Thursday, January 31, 2013

What should 'Cornerstone' write (in a summary of beliefs)?

Here's the key:  What do you want them to do? ‘Without the imperative, there is no future’: Bledsoe. 
 This is important, so I've written something long-ish. ‘Law, Lyric, Evaluation, Fact’: Jordan.

Use these principles:

Dear Cornerstone:

I wonder what Patrick told the Irish, or Ansgar the North—or is that your situation? Are you in the Africa/Jenkins situation of rapid urbanization, in which rural villagers have moved to the city, but want the community of the village, and find it in the church? Or are you in the emotionally burnt-over NY, or the intellectually burnt-over Oxford or Boulder, or (all we all are) the historical memory burnt-over contemporary society?

What do you want?  What transaction are you engendering? Are they buying a box of soap with which to be cleansed, as a first step to maturity? Are you inserting them into the story of redemptive history, are you recruiting a team mate for the Holy War?

Lead with the proof, follow up with the benefits.

People buy cures, not prevention. What disease do they have.

When they’ve read it, what change do you wish it to have made?

Do you want a new community member, someone to play 3rd violin in the orchestra, a shortstop….what?

Pick someone to be talking to—is the person a college student, a retiree, a young couple with a few children, an executive just transferred to town?

The fellow in ’80,000 churches in 15 years’ targeted priests and imams.  He also had a Gospel shorn of unneeded (and often counter-productive) cultural accretions.  Search the phrase in quotes.

What’s your elevator speech, what you’d tell someone in an elevator in a few seconds after that person had asked you about Cornerstone? 10 seconds.

Can you put it into the framework of JBJ’s Law-Lyric-Evaluation-Fact?

Why do you want THIS person, what’s unique about him or her?  Again, what are the benefits to him or her, what cure do you have, how does only Jesus fill this God-sized hole in that person’s heart?
What BIG thing are you doing for which you need WHAT help? Why? How do you know it’s important? Who told you, how do you prove it?

Why not test?  Do two statements, run them up a flagpole of target audience A and target audience B, and see who salutes?  Then try another statement to use in comparison to the one that works the best? Let your members take the brochures (or message forms, such as links useable in emails, on social media, etc.) and see which works best?

Why are your current members at Cornerstone?  Ask them, video them, or use their written statements to make your comprehensive statement, or video, or radio message.

Look through these free gifts from a master marketer, Jay Abraham, let them shape your efforts:

Let’s run the logical and the chronological.  Your goal is to go to a concert in Chicago. A You’ll need a ticket. B  You want to get there on time, well-rested from a night in a hotel. C You need to get to the hotel the afternoon before, so you’ll need to leave in the AM, D all packed.E   So what do you do.  Having bought your ticket and made your hotel reservations, you pack the night before E, Leave in the AM D, check into the hotel for the night C, get to the concert and present your ticket B, enjoy A.

Or do it eucharistically. Take hold and give thanks. (O Lord, thank you for this time in which we can tell everyone what You have done). Break/restructure and give a new name. (Here are those not in relationship with the Lord that we’ve chosen out, our new readers). Distribute (We make a brochure) with instruction (Read as we give).  They enjoy, Called to come to be Cleansed, Consecrated, Communed, and Commissioned..

Some statements summarized from Abraham, Jay: Risk-Reversal (put the burden on yourself—in selling, that’s a guarantee, a free trial, etc.), Endorsement (Someone the reader respects recommends+). Back-end (what else that they don’t know about now is even better for them (in sales, that’s other parts of your line of products). Not Indirectly, but directly move them to do something (don’t use institutional ads, like a bank—have them get on your weekly update list, or send for a free booklet, etc.—that way you can test responses). Love the new ones, how show it? Test, as above.  Try a couple different ones, and then new ones against the one that does best. What are the Needs of the person with whom you are communicating? Address No One other than the one with whom you are  communicating.  Make it Easy to take the first step. Educate them sufficiently to get them started out of the problem, and you too. Is something Working? (How your present members joined?) Keep doing it.  Why? Give them a reason Why?

+Cialdini, in the highly-recommended book ‘Influence’ lists 6 sources of influence. R-CLASS. Reciprocity, Commitment and Consistency, Liking, Authority, Social Proof, Scarcity.

The Key:  What will Cornerstone be like when this succeeds. Even more, you should be answering the question that might be in the back of the mind of each member of your target audience.  This person might be asking: If I do exactly what Cornerstone tells me, what will I get out of it, and what will Cornerstone get out of it.  Suppose someone is making You a deal.  As a wise businessmen applies the above, he asks: If everything works as you say, what will I get out of it, and what will you get out of it?

What will Cornerstone be like when this succeeds?

Love in King Jesus,

New Charlie
PS: If you can only help 5 new (members, families…) per year, you should be looking for the best 5.  In fact, that could be a headline, and ad for the ad, that gets the attention of the right 5, and in the body of the piece, you can then get Interest, Desire, and Action—what Action do you want these 5 to take?
PPS:  What do you want them to do? ‘Without the imperative, there is no future’: Bledsoe. ‘Law, Lyric, Evaluation, Fact’: Jordan

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