected: ‘I introduce_______________, and _______________ (as many as have been asked).’

Witness: ‘Do you ________ accept the commissionof Godparent for Eldster for ________, to protect ______ in ______ possibleenfeeblement, vulnerability, and befuddlement as ___ ages, or otherwise needsprotection, so help you God? ‘

Witness: ‘And, do you ________ accept thecommission of Godparent for Eldster for ________, to protect ______ in ______possible enfeeblement, vulnerability, and befuddlement as ___ ages, orotherwise needs protection, so Help you God? ‘

Witness: ‘This completes the reference to James1:27.’

Succession: (Witness speaking)

"Heavenly Father, we thank you for thetruth of your Word that nothing in death or life will separate us from yourlove in Christ Jesus and that whether we live or die we belong to you. By yourgracious Spirit strengthen those who have now committed themselves to____name______ in this confidence and guide them should they face difficultdecisions concerning ____his/her_____ care so that their actions may be inagreement with your holy will. Do not forsake them, but uphold and keep them inyour love and peace through Jesus Christ, your Son, our Lord, who lives andreigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen."

(Witness) ‘Having now completed this covenantthat I have witnessed, the Lord be with you. Go in peace.’

Were this more of an official church action, amore particular commissioning based on Matthew 28, and this particular workwould have been better. The above script works well when a friend who is aShepherd helps by witnessing.
